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词汇 riley
释义 rile·y 英ˈraɪliː美ˈraɪliAHDrīʹlē 高COCA⁸²²³BNC¹⁴³⁸⁰

United States poet 1849-1916
用作名词Mr. Riley's voice was deep and pleasant.赖利先生的声音低沉而悦耳。
Mr. Riley carried a large newspaper bundle in his arms.赖利先生手里捧着一簇报纸包的东西。 Do Pat Riley, Micky Arison et al drive home tonight convinced they need to make huge changes?
帕特-莱利,米奇-阿里森等回家后只能劝说自己做出重大改变吗? yeeyan

If I were Pat Riley, I'd bring in a psychologist.
我要是帕特-莱利,我可能会引进一个心理学家。 yeeyan

with him will go the current police chief, Warren Riley, who got a battlefield promotion after Katrina.
市长雷纳金即将卸任,同时要卸任的还有现在的警察局长沃伦赖利,他在飓风后被升职。 ecocn

“ Elite Hollywood culture is protecting one of its own, ” said Alexander Riley, a professor of sociology at Bucknell University.
“好莱坞的精英文化保护着自己人。”巴克奈尔大学社会学教授亚历山大·赖利如是说。 yeeyan

“ I would pay10 times that amount any time anywhere,” said Carlo Riley, a Jackson fan with long black hair and a black surgical mask, who danced as he waited in line.
留着黑色长发、戴着黑色口罩的歌迷卡洛·莱利说:“无论什么时候、在什么地方,就算价格再高10倍,我也愿意出。” 莱利在排队等候时,还跳起了舞。

“ This behavior shows they can be opportunistic feeders, ” says biologist Morgan Riley, a director of the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme.
马尔代夫鲸鲨研究项目负责人、生物学家摩根·莱利说:“这样的行为表明,它们可能是信奉机会主义的大食客。” yeeyan

A few days later, former South Carolina governor Dick Riley joined the transition team to oversee the sub- cabinet appointments.
几天后,南卡罗来纳州前任州长迪克.赖利加入过渡委员会,负责监查总统自选的非正式顾问团的任命。 yeeyan

And there was the hospital worker who treated Mrs. Peeples as though she was trying to snatch a white baby when she took Riley, who had blond curls, out of his crib in the nursery.
还有一次,皮尔普斯太太从保育室的童床上抱起赖利时,医院的职工竟以为她要偷走这个宝宝。因为赖利是个有着金色卷发的白皮肤宝宝。 yeeyan

Around the time James started with his bit about retiring Jordan’s number, Jordan sat with Pat Riley in Miami for a Cavs-Heat game in November.
在詹姆斯提出退役乔丹的球衣号码的想法之后,乔丹正在和帕特·莱俐在迈阿密观看骑士对热火的比赛。 yeeyan

But when I met Riley My roommate I felt like he is one of us.
但当我见到室友赖利时,我觉得他就是我们中的一员。 ebigear

By contrast, Dick Riley was doing far more good than harm.
相反,迪克.赖利更是成事不足败事有余。 yeeyan

His owner Maureen explains: “ Riley always makes faces like this, and that's the best part about him.”
莱利的主人莫琳说道:“莱利总是做出这样的表情,这就是他最可爱的地方。” cri

It was something of a pet cause for Mr Riley, who comes from a rural county himself.
对于同样出身于乡村的莱利来说,在某种程度上这是一项嗜好。 ecocn

It is about building the vision of “ dynasty” that Riley has been stressing since clearing sufficient salary-cap space to make Miami Thrice possible.
这完全是从建立一个“王朝”的视野出发,莱利承诺他会努力腾出足够的薪酬空间使迈阿密三巨头的可能性成为现实。 yeeyan

It was a good day for Secretary Dick Riley.
对教育部长迪克.赖利来说,这是非常美好的一天。 yeeyan

Maybe Riley should call up Jordan, the Charlotte owner, who handed Dallas an essential interior defender in Tyson Chandler this season.
也许莱利应该给现在已经是夏洛特山猫队老板的乔丹打电话--乔丹在今年赛季开始之前将泰森·钱德勒,一位内线悍将交易到了小牛队。 yeeyan

My first thought was Phil Jackson. They like old players so much, maybe they'll like old coaches, too. Pat Riley, of course, is a possibility, too.
我的第一想法是菲尔-杰克逊。他们喜欢老队员,也许也喜欢老教练吧。当然,帕特-莱利也是种可能。 yeeyan

Pat Riley, of course, is a possibility, too.
当然,帕特-莱利也是种可能。 yeeyan

This makes Dr Riley feel that the research has made a positive contribution to the story of the Apollo mission.
这使莱利博士认为,这项研究对阿波罗登月的故事作出了建设性的贡献。 yeeyan

Unfortunately for Warren Riley, the police chief, that bloody day immediately followed a news conference at which he had tried to put a positive spin on the162 murders recorded in 2006.
对于警察局长沃伦·赖利说来,也真是不幸,刚刚在新闻发布会上宣布2006年谋杀案为162起,算得上好消息了,但是紧接着的第二天就是那血腥的一天。 ecocn

Using archive material of Neil Armstrong speaking, recorded throughout and after the mission, Riley and Olsson also studied the best recordings of the Apollo11 mission audio ever released by Nasa.
利用尼尔·阿姆斯特朗在登月全程和其后的讲话录音的档案资料,莱利和奥尔森还研究了美国航空航天局以往公布的阿波罗11号登月音频的最佳录音。 yeeyan

While I was rolling out my new clothing line in China, Pat Riley was busy sending us letters about our body fat.
当我还在中国推出我的服装系列新品时,帕特·莱利正忙着发邮件叮嘱我们的体脂含量。 yeeyan

Riley the smiling dog wowed the world again with amazing smile on his second birthday.
莱利是一只会笑的狗狗,而今年他在自己两岁的生日宴会上再次“一笑倾城”,令世界为之“动容”。 iciba

Riley also has been working to complete a sign-and-trade transaction to help Bosh receive a larger overall package.
莱利也正积极努力促成一庄先签后换的大交易,以帮助波什获得一份更大的合同。 yeeyan

Riley and Olsson also concluded that Commander Armstrong and his family members do pronounce the word“ a” in a discernible way.
莱利和奥尔森还得出结论,阿姆斯特朗中校和他的家庭成员平时说话时,确实是用可以辨别的方式说出“一个”这个冠词的。 yeeyan

Riley has briefed each of the players and their representatives about the approach.