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rit·u·al 英ˈrɪtʃuːəl美ˈrɪtʃuəlAHDrĭch“›-əl ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝6八COCA⁴⁴⁶⁵BNC⁸⁴⁴⁵iWeb⁵⁶²⁵Economist¹⁶⁷²¹ 基本双解英英搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.仪式⁹;典礼⁶;宗教仪式;固定程序¹adj.仪式的¹⁰;老规矩的¹;惯常的¹复数rituals副词ritually 习惯人宗教礼仪,仪式
n.名词 CU宗教等的仪式a religious ceremony CU例行公事,老规矩one or more ceremonies or customary acts which are often repeated in the same form adj.形容词 A 作为仪式的一部分的done as part of a rite or ritual Noun: any customary observance or practicethe prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremoniesstereotyped behavior Adjective: of or relating to or characteristic of religious rituals;ritual killing of or relating to or employed in social rites or rituals;a ritual dance of Haiti sedate little colonial tribe with its ritual tea parties 用作形容词 adj. ~+名词ritual dancing祭祀的舞蹈ritual killing杀生祭神ritual murder杀活人祭神的活人祭仪 钱博士ritu=rite,仪式,礼节,习俗-al…的形容词后缀→仪式的,例行的⇒转作名词仪式,习惯,例行公事 参考单词rite仪式,典礼,礼节。非常记忆rite仪式〖熟词〗+u桶〖编码〗-al…的阿狸〖拼音〗⇒按照仪式把桶盖在阿狸头上ritu=rite,仪式,礼节,习俗-al…的形容词后缀→仪式的,例行的⇒转作名词仪式,习惯,例行公事。联想记忆rit看作rite,典礼,仪式+ual→仪式;作为仪式一部分的GRE难词记忆ritual→ritu=rite 宗教仪式-al…的→仪式联想记忆rite典礼,仪式+ual→典礼,仪式GRE难词记忆ritual→u=you+trial n.审判→GRE红宝书rite仪式+ual→仪式 rite 仪式来自riten.仪式近义词 rite仪式habit习惯custom习惯service服务formula配方usual通常的ceremony仪式exercise运动practice练习function职务formal正式的normal正常的formality礼节sacrament圣礼procedure程序ceremonial仪式church礼拜仪式festival节日的habitual惯常的expected预期的routine例行公事customary习惯的procedural程序的ceremonious拘礼的sacramental圣礼的commemorative纪念的 用作名词n.Many of the tribe's rituals are as old as the hills.这部落的许多仪式都极其古老。 Smoking after dinner is becoming his ritual.饭后吸烟已成了他的习惯。用作形容词adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.I didn't understand the ritual dance.我看不懂仪式上的舞蹈。Pritualizevt.使仪式化Prituallyad.按照仪式地Pritualistica.仪式的遵守仪式的Pritualistn.精通仪式的人研究仪式的人
名词83%,形容词17% 用作名词Don't be overly solemn or feel that you are taking part in some specialritual;不要太严肃,或觉得自己正在进行某种仪式; She objects to theritualof organized religion.她反对规范的宗教仪规。 A strangeritualwas enacted before our eyes.在我们眼前展现出一种奇特的仪式. He performed his ablution before theritual.他在典礼前沐 She objects to theritualof organized religion.她反对规范的宗教仪规。 Aritualcan be created for just about any task.几乎任何工作都可以创造一套规律。用作形容词So nightly baths have become a part of theirritualeven to this day.所以晚间沐浴成为他们结束一天仪式的一部分。 He was still twisting and gyrating with theritualwhen a servant peered in.一个仆人窥视进来时,他仍在仪式的辗转中。noun.ceremony, tradition 同义词 act,custom,formality,habit,liturgy,observance,practice,procedure,rite,routine,stereotypeSacrament,ceremonial,communion,convention,form,ordinance,prescription,protocol,service,solemnity,usagered tape 反义词 difference,neglect,disagreement,discord baptismnoun church rite;initiation ablution,baptismal,christening,debut,dedicationdunkingimmersion,introduction,launching,lustration,purgation,purge,purification,rite of passage,sanctification,sprinkling behaviornoun manner of conducting oneself act,action,address,air,attitude,bag,bearing,carriage,code,comportment,conduct,convention,course,dealings,decency,decorum,deed,delivery,demeanor,deportment,ethics,etiquette,expression,form,front,guise,habits,management,mien,mode,morals,nature,observance,performance,practice,presence,propriety,ritual,role,routine,savoir-faire,seemliness,social graces,speech,style,tact,talk,taste,tenue,tone,way,way of life,ways,what's done behaviorsnoun manner of conducting oneself actions,acts,addresses,airs,attitudes,bags,bearings,carriages,codes,comportment,conduct,conventions,courses,dealings,decency,decorum,deeds,deliveries,demeanor,deportment,ethics,etiquette,expressions,forms,fronts,guises,habits,managements,miens,modes,morals,natures,observances,performances,practices,presences,proprieties,rituals,roles,routines,savoir-faires,seemliness,social graces,speeches,styles,tact,talks,tastes,tenues,tones,way of lifes,ways,ways,what's dones conventionaladjective common, normal accepted,accustomed,commonplace,correct,current,customary,decorous,everyday,expected,fashionable,formal,general,habitual,in established usage,ordinary,orthodox,plain,popular,predominant,prevailing,prevalent,proper,regular,ritual,routine,square,standard,stereotyped,straight,traditional,tralatitious,typical,usual,well-known,wonted cultnoun worship;form of ceremony admiration,ceremony,craze,creed,cultus,devotion,faddism,faith,idolization,liturgy,persuasion,religion,reverence,rite,ritual,veneration exorcismnoun expelling evil spirits casting out,ceremony,ejection,expulsion,purification,ritual It has been not about ritual, doctrine, or abstract theology, important though these can be. It has been about human feeling, compassion and mercy. 