

单词 riseborough
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As a child, Andrea Riseborough spent a lot of time watching people.
小时候,安德丽亚花许多时间来观察别人。 yeeyan

But acting was not an obvious path for her. Born in Newcastle, Riseborough comes from a family of miners and factory workers.
她并非从小就注定会成为演员.,出生在纽卡斯尔的瑞斯波罗格,来自一个工人家庭。 yeeyan

It seems a natural progression for Riseborough to have been cast as Wallis Simpson, the Baltimore divorcee who prompted Britain's1936 abdication crisis, in the forthcoming biopic W.E.
在一部即将上映的传记电影中,瑞斯波罗格自然而然的得到沃利斯·辛普森的角色,那个离了婚的巴尔的摩女人导致了英国1936年的退位风波。 yeeyan

“ I wouldn't say I loved Thatcher by the end of it, ” says Riseborough, “ but I did end up feeling very warm towards the character.”
“我不会说‘我爱撒切尔’,”瑞斯波罗格说:“但最后我的确对这个角色充满了感情。” yeeyan

“ Party Animals is one of the things people mention to me over and over again, ” says Riseborough. “ I think it was the intellectual's guilty pleasure.”
“人们总是反复对我提及《派对动物》,”瑞斯波罗格说:“我认为那是知识分子的窃喜。” yeeyan

From Margaret Thatcher to a Dagenham factory worker, Andrea Riseborough has earned a name for herself portraying headstrong women on stage and screen.
从撒切尔夫人到达格南工厂的工人,安德丽亚·瑞斯波罗格以自己在舞台和屏幕上塑造的坚强女性形象,获得了观众的认可。 yeeyan

Her boyfriend, the American street artist Joe Appel, will be coming to stay, but Riseborough has more important things on her mind.
她的男朋友,美国街头艺术家乔伊·爱普不会随她一起去,但瑞斯波罗格脑袋里有比谈恋爱更重要的事情。 yeeyan

The part was originally intended for Up In the Air actress Vera Farmiga, but she became pregnant and Riseborough stepped in.
这个角色原定为《在云端》女主角维拉·法梅加扮演,但她怀了身孕,所以瑞斯波罗格才接替了她。 yeeyan




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