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词汇 Riohacha
释义 Riohacha
n.里奥阿查在哥伦比亚;西经 72º58' 北纬 11º34'
When jordans they sawRiohachafrom dunks ridge in the mountains, General Victorio Medina had been shot.烧开水不能去除化学有害物及重金属,自来水的二次污染和一些劣质桶装水令人担忧!
She managed to suggest this to Gabriel Eligio, provided he obtained his transfer toRiohacha, and he agreed.她设法把定居的想法告诉了我父亲,前提是他能顺利调到Riohacha,他同意了。
At this time Gavriel Eligio received his formal appointment to the telegraph office inRiohacha.这时,GavrielEligio得到了前往Riohacha电报局的正式任命。
Gabriel Eligio's immediate decision was to request a transfer to the telegraph office inRiohacha, some twenty leagues from Barrancas.GabrielEligio立刻做出决定,申请转调到Riohacha的电报所,那儿距离Barrancas只有约九十六公里。
And the idyllicRiohachathat I had carried in my heart since childhood, with its saltpeter streets going down to a sea of mud, was nothing more than fantasies borrowed from my grandparents.从幼年起,就在我心中扎下根的那个田园诗般的Riohacha,不过只是从我祖父母那里得来的美梦,梦里它硝石铺成的街道一直延伸到一片泥泽的海洋。




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