

单词 rivaled
释义 ri·val·ed 英'raɪvl美'raɪvl COCA⁴³⁰⁹⁹

person or sth competing with another

vt. 与…竞争,与…匹敌

seem or be as good as sb/sth; be comparable to sb/sth

the contestant you hope to defeat;

he had respect for his rivals

he wanted to know what the competition was doing

be equal to in quality or ability;

Nothing can rival cotton for durability

Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues

Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents

be the rival of, be in competition with;

we are rivaling for first place in the race

rival, match

这两个词的共同意思是“相比”。其区别在于:match着重指在力量、完美程度方面比得过、比得上; rival通常指在竞争中显示出强或优于与之相比的对象。例如:

No one could match the skill of the well-known archer.没有哪个人的技艺能比得上那位出名的射箭运动员。
Ships cannot rival aircraft for speed.在速度方面轮船无法与飞机相比。compete,contend,contest,rival


















用作名词 n.
动词+~defeat one's rival击败对手encounter a rival遇到一个对手形容词+~fallen rival被打败的竞争对手powerful rival强敌~+名词rival firm竞争公司介词+~without a rival无可匹敌的~+介词rival for对…的竞争对手a rival in love情敌用作动词 v.~+介词rival for为…竞争rival each other in popularity互比声望高低
近义词 opposecontestcontestantn. competitoropponentv. compete
用作名词n.He beat his rival.他击败他的竞争对手。
As a book of reference for students of English, this dictionary is without a rival.作为英语系学生的参考书,这部辞典是无与伦比的。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.None of us can rival him in strength.我们谁也没他劲大。
The sunset rivaled the sunrise in beauty.日落与日出的景色一样美。
用作形容词用作动词Ships can't rival aircraft for speed.轮船在速度方面无法与飞机匹敌。
The poet Homer believed that no mortal could rival Zeus.诗人荷马认为没有凡人能 与宙斯匹敌.verb.oppose;be a match for
同义词 emulate,equal,resembleamount,approach,approximate,compete,contend,contest,correspond,match,meet,near,partake,tie,touchbear comparison with,come near to,come up to,compare with,go after,go for,jockey for position,measure up to,rivalize,scramble for,seek to displace,vie with
反义词 disconnect,give up,leaveaid,assist,cooperate,help,support Back in the late 1980s, tearing into a new pack of Upper Deck baseball cards rivaled opening presents on Christmas morning. Ken Griffey Jr.
上个世纪80年代,在圣诞节清晨,人们打开装有棒球卡的礼物盒,争相撕开崭新棒球卡的表面薄纸。 yeeyan

Her stepmother, then Queen, was cruel and vain. She hated anyone whose beauty rivaled her own, and she watched her stepdaughter with angry, jealous eyes.

The progress of genetics in the20th century was rivaled in speed and reach only by the evolution of electronics and computer science.
进入20世纪以来,在速度和影响范围方面遗传学的发展只有电子学和计算机科学能与之相比。 ibm

The lead judge, Pasco Bowman, rivaled David Sentelle in his right-wing politics.
首席法官帕斯科·鲍曼的右翼政治主张堪比戴维·森特尔。 yeeyan

The pastor of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco allowed us an afternoon to record, and the pipe organ there rivaled in tone and balance the ancient instrument I had played in Cheb.
旧金山格雷斯大教堂的牧师让我们录了一个下午的音,那里的管风琴在音色上足可媲美我在恰布弹过的那架。 tingroom

The per capita income of people in the tiger economies rivaled those of Europeans.
在“四小虎”国家,其人均收入已经达到欧洲人水平。 yeeyan

Black Sun had involvement in every known type of illegal activity, and its information network rivaled the accuracy and scope of even Imperial Intelligence.
黑日涉足各种已知的犯罪活动,其情报网络的准确性和活动范围不亚于帝国情报局。 starwarschina

