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词汇 rises above
释义 rises above短语⁴¹³⁷³
A phalanx of half- finished office and apartment towers flanked by yellow cranes rises above the brown waters of the Jinjiang River.
密密麻麻的在建办公及公寓高楼耸立在黄色起重机的夹持下,下面是锦江河褐色的水面。 yeeyan

He further notes that an island can become uninhabitable before the sea level rises above it, because even moderate storms can swamp any agricultural land and render freshwater supplies undrinkable.
杰拉德进一步指出,一个岛屿在海平面淹没它之前也可能变得不宜居住,因为甚至一场中等的飓风都能横扫一切农田,使得淡水水源不能饮用。 yeeyan

Paul Robertson: With all diabetes, the diagnosis is made because blood glucose, or blood sugar levels, rises above normal.
保罗·罗伯逊:对所有糖尿病病例来说,我们都以血液中的葡萄糖水平——即所谓的血糖——高于标准作为确诊依据。 cri

The delicate luminous glow of Zodiacal Light, sunlight scattered by dust along the ecliptic, also rises above the horizon from the lower left.
黄道光微微发亮,阳光被黄道上的尘埃散射形成,也从左下角的地平线向上伸展。 yeeyan

The Leonids are so named because they seem to radiate from the constellation Leo, the lion, which rises above the northeastern horizon between1 a.m. and3 a. m., depending on your location.
狮子座流星群的得名是由于它们流星辐射点位于狮子座。根据你所处的地理位置,狮子座一般会在凌晨1点到3点左右出现在地平线上的东北方向。 yeeyan

Antwerp's is the Schedlt— rises above church spires and huge cranes.
安特卫普的标志是斯梅尔德河,高悬出教堂尖顶和大型起重机之上。 ecocn

Creativity is always an overcoming it seems to me we can find this logic in Nietzsche's idea of power as a matter of overcoming. Power is a growth that rises above something it leaves behind as bad.

Google China's share of the internet search market rises above30% for the first time in the first quarter of2009, but is still second to Baidu, which retains around 60% of the home market.
2009年第一季度,谷歌中国在中国互联网搜索市场上的份额首次超过30%,但仍然居于百度之后。 百度保留了其本土市场的60%份额。 yeeyan

However, in countries such as Cambodiathe British high street is heavily reliant on Cambodian production, the efficiency of factories rarely rises above30%.
然而,在柬埔寨这样的国家英国名品街严重依赖柬埔寨制造品,工厂效率很少会超过30%。 yeeyan

I know that for many Americans watching right now, the state of our economy is a concern that rises above all others. And rightly so.
我知道,对很多此刻正在倾听的美国人来说,美国的经济状况是他们最大的忧虑,确实如此。 yeeyan

If server temperature rises above specified levels, the server operating system can direct the BMC to increase fan speed or reduce processor speed to address the problem.
如果服务器温度超过规定值,服务器的操作系统就能指示 BMC提高风扇速度或降低处理器的速度,以应对此问题。 ebigear

It is an image worthy of a science fiction film: a rainbow, photographed in the middle of the night, glimmers in the foreground while behind it a brilliant star rises above the horizon.
这是一幅如科幻电影中出现的景象:一道彩虹在前面流光溢彩,而背后是一颗明亮的星星升起在地平线上。 yeeyan

Thick smoke rises above the burning Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico on April21, 2010.
图5:2010年4月21日,燃烧中的“深水地平线”冒出的滚滚浓烟直冲云霄。 yeeyan

Unless oil, improbably, rises above$100 per barrel again, economic growth will slow to a crawl.
除非油价能涨到100美元一桶这不大可能,经济增长则将减缓到非常速度。 ecocn




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