释义 |
Risk Estimate 基本例句 风险评估 Do you think that our water is of sufficiently poor quality that a rea-sonablerisk estimateis 1 out of 5 ?你热为我们的水质底到其中的1/5具有合理的危险性吗? In this paper a filtering method for EECG signal is proposed which is based on wavelet transform and Stein s unbiasedrisk estimate.介绍了一种基于小波变换并结合似然无偏估计来消除运动心电信号中基线漂移和肌电噪声的新方法,且提出了评价心电消噪算法有效性的两个指标。 All of these uncertainties inherent in risk assessment combine to produce a very wide range of risk estimates in most cases.风险评估中所固有的这些不确定性问题在大多数案例中导致了差异巨大的风险估价。 This course enunciates that the risk estimation model can estimate correlative financial risk reasonably.And it can also provide foundation for formulating the health care plan accurately.应用过程表明,风险评估模型能够合理地估算出相关财务风险的大小,为制订正确的医疗保险策略提供必要依据。 |