儒家学说关注的不是仪式、教义或抽象的理论——尽管这些都很重要,它关注的是人的情感、关怀与宽恕。 yeeyan It's not their spirituality, belief in heaven, or even the ritual act of praying or going to a house of worship that leads the pious to happiness. 不是信教者的精神,不是其对天堂的信仰,甚至不是其祷告仪式或是去教堂做礼拜这一行为使得宗教虔诚者更幸福。 yeeyan It's a weekly ritual for a lot of women that allows them to express their love of color. 对于许多女性来说,允许她们表达对颜色的热爱是每周所必须进行的仪式。 yeeyan The striking similarities between the cave finds and historical examples of drinking cups made out of skulls further support a ritual role for the Ice Age receptacles, Bello says. 贝洛称,在洞穴中的发现与历史上用头盖骨作杯子的例子有着惊人的相似,进一步支持了这种冰河时代容器的仪式型用途。 yeeyan Also, moral impurity is not removed or reducible through rituals, through washings and launderings, ritual ablutions and the like. 此外,道德不洁不能通过仪式来去除或减少,类似于洗、烫、沐浴仪式等等都不行。163 But this time enthnographers have returned from the field with footage of a truly savage native ritual: teachers at an elementary school in the Midwest dishing about their principal behind her back. 但这次民俗学家们已经从这个区域回归并带回来一段真实的当地野蛮人仪式的片段:中西部一所小学的的老师们在校长背后对她的评价。 yeeyan Families, where possible, are receiving the grim comfort of a body to grieve over; a ritual to mark the passing of a loved one; a point from which to try to rebuild what remains of their lives. 可能的话,家庭成员得到最严酷的宽慰——认领死者予以哀悼,这是一个铭记逝去亲人的仪式,一个重建他们生活的起点。 在缅甸,光顾飓风遇难者尸体的只有鸟群。 yeeyan He agrees that a ritual of some kind would explain the presence of unfinished artifacts at the site but maintains that the disaster theory remains the best explanation. 他承认一个某种类型的仪式能够解释为什么未完工的人工物品出现在发现地点,但坚持“灾祸说”仍是最好的解释。 yeeyan I like to read before bed a book, not websites as a ritual that helps me sleep. 我喜欢睡前阅读是书而不是网站,这像个惯例,能助我入眠。 yeeyan In China, a bride and groom offer ginseng tea to their parents as part of a ritual. 在中国,仪式的一个重要环节就是新郎新娘为自己父母献上人参茶。 yeeyan Indian law does not recognize weddings between people and animals, but the ritual survives in rural and tribal areas of the country. 印度法律并不承认这种人与动物之间的婚姻,但在印度农村和部落中这种仪式依然存在。 yeeyan Neither does she plan to start the same ritual with her children. 而且,她也不计划带着自己的孩子参加这种仪式。 yeeyan Pilgrims perform a series of rituals including walking around the Kaaba, standing vigil on Mount Arafat and a ritual Stoning of the Devil. 朝圣者要完成一系列仪式,其中包括绕天房行走、在阿拉法特山上站立守夜和用石头砸死魔鬼的仪式。 yeeyan Red Guards swarmed there for ritual denunciations of Liu and his ilk. 红卫兵蜂拥而至,在此举行仪式批判刘和刘的亲属。 yeeyan The author talks about how in his day it is a New Year's ritual to welcome all manner of friends, neighbors and even strangers into one's home. 该书的作者谈到,在他所处的时代,作为一种欢度新年的仪式,人们将各种各样的人,包括朋友,邻居,甚至是陌生人请到家中做客。 foodmate The third source of ritual impurity would be genital discharges, both normal and diseased. 第三个仪式上不洁的来源是生殖器排放,包括正常的和有疾病的。163 There they are engaged in an entirely different ritual. 在那里他们执行一套完全不同的仪式。 fortunechina There's no intimate connection with sin when we're talking about ritual impurity. 我们在讨论仪式不洁的时候,和罪孽其实没有很紧密的联系。163 This is some of the earliest evidence that we have for this type of ritual, and again shows that Ceibal was a very important place during the Preclassic. 这是我们拥有的关于这种类型的仪式的最早的证据中的一些,同时也显示了赛巴尔在前经典时期的重要地位。 yeeyan Try getting into the habit of starting your day with a relaxing ritual. 试着养成这样一个习惯:以一个放松的仪式来开始新的一天。 yeeyan Washing up or changing clothing before a meal has been a ritual in cultures around the world for centuries, as is saying a prayer or blessing. 在全世界多个世纪以来,进餐前洗手洗脸或者换衣服已经是已经是一种文化仪式了,也被说是一种祈祷或祝福。 yeeyan With no elaborate courtship ritual, males in a frenzied pursuit of sexual congress often blunder into and puncture the bodies of other males, occasionally inflicting fatal wounds. 由于没有求偶仪式,雄性臭虫竞相追逐性对象,往往会因失误而穿刺到其他雄性的身体,甚至偶尔会造成致命伤。 yeeyan Ritual, superstition, religion— whether we’re aware of it or not, all these factors contribute to what we think about when we buy. 仪式、迷信、宗教——无论我们对此是否有意识,所有这些因素都会影响我们在购买时的想法。 yeeyan |