

单词 rituximab
释义 rituximab 英rɪtəksɪ'mæb美rɪtəksɪ'mæb COCA¹⁴³³⁴¹iWeb⁴¹²¹⁴
It is possible to achieve selective depletion of B lymphocytes with rituximab, an anti- CD20 monoclonal antibody.
用抗 CD20的单克隆抗体利妥昔单抗能够做到选择性的消耗 B淋巴细胞。 dxy

Of previously untreated patients receiving prolonged treatment after responding to rituximab induction, at8 years45% were still without event.
先前未经治疗、而对利妥昔单抗诱导缓解有效后接受延长治疗的患者中,8年有45%患者仍无事件发生。 medlive

Conclusion The use of rituximab treatment should be closely monitored to ensure the safety of drug use.
结论使用利妥昔单抗治疗应严密监护,保证用药安全。 studa

Conclusion: Rituximab in combined with CHOP can be successfully applied to the therapy of initially diagnosed diffuse large B cell lymphoma, with adverse reactions.
结论:利妥昔单抗联合 CHOP方案可有效用于治疗新诊断的弥漫性大 B细胞性淋巴瘤具有较高的缓解率,不良反应较少。 cnki

Conclusion Rituximab combined with chemotherapy is a highly effective and well- tolerated treatment in B cell NHL.
结论美罗华联合其它化疗药物治疗 B细胞淋巴瘤疗效好,患者耐受好。 cnki

If you are a candidate for high-dose therapy, you will receive a high-dose chemotherapy regimen with or without rituximab that is different from your initial chemotherapy.
如果你适合大剂量化疗,你将接受与初始治疗方案不同的大剂量化疗加或不加利妥昔单抗。 ccchina

More patients in the rituximab group than in the placebo group had adverse events, mostly grade1 or grade2, after the first infusion.
更多的利妥昔单抗组的患者在第一次注射后发生不良反应,大多数都是1或2级的。 dxy

Moreover, AQP4-Ab titres were found to correlate with CD19 cell counts during therapy with rituximab.
而且,我们发现,在利妥昔单抗治疗期间,水通道蛋白4抗体滴度与 CD19细胞数相关。 dxy

No long-term toxicity potentially due to rituximab was observed.
未见利妥昔单抗的长期潜在毒性。 medlive

Objective To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of combination of Rituximab and CHOP regimen in diffuse large B- cell lymphoma DLBCL.
目的研究利妥昔单抗联合 CHOP方案治疗弥漫大 B细胞型淋巴瘤的疗效和不良反应。 dictall

Objective To explore the nursing of medication before accepting 131I- Rituximab radioimmunoscinitigraphy in patients with B- cell lymphoma.
目的探讨 B细胞淋巴瘤131I-美罗华放免显像前用药的护理。 dictall

Objective To observe the effect and toxicity of rituximab and CHOP regimen R- CHOP in the treatment of initially diagnosed diffuse large B- cell lymphoma.
目的观察利妥昔单抗联合 CHOP方案 R- CHOP治疗初治弥漫大 B细胞型淋巴瘤的疗效以及毒副反应。 dictall

Objective: To observe the treatment and toxic-side effects of rituximab combined with CHOP plan on invasive B cell Non- Hodgkin's lymphoma B- NHL.
目的:观察利妥昔单抗联合 CHOP方案治疗侵袭性 B细胞性非霍奇金淋巴瘤 B- NHL的疗效与毒副反应。 cnki

Patients get rituximab through infusion into a veinIV at the oncologist's office or clinic.
患者可在肿瘤专家的办公室或门诊接受静脉注入美罗华。 blog.sina.com.cn

Results At1 year, the mean AUC for the level of C peptide was significantly higher in the rituximab group than in the placebo group.
结果:一年以后,利妥昔单抗组 C肽水平的平均曲线下面积明显高于安慰机组。 dxy

The paper provides long- term follow-up results of a trial comparing treatment of follicular lymphoma with induction rituximab to induction plus a course of maintenance rituximab.
本文报道了比较利妥昔单抗诱导与利妥昔单抗诱导联合一个疗程维持给药治疗滤泡淋巴瘤试验的随访结果。 medlive

There was no increase in infections or neutropenia with rituximab.
感染和中性粒细胞减少症都没有增加。 dxy

Toxic epidermal necrolysis has been reported for rituximab, but the relationship of toxic epidermal necrolysis to bendamustine has not been determined.
已报道有关利妥昔单抗的毒性表皮坏死,但毒性表皮坏死和苯达莫司汀的关系尚不确定。 dxy

Treatment with immunosuppressants such as rituximab, azathioprine and cyclophosphamide resulted in a marked reduction in antibody levels and relapse rates.
免疫抑制剂治疗,如利妥昔单抗,硫唑嘌呤和环磷酰胺,明显减少抗体水平和复发率。 dxy

Treatment with rituximab has led to remission rates of 80 to90% among patients with refractory ANCA-associated vasculitis and may be safer than cyclophosphamide regimens.
用利妥昔单抗治疗难治性 ANCA相关性血管炎时,其缓解率可达80%到90%,可能比环磷酰胺疗法更安全。 dxy

We examined the significance of bone marrow involvement in patients treated in the current era of therapy including rituximab.
我们的研究旨在探讨骨髓侵犯对接受利妥昔单抗联合化疗的受试者的预后影响。 ccchina

We observed an aggravation of concomitant cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma, and hypothesize that rituximab could have exacerbated it.
我们观察到的恶化伴随皮肤卡波西氏肉瘤,并推测这种美罗华可能加剧。 syyxw.com

Rituximab in combination with chemotherapy resulted in durable remission in a heavily pretreated subgroup.
利妥昔单抗联合化疗可使既往多次化疗的患者获得持续缓解。 ccchina

Rituximab, for instance, can lead to viral infections and heart problems and may be toxic to the kidneys.
以美罗华为例,就可能导致病毒感染和心脏问题,也可能有肾毒性。 yeeyan

Rituximab may be effective in controlling MCD in a subset of patients.
美罗华可有效地控制麦当劳中的一个子集的患者。 syyxw.com

Rituximab specifically recognizes and attaches to a protein called CD20 that is found on the surface of some lymphocytes.
美罗华特异的识别和附着于在一些淋巴细胞表面可以找到蛋白 CD20。 blog.sina.com.cn




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