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词汇 risking
释义 risk·ing 英rɪsk美rɪsk COCA¹⁵⁹⁶⁵BNC¹⁶³⁷⁰Economist¹²⁷²⁵

instance of thepossibility of meeting danger or suffering harm, loss, etc.


person or sth insured or representing a source of risk

vt. 使冒险,冒…险

put in danger; take the chance of losing

a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune;

drinking alcohol is a health hazard

a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury;

he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime

there was a danger he would do the wrong thing

the probability of becoming infected given that exposure to an infectious agent has occurredthe probability of being exposed to an infectious agent
expose to a chance of loss or damage;

We risked losing a lot of money in this venture

Why risk your life?

She laid her job on the line when she told the boss that he was wrong

take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome;

When you buy these stocks you are gambling

risk, danger, hazard, peril

这组词都有“危险”的意思。danger是普通用语,含义很广,泛指任何可能发生的伤害或不良后果,适用于一切危险,如受害的遭遇、受害、受伤或丧命的可能性等; risk也属常用词,与danger相比,一般指难以预料的危险,常作“风险”解; hazard是正式用语,也指难以预料又无法控制的危险,但远不如danger和risk使用广泛; peril也属正式用语,常指严重而紧急的危险,多见于文学作品中。例如:

High flood waters put the town in danger.汹涌的河水使这个城市岌岌可危。
In war a soldier's life is full of danger.在战争中,士兵的生命是充满危险的。
He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.他冒着生命的危险拯救了我。
You have to take a lot of risks in my job.你不得不为我的工作担许多风险。
I will try it at all hazards.我要不顾一切地试试。
There would have been no triumph in success, had there been no hazard of failure.要是没有失败的危险就不会有凯旋的欢乐。
The city is in peril!该城危在旦夕!
The ship was in imminent peril of being wrecked.那只船有立即撞沉的危险。
risk, chance, endanger, hazard, imperil, venture


venture强调冒险的勇气和获得成功的可能,而不太侧重结果; chance不顾及行动或过程中的冒险成分,而寄希望于幸运; endanger强调面临危险,但本身不侧重冒险; imperil也强调面临危险,但更侧重不可肯定和危险的紧迫性; hazard侧重有失掉的危险,强调不确定,获得好结果的希望不大; risk更强调面对真正的危险。
















用作名词 n.
动词+~assume the risk of承担…的风险run a risk冒危险形容词+~low risk小风险appalling risk可怕的危险用作动词 v.~+名词risk one's anger不顾触怒某人risk $50下了50美元赌注risk one's health拿健康冒险risk one's life冒着生命危险risk one's money赌钱risk a single soldier使一个战士遭受危险~+副词risk considerably相当冒险risk needlessly没必要冒险risk rashly轻率地冒险
用作名词 one's own risk

自担风险agreeing to make no claims for any loss, injury, etc.

at risk

有危险threatened by the possibility of loss, failure, etc.; in danger

at risk to

冒失去…的危险with the possibility of losing or injuring sb/sth

at the risk of

冒可能…的危险with the possibility of (doing sth)

run the risk of

冒自身危险做某事do sth that exposes one to a danger, possibility, etc.

take risks

冒险做可能失败的事do sth that involves the possibility of failure etc.

用作动词v.risk it

冒险试试 place in danger to take the chance of

近义词 perilchancedangern. accident反义词 safety安全
用作名词n.You are taking a big risk driving so fast.你开车这样快是在冒很大危险。
He knew this secret represent a security risk.他知道这个秘密会对安全造成危险。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He is not willing to risk a single soldier.他不愿使任何一个战士遭受危险。
Don't risk your health.不要拿你的健康冒险。
Her husband was risking his life, so she was absolutely convinced.她的丈夫冒着生命危险,因此她绝对信服。
The brave soldier risked his life to save the child.这个勇敢的战士冒着生命危险去救那个孩子。
This man would rather risk anything than lose the ring.这个人宁愿冒任何危险,也不愿丢失这个戒指。
He risked $50 on the horse race and lost it all.他下了50美元的赛马赌注,全输光了。
Don't risk your money at cards.不要玩牌赌钱。S+~+ v -ingDon't risk being late.不要冒迟到的危险。
They were willing to risk losing their jobs.他们甘愿冒丢失工作的危险。
They were unwilling to risk bombing their own troops.他们不愿冒炸伤自己队伍的风险。
If you have an expensive rug, don't risk washing it yourself.如果你有一张很贵的厚毛毯,别冒险洗它。
He risked losing everything this time to regain what he had lost in the gambling.为了赢回在赌博中失去的东西,他孤注一掷。
The boatman was willing to risk ferrying them across.船夫愿冒险渡他们过江。




用作名词He saved my life at theriskof his own.他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。
Investors in Central Asia have to face politicalrisk.在中亚,投资者还得面临政治风险。
Loans to farmers are now considered to be a badrisk.贷款给农民现在被认为要承受糟糕的投资报酬风险。用作及物动词If you don't warm up before taking exercise, youriskinjuring yourself.假如运动前不做准备活动,你就有受伤的危险。
The investor is not willing toriskthe money in any investment.投资者不愿承受将这笔钱用于投资的风险。verb.take a chance
同义词 compromise,defy,endanger,imperil,jeopardizeadventure,beard,brave,chance,confront,dare,encounter,face,gamble,hazard,jeopardy,meet,menace,peril,plunge,speculate,tackle,venture,wagerbe caught short,defy danger,expose to danger,go out of one's depth,hang by a thread,leap before looking,leave to luck,play with fire,put in jeopardy,run the chance,run the risk,skate on thin ice,take a flyer,take a header,take a plunge,take on,take the liberty
反义词 guard,protect,save,avoid,be careful,design,dodge,hide,neglect,plan,retreat,run away,be certain Human- rights lawyers also worry that, in America, an innocent can face a choice between admitting guilt in a plea-bargain or risking many years in jail.
人权法律人士也担心,在美国一个犯罪可疑人员有可能在多次的上诉过程中承认有罪或冒多年入狱的风险。 ecocn

And there were a number who dared to speak up risking dismissal, harassment, or imprisonment.
也有部分人敢于冒着撤职、骚扰、监禁的风险,站出来说实话。 yeeyan

And he believes in risking dramatic action in a crisis.
他也坚信危机中极具风险的民主行动。 yeeyan

Distortions like this are only possible, or plausible, or worth risking, in an environment where the reader is actively deprived of information.
在读者被主动地剥夺了信息的情况下,像这样的歪曲仅是可能的,或貌似真实的,也或许是值得冒险的。 yeeyan

I remember having homicidal feelings for one writer whose book made me feel like I was risking serious birth defects with every sip of coffee and stray French fry that passed my lips.
我记得曾有种杀人的感觉,因为当我抿几口咖啡或者偶然吃几片炸土豆片时,一个作者的著作让我感觉我是在冒着生出先天畸形婴儿的风险而这样做的。 yeeyan

If we don’t act, a rising tide of borrowing will damage our economy, costing us jobs and risking our future prosperity by sticking our children with the bill.
如果我们不行动,持续的借贷将严重侵害我们的经济,消耗我们的就业,将我们的未来置于风险中,让我们的儿童被钉在债务之中。 yeeyan

In particular, why are humans so willing to collaborate with unrelated strangers, even to the point of risking being cheated by people whose characters they cannot possibly know?
尤其值得研究的是,为什么人类会如此乐意与毫不相关、人品完全不了解的陌生人合作,甚至是冒着被欺骗的风险? ecocn

Instead of risking a killer shot on every point, why not keep the ball in play and give the other guy a chance to lose?
像终结者一样将球打在各个死角增加风险,为什么不保持打球的延续性,以给对手失败的机会? yeeyan

It sends a message that new ideas are not welcome and that anyone who volunteers them is risking criticism or ridicule.
发出一种新想法不受欢迎的讯号,热衷于创新的志愿者们将冒批评和嘲讽的风险。 yeeyan

It has precious few other sources of revenue; and risking yet further sanctions probably seems a gamble worth taking.
它几乎没有什么其他的收入来源;而且可能面临进一步国际制裁的风险似乎很值得去赌一把。 ecocn

Obama praised the tactics, which critics had derided as“ leading from behind,” saying that the United States was able to achieve its objectives without risking ground troops and spending billions.
奥巴马称赞了这次的战术,这被批评人士嘲笑是“后方领导”,说美国能够不冒地面部队和花费上亿金钱的危险就能实现目标。 yeeyan

Or why not find out whether there is a bigger demand for your product in the South East of England, Wales or Scotland instead of risking money by launching it on a whim?
或者为什么不去看看英格兰东南部、威尔士或者苏格兰等地区是否存在对你的产品的需求,而是仅凭一时心血来潮就拿你的资金去冒险呢? yeeyan

Playing and risking your life are different things.
玩游戏和生命的冒险是不一样的。 yeeyan

Somalia's chaos is just across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen, which is why thousands of Somalis have fled in recent years to seek sanctuary in Yemen, risking piracy and shipwreck in the process.
也门与处于骚乱中的索马里仅隔一道浅浅的亚丁湾,这就是为什么近年成千上万的索马里难民会甘冒被海盗劫杀和遭遇海难之险逃往也门避难。 yeeyan

Taking that pill would allow osteoporosis sufferers to get the bone-building benefits of exercise without risking fractures or falls.
骨质疏松患者服用这种药物强健骨骼的效果和锻炼类似,但没有摔倒或骨折的风险。 yeeyan

That would mean cutting the existing riser, but now that the siphon inserted into it is bringing oil up to the barges it means risking a serious setback.
这就意味着要剪断已经存在的立管,但现在插在那儿的虹吸管正把油吸入驳船内。这样做就要冒一个严重挫败的险。 ecocn

They seemed more concerned with their immediate personal freedoms than in risking anything for political change.
他们似乎更关注本身的当前自由,而不大愿意为政治变化冒任何风险。 yeeyan

We cannot employ exceptional fiscal and monetary measures forever, thereby risking destruction of our government’s creditworthiness and our currency’s value.
俺们老用非常规财政金融手段也不是个长法。 那会冒着破坏俺们政府信用货币价值的风险。 yeeyan

We know, and our vaccination teams know, that every time we hold an immunization campaign in these areas we are risking lives.
我们知道,我们的计划免疫工作队知道,每次在这种地方组织计划免疫活动,我们都会冒着生命危险。 who

Risking severe punishment, Messrs. McCain and Day collected pieces of bamboo in the prison courtyard to use as a splint.
冒着可能被严惩的风险,麦凯恩和黛在监狱的院子里收集了一些竹子,用来做夹板。 ecocn




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