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词汇 rises
释义 rise·s 英raɪz美raɪz COCA⁷⁰³³BNC¹⁰¹⁷⁸Economist¹⁷²⁴

upward movement


an increase in quantity, price, demand, etc.


the act of growing more powerful, more active, or more widespread; development


an upward slope

vi. 升高; 上升; 上涨

move from a lower to a higher level or position; go up; come up; appear above the horizon

vi. 站起来; 起床

stand up from a lying, kneeling, or sitting position; get up

vi. 起义; 反抗

begin to be active in opposition; rebel

a growth in strength or number or importancethe act of changing location in an upward directionan upward slope or grade as in a road;

the car couldn't make it up the rise

a movement upward;

they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon

the amount a salary is increased;

he got a 3% raise

he got a wage hike

the property possessed by a slope or surface that risesa wave that lifts the surface of the water or groundtheology the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost;

the emanation of the Holy Spirit

the rising of the Holy Ghost

the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son

an increase in cost;

they asked for a 10% rise in rates

increase in price or value;

the news caused a general advance on the stock market

move upward;

The fog lifted

The smoke arose from the forest fire

The mist uprose from the meadows

increase in value or to a higher point;

prices climbed steeply

the value of our house rose sharply last year

rise to one's feet;

The audience got up and applauded

rise up;

The building rose before them

come to the surfacecome into existence; take on form or shape;

A new religious movement originated in that country

a love that sprang up from friendship

the idea for the book grew out of a short story

An interesting phenomenon uprose

move to a better position in life or to a better job;go up or advance;

Sales were climbing after prices were lowered

become more extreme;

The tension heightened

get up and out of bed;

I get up at 7 A.M. every day

They rose early

He uprose at night

rise in rank or status;

Her new novel jumped high on the bestseller list

become heartened or elated;

Her spirits rose when she heard the good news

exert oneself to meet a challenge;

rise to a challenge

rise to the occasion

take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegianceincrease in volume;

the dough rose slowly in the warm room

come up, of celestial bodies;

The sun also rises

The sun uprising sees the dusk night fled…

Jupiter ascends

return from the dead;

Christ is risen!

The dead are to uprise


❌ The sun rises from the east.

✔️ The sun rises in the east.


rise, arise




New problems seem to arise every day.似乎每天都有新问题。rise, raise


1.raise是及物动词,其主语通常是人; 而rise是不及物动词,其主语通常是物。例如:

I feel I must raise my voice against suggested changes in the law.我认为我必须对该法律所提出的修改条款提出反对。
The sun rises and bathes the earth.太阳升起,普照大地。


The price of TV sets has been raised re- cently.最近电视机提价了。


The price of TV sets has risen recently.最近电视机提价了。


rise, rocket

这组词均可表示“上升”。其区别在于:rocket多指运行速度在外力作用下高速上升; 而rise多指自然地上升,速度也不像rocket那样快。







用作名词 n.
动词+~anticipate rise期待上涨ask for a rise in pay要求加薪check rise核查起因demand a rise要求加工资deserve a rise得到增长forestall rise使增长优先get a rise得到增长heighten rise提高地位mount rise增高predict rise预言上涨produce rise引起上涨形容词+~big rise大的增长constant rise不断增长general rise普遍增长marked rise显著增长sharp rise急剧上涨substantial rise巨大增长sudden rise突然上涨vertical rise垂直上升介词+~for a rise要求增加on the rise增长~+介词a rise in income收入增长a rise in life飞黄腾达a rise in social position社会地位的提高a rise in the average temperature平均温度的升高a rise in the cost of living生活费用上涨a rise in the ocean bottom洋底一处隆起的地方a rise in the price of meat肉类价格的上涨a 25% rise in the price of oil油价上涨25%a rise in the value of the dollar美元的升值the rise of a country一国的兴旺the rise of sun日出the rise of the new talent新秀的出现the rise of voice嗓音的升高the rise to power上台,得势用作动词 v.~+副词rise early早起rise fast迅速上涨rise appreciably明显提高rise continually不断提高rise dimly隐隐地浮现rise dizzily令人晕眩地上升rise fabulously暴涨rise gradually渐渐上张rise hungrily渴望提高rise immensely大大提高rise naturally自然说出rise outrageously暴涨rise rapidly迅速提高rise slowly缓缓升起rise steeply很陡~+介词rise above the ordinary level超出一般水平rise against起来反抗…rise from由…复活,从…上升rise from a chair从椅子上站起身来rise from the dead死而复生rise in arms武装起义rise in the mind涌上心头rise over 3000 meters above sea level海拔三千多米rise to应付…,上升到…rise to one's feet站起来rise with随着…增长
用作名词n.get〔take〕 a rise out of

戏弄某人使之厌烦或愤怒 cause sb to show annoyance or make an angry response by teasing, etc.

give rise to

引起,导致 cause sth

rise above v.+prep.

沾沾自喜 think one is better than one really is

rise above sthThe sun rises above the horizon.太阳升起在地平线上。
That building rises above the other skyscrapers.那座大楼高出其他的摩天大楼。rise above sth/v-ingThe Board rose above many problems and succeeded in setting up a new factory.董事会克服了许多困难,并成功地建立了一个新工厂。
I thought you had risen above lying to your mother.我以为你克服了对你母亲说谎的毛病。rise above oneselfThe trouble with Wilma is that you pay her a few compliments and she immediately rises above herself.威尔玛的缺点是,你只要稍许赞扬她几句,她就会沾沾自喜。
rise against v.+prep.

起来反抗 rebel against rule or rulers

rise against sb/sthDriven beyond bearing, the peasants rose against the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty.在忍无可忍的情况下,农民们起来反抗元朝统治者。
When did they rise against oppression?他们什么时候起来反抗压迫的?
rise from v.+prep.

起源于,起因于… have as a starting point

rise from sthAll the guests rose from the table to drink the health of the happy pair.满堂宾客纷纷从桌旁站起,举杯祝贺这对幸福的人儿身体健康。
Many famous cities rose from the ashes of war.许多著名城市在战争的废墟上又重建起来了。
Bubbles are rising from the bottom of the boiling water.水泡从沸水的底部升到水面。rise from sb/sthThe river rises from a spring.这条河发源于一处泉水。
Trouble often rises from misunderstanding.麻烦往往是由误解引起的。
rise to v.+prep.

上升到 move; float upwards towards sth

rise to sthYou can test eggs by putting them in water, a good egg will sink but a bad egg will rise to the surface.你可以把鸡蛋放入水中来检验它们的好坏,好蛋会下沉,而坏蛋会浮到水面上来。
This young man should do well, and may even rise to great fame.这个年轻人一定会做得很出色,甚至还可能名扬四海。
After many years of faithful service, the politician deserved to rise to the leadership of his party.经过多年勤勤恳恳地工作,这位政治家有资格升任为党的领袖。
rise up v.+adv.

起来造反; 起义 refuse to obey those in power

近义词 soarclimbmountthriveprosperadditionflourishprogressn. ascentenlargementincreasev. ascend反义词 set放置fall落下descend下降sit down坐下lie down躺下
用作名词n.We watched the rise of the plane.我们注视飞机升上去。
The cosmonauts photographed the rise of the sun in space.宇航员们拍摄了太空中日出的照片。
There was a steep rise in prices.价格暴涨。
This fall of prices is consequent on the rise in production.这次价格下降是生产提高的结果。
High unemployment is not necessarily linked with the rise in prices.失业率高与物价上涨不一定有联系。
The country has to face the rise in prices consequent on the failure of the crops.这个国家不得不面对由于庄稼歉收而引起的物价上涨。
There's been a sharp rise in the cost of living.生活费用已急剧上涨。
A stable currency contributes to the steady rise of living standards.稳定的货币有利于生活水平的稳步提高。
The rise in electricity costs has added to our difficulties.电价上涨增加了我们的困难。
One of the things causes a considerable rise in his blood pressure.这些东西当中有一种引起他的血压大幅上升。
The rise in lung cancer was a consequence of cigarette smoking.肺癌的增加是吸烟的结果。
They argued that only a negligible rise in atmosphere radioactivity resulted from the test.他们辩解说,由这次试验所造成的大气层放射活动的增加是微不足道的。
The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc.目的在于制止瑞士法郎汇率上涨。
This rise and fall of the temperature is caused by the wind.气温升降是因风所致。
There had been a sharp rise in the patient's temperature during the night.夜间病人的体温曾急剧上升。
The rise in her temperature is giving cause for concern.她的体温增高引起大家的关切。
I've just heard from Mike that we'll have a wage rise.我刚听迈克说,我们将涨工资。
If I don't get a pay raise,I'll quit.若不给我加薪,我就不干了。
He went to see the boss with the intention of asking for a pay raise.他带着要求增加工资的意图去见老板。
We all got a £6-a-week rise last month.上个月我们所有人的周薪都增加了6英镑。
His rise to power was very rapid.他很快掌握了大权。
The rise of computer technology has transformed industry.计算机技术的兴起已经使工业为之改观。
There's a slight rise in the road just before our house.这条公路正好在我们的房子前面有个向上的缓坡。
We sat at the top of a small rise.我们坐在小丘的顶上。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe sun rises and bathes the earth.太阳升起,普照大地。
The river is rising after the rain.河水在雨后涨了起来。
Many new factories have risen in the west part of the city.该市的西部建起了许多新工厂。
She rises early in the morning.她早晨起得早。
The wounded man fell and was too weak to rise.伤员跌倒了,由于身体太虚弱而无法爬起来。
He rose himself completely, obliging me to rise, too, or I could not have supported him.他完全站了起来,迫使我也站了起来,否则我就不能扶住他。
She rose to greet her guests.她起身迎接客人。
Purchasing power has risen.购买力增长了。
The rate of child birth is rising.儿童出生率在增长。
Prices have risen recently but they may fall again.价格近来上涨,但还会降下来。
The ground rises steadily.地势步步加高。
The hills rise in the distance.远处的群山映入眼帘。
Towering snowcapped peaks rise majestically.白雪皑皑的山峰耸入云霄。
The news made our spirits rise once again .这消息使我们的精神再次振奋起来。
Her voice rose higher and higher with excitement.她的嗓门因激动而越提越高。
Where does the Nile rise?尼罗河发源于何处?
The House rose at seven in the evening.议会晚上7时散去。
The law court has risen.法庭已休庭。
We will now rise for dinner.我们现在散会去吃饭。
S+~+ adj.The sun rises red.太阳升起红艳艳。

rise的基本意思是指空间位置的上升运动,引申可指数量、价格、需求、生活、费用、体温等的“增加,增长”,是可数名词; 也可指某事物的“兴起,发展”,是不可数名词; 还可指工资的“增加”,是可数名词。



rise的基本意思是“从较低位置向上移动”,可引申为“晋升”“潮水上涨”。也可指人的站立、起立、起身、起床等; 日月星辰的出现; 土地、山、建筑的渐高; 价格、温度等的上升; 升降器、风筝、烟雾、鸟儿等飞起; 鱼类游上水; 气泡冒上水面; 风力增强; 情绪、精神振奋; 感情的激起; 想法、想象浮现在脑海中等。

rise是不及物动词,不能用于被动结构,常与above, from, to等介词连用。


rise一般不与介词up搭配使用,多单独使用,rise up中up是是多余的;


The moon is risen.月亮已经升起来了。

rise同arise的区别:arise指“开始”,“出现”或“引起某人的注意”,常以抽象名词作主语。 而rise是指“更高些”或“升起,上升”。I'm afraid a difficulty has arisen.我恐怕困难已经产生了。

Prices keep rising.价格一直在上升。
用作不及物动词The sun heats the earth, causing the air toriseand the winds to blow.太阳给地球热量,引起空气上升,刮起风来。
The higher werise, the smaller we appear to those who do not know how to fly.我们上升得越高,我们在那些不懂飞翔的人眼里就显得越遥远。
The sunrisesin the east and sets in the west.太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。
In proportion as the sales increase the profit willrise.随着销售量增长,利润也成比例地增加。
The next morning I was the first torise.第二天早上,我是第一个起床的。
The king's cruelty excited the people toriseagainst him.那个国王的残酷激起了人民起来反对他。
Christians believe that Jesusrosefrom the dead on Easter Sunday.基督徒相信耶稣在那个星期日里复活了。用作名词I am reading a book about theriseand fall of the Roman Empire.我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。
Experts say the figures for divorce are on therise.专家称,离婚数量在增加。
Tax revenue reached 1,637.1 billion yuan, ariseof 240 billion yuan in comparable terms.税收大幅度增长,全国财政收入达到16371亿元,按可比口径增加2400亿元。
The length of the steps depends on theriseof the slope.台阶的长度远取决于斜坡的倾斜度。
On mountain slopes that receive plentiful rainfall, huge Douglas firsrisein towering columns.在有充足降水的斜坡,巨大的道格拉斯枞树高耸入云。 A sawtooth wave rises or falls in a straight line from a starting point to an ending point, at which time it instantaneously jumps back to the starting value.
锯齿波从某一始点到某一终点沿着一条直线上升或者下降,在终点的时候它马上跃迁回其起始值。 yeeyan

A city of skyscrapers rises up from the land.
一座高楼林立的都市从大地上升起。 yeeyan

And then he rises up.
然后他站了起来。 yeeyan

But a closer look at the data reveals a worrying fact: despite sharp tax rises, Greece raised less money in the first four months of this year than a year ago.
但是,对数据更严密的审查调查揭露了一个令人担心的事实:尽管急速的税收上涨,希腊今年年初四个月筹集到的钱比去年同期还要少。 ecocn

But price rises may not last for long.
但是房价上涨可能不会持续太久。 yeeyan

By2090 the likelihood of this happening rises to90% in many places.
到2090年在大多数区域发生此类状况的可能性将上升到90%。 ecocn

For all the talk of fiscal stringency, tax rises and spending cuts are only beginning to bite.
对所有关于财政紧缩的谈论而言,税赋增加和削减开支只不过是个开始。 ecocn

I have been driven back on cheaper cigarettes by the rises in prices.

If demand rises as forecast, the expansion can be delivered to budget, and if shippers do not balk at higher tolls, the canal will be even better business for the government.
如果需求如同预期那样上升,扩建就能被列入预算,如果发货人不计较较高的通行费用,运河甚至将成为政府的更好的生意。 ecocn

If not, I submit higher rates when the national debt rises inexorably will kill us.
如果不行,我宁愿相信当国家债务继续上升将无情地杀掉我们。 yeeyan

Military equipment, uniforms and logistics are all feeling the pressure of price rises.
军事装备,制服和物流都受到了物价上涨带来的压力。 yeeyan

More recently they have been knocked for rises in wheat and corn prices.
最近,他们因为小麦和玉米价格的上涨又成了受攻击的对象。 ecocn

One of the longest mountain ranges of the world rises from the floor of the Atlantic.
世界上最长的山脉之一就是从大西洋的洋底升起来的。 kekenet

Price rises in Britain have even accelerated.
英国房价的上涨甚至在加速。 ecocn

Spending cuts do less damage than tax rises.
相比税收上涨,开支削减的损害更小。 ecocn

Suppose the supply of labour increases, or productivity rises.

The ground rises abruptly.

When the sun rises, or the conversation ends, or when you wake up and look out the window, the world is new.
当太阳升起的时候,当结束聊天的时候,或者当你醒来看着车窗外面的时候,世界总是新的。 yeeyan




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