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rising up短语³⁶¹⁹⁸ 基本例句 🌏崛起;拔地而起;扬扬上升 A lot of skyscrapers in Manhattan are rising up to the skies. 曼哈顿有许多摩天大楼耸入云霄。 iciba The cigar smokes were rising up, the cognac got everyone high. 雪茄的烟雾缭绕,干邑是每个人飘飘然。 ebigear The many voices rising up under the green dome. 在绿色圆顶陵墓之下传来许多声音。 douban The people are rising up in protest against a state which suppresses its own citizens, incites people to spy on each other and keeps them under constant surveillance. 人们对镇压公民的国家的反抗正在渐渐升温,对一个教唆人民互相监视彼此的国家进行反抗。 fanhall.com “ I saw the dust rising up, ” she recalled days later, standing outside a shelter in the shattered coastal city of Rikuzentakata. “我看到尘土飞了起来,”她站在被地震摧毁的海滨城市陆前高田市岩手县的重灾区的避难所外面,回忆地震之后那几天的场景。 yeeyan Certain phrases or peals of laughter would break away from the rest, rising up, and hearing one of these I would sometimes get up from my desk to watch the children below. 一两个词汇或一连串的笑声不时爆发出来,这时我总是从桌前起身,看着下面的孩子们。 yeeyan Enjoy what you have and realise that you have much more to gain through rising up into the higher dimensions. 享受于你所拥有的,并且明白你有更多的可以去赢得,当你提升到更高的维度之后。 blog.sina.com.cn Even if Beijing has so far benefited enormously from rising up within the existing order, it might not be so friendly to it once it's risen far enough. 即便崛起的中国业已从当前的秩序中获得了大量利益,一旦其崛起超越一定阶段,也不一定会对此秩序抱有太多善意。 yeeyan He was doing very well, rising up in the company. 他在公司表现很好,一路平坦。163 Humanity may have been to blame for the apes rising up and the disaster that turned the Statue of Liberty into beach- front property. 仁慈可能会被埋怨为人猿崛起的罪魁,甚至将自由与女神像变成沙滩上道具灾难的元凶。 yeeyan If I did not foresee Tunisians rising up against Ben Ali, I knew he was finished the minute he appeared on television on Jan. 10 promising to create300, 000 jobs. 如果说早前我没有预见到突尼斯民众会奋起反抗本.阿里的统治的话,但当他1月出现在电视上,承诺要创造300,000个工作岗位的那一刻,我知道,他的统治要完蛋了。 yeeyan My head was rising up, and my body was following it. 我抬起头,身体也随之立起。 ebigear New roads are needed, but with climate change rising up the agenda there will be no shortage of arguments against them. 修建新路固然必要,不过随着气候变化问题的逐步升温,反对的声音也会不绝于耳。 ecocn Perhaps he sees a Ronaldinho rising up out of the African soil. 也许他看到了罗纳尔迪尼奥崛起的非洲土地。 blog.sina.com.cn Sunni tribes were already rising up against al- Qaeda's murderous followers before the surge, and the Shia militia led by the hardline cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, declared a ceasefire. 在增兵行动之前,逊尼派部族已经开始反抗基地组织的嗜杀随从,而由强硬派教士穆克塔尔•萨德尔领导的什叶派民兵组织也宣布了停火。 ecocn We first saw smoke rising up in the valley, then the rocks and mud gushing out. 我们起先看见山里起了烟,然后泥沙就挟着石块儿一下子涌出来了。 yeeyan Your fears are therefore being answered, and you can concentrate on the happy future that is rising up before you. 你们的恐惧也因此将得到答案,你们可以全神贯注在幸福的未来,而它正在你们面前升起。 blog.sina.com.cn |