

单词 riling
释义 riling 英raɪl美raɪl COCA¹²¹⁸⁷¹BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations;

Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me

It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves

make turbid by stirring up the sediments of近义词 bug臭虫rag破布needle针nark密探roil搅浑vex使恼怒anger愤怒irk使厌倦peeve气恼devil魔鬼chafe擦痛enrage激怒ruffle褶饰gravel碎石nettle荨麻get to到达get at达到bother烦扰annoy使恼怒provoke激怒irritate激怒aggravate恶化

用作动词Itrilesme that he won't agree.他就是不同意,真气人。
Instead of getting allriledup about this, we should try to figure out what to do.与其因此发火,我们还不如想想该怎么办。
This won't be easy, because certain individuals seem determined torileyou up.这不是件轻松的事,因为有人似乎存心让你生气。 By all accounts, he has clashed repeatedly with senior army officers, riling them by trying to install his own loyalists in senior posts.
据说,他信与高级军官们冲突不断,他试图通过在高级职位上安插自己的心腹来削弱他们的力量。 ecocn

It leaked, riling Mr Cameron and George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer.
信的内容泄露了出去,这引起了卡梅伦首相和财政大臣奥斯本的强烈不满。 ecocn

After some batterings at the hands of David Cameron, he is now a solid parliamentary performer, often riling the prime minister.
经过 David Cameron的磨练,他已经成为议会中可靠的执行者,还经常惹恼总理。 ecocn

But, wary of riling Muslims, it has seldom brought miscreants to trial.
但是,谨防激怒了穆斯林,埃及向来很少将恶棍送交法庭审判。 ecocn

He did not help matters by riling Hank Paulson, the former boss of Goldman Sachs turned treasury secretary, at a private dinner in early 2008.
在2008年初的一次晚宴上财政部部长,前高盛的主席 Paulson,曾让 Flud出售雷曼,但是Fuld 漠然置之的态度却激怒了 Paulson。 ecocn

Now Slovakia’s economic policy has again been riling policymakers in Brussels and Berlin.
现在,斯洛伐克的经济政策再次受到布鲁塞尔比利时首都和柏林的决策者的挑拨。 ecocn

Two years later, to stop him riling the public even more, they cancelled Mr Lang's TV show.
两年后,为了阻止郎咸平再次点燃公众的怒火,中国的官员们取消了郎咸平的电视节目。 ncku1897.org




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