Covered with canvas and drawn by four to six horses, the Conestoga wagon rivaled the log cabin as the primary symbol of the pioneer.
译覆盖着帆布,由四至六匹马拉动,大篷马车足以同开拓者的主要标志——木舱相匹敌。 koolearn

Empires rose across the Americas that rivaled the greatest ones in Europe. For their time, some of these empires were highly advanced.
出现了一些纵贯美洲的帝国,可以与欧洲的最伟大的帝国相匹敌。 yeeyan

Flashes of lightning rivaled in intensity the volcano's eruption.
一道道的闪电在和火山互相媲美。 tingroom

For three centuries the quest for an expedited route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans rivaled today's space race, with European superpowers vying for the prize.
在过去三个世纪以来,各国都寻找着一条连接太平洋和大西洋的捷径,竞争非常之激烈,不亚于如今的太空竞赛,其中各个欧洲强国更是积极踊跃。 ecocn

He was greeted with an ovation that rivaled the cheer for Hall of Famer James Worthy when he brought out the ceremonial game ball before tipoff.
他所受到的欢呼甚至远超过球迷给予名人堂成员沃西。沃西手拿象征性的比赛用球为比赛跳球。 bbs.sports.163.com

If Cleopatra's tomb is ever found, the archaeological sensation would be rivaled only by Howard Carter's unearthing of the tomb of King Tut in 1922.
克里欧佩特拉的陵墓如果被发现,那对于考古界来说,其轰动效应也只有霍华德•卡特1922年发现塔特王陵墓能与之相媲美。 yeeyan

In its heyday, Ayutthaya was a bustling metropolis of international repute, whose progress, according to historians, rivaled even Europe's capitals at the time.
在它的全盛期,大城府是享有国际盛誉的喧闹大都市。根据历史学家记载,它的繁荣甚至可以和同时期的欧洲重要城市媲美。 yeeyan

In many locals in Thailand and Sri Lanka, the tsunami depth on land was less than4.5 meters, yet the devastation rivaled that in Aceh, where the water was six times deeper.

In Oklahoma, state senator Steve Russell rivaled Florida's Greer for hyperbole, calling Obama's talk“ something you'd expect to see in North Korea or in Saddam Hussein's Iraq.”
在俄克拉荷马,州议员史蒂夫·罗素斥责佛罗里达州共和党主席葛瑞尔的话有所夸大,他本人称奥巴马的讲话是“你本该在朝鲜或者萨达姆掌权时的伊拉克看到的东西”。 yeeyan

It, too, could have been early in social networking; its chat rooms could have lent themselves easily to something that might have rivaled Facebook.
本来,它可以在社交网络上捷足先登,它的聊天室也可以帮它抗衡 Facebook。 yeeyan

Its dimensions rivaled those of an Olympic swimming pool.
这一“龙洞”的大小可与奥林匹克游泳池比美。 ecocn

Moreover, the second Industrial Revolution led to several developments that have not been rivaled by the so-called third Industrial Revolution.

The Cassini images also revealed a never-before- seen large, dark oval around60 degrees north latitude that rivaled Jupiter's Great Red Spot in size.
卡西尼号拍摄的图像还在北纬60度发现了一个以前从未见过的巨大的、深色椭圆形环状体,大小与木星的大红斑相同。 yeeyan

The beauty of the country is only rivaled by the violence of its politics.
这个国家的美丽只有其政治斗争之剧烈可以与之相比拟。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn

The two students rivaled each other for the scholarship.

They quickly rivaled such established institutional investors as Salomon Brothers and the Pillsbury Company.
他们很快就赶上了大型的投资机构,比如所罗门兄弟公司和皮尔斯伯里公司。 www.irich.com.cn

This wine is close in style to their stablemates of Lafite. Duhart Milon merits its classification and could be rivaled with third- growth wines.
此酒在风格上与他们的邻居拉菲较相似杜赫美伦庄园优点突出,可媲美三级庄园酒。 tianyiwines




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