

单词 Rio Tinto
释义 Rio Tinto短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
IN ONE respect Rio Tinto’s relationship with China is clear.
一方面力拓集团和中国的关系是很明白的。 yeeyan

A spokesman for Rio Tinto said the deal was“ very significant,” as iron ore is one of the company's key commodities, along with copper and aluminum.
力拓矿业公司的一名发言人说,这是一项“非常重要的”交易。铁矿石和铜、铝一样,都是该公司的主要商品。 ebigear

He promised that the Rio Tinto board would continue to run the company, and argued that Chinalco was paying a premium for the assets.
他承诺力拓矿业股份的董事会将继续经营公司,并讨论要求中国铝业在资产收购时支付溢价的问题。 yeeyan

In a deal signed this week, Australian mining giant Rio Tinto has secured increases that almost double the price of some grades of the mineral.
根据这个星期签署的一项协议,澳大利亚采矿业巨人力拓公司为一些矿石争取到高于过去几乎一倍的价格。 ebigear

Not long ago Rio Tinto, another Anglo- Australian giant, reported record profits for the first half of the year.
不久前,另一家英澳联合采矿企业力拓公司也公布了本年度上半年的利润报告。 ecocn

Now, the unilateral move by Rio Tinto not only greatly disappointed its Chinese partner, but also drew huge repercussion among the Chinese industry and people.
目前,力拓集团单方面举动不仅令其中方合作伙伴非常失望,在中国业界和民众中也引起了较大反响。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Rio Tinto declined to respond to the stories but has repeatedly said that four of its employees detained in China over espionage allegations are innocent.
力拓拒绝对此事作出回应,但一再表示,被中国以进行间谍活动嫌疑而拘留的四名员工是无辜的。 yeeyan

Rio Tinto initially said its employees have always acted ethically but more recently has declined comment on the investigation and case.
力拓方面最初坚称员工一直没有违反职业操守,但近来已经拒绝就调查和案件发表评论了。 voa365

BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto formally abandoned their proposal to combine iron- ore production in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
必和必拓公司及力拓矿业集团已正式废弃有关在澳洲西部的皮尔巴拉区合并铁矿砂投产提议。 ecocn




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