释义 |
Riparian areas 基本例句 河岸带 Riparian areas have important ecological, social, economic and tourist value.河岸带具有重要的生态、社会、经济和旅游价值。 Most of the sediment directly enters the headwaters of the Mekong River or is deposited inriparian areaswhere it is entrained during later floods.大部分泥沙直接进入了湄公河上游或是沉降在河岸地区,被日后的洪水中带走。 Because of concentrated camping activity,firewood gathered inriparian areas,depletes the area of wood for soils, wildlife and stream habitat.:-目)。由于密集的露营活动,从河边区域采集木材会使得那些对土壤、野生动物和溪流生境有重要作用的树林耗尽。 Protectriparian areasby camping at least 200 feet from lakes and streams. - Good campsites are found, not made. Altering a site is not necessary.营地范围尽量少,活动集中在无植物生态处。在未开发地区-避免开发出营区或步道。-避免使用刚被影响之处。 At present, many lakes are seriously polluted andriparian areasaround lakes have been labeled as water shortage by quality.目前,许多湖泊严重污染,湖泊周边地区成为典型的“水质型缺水”地区。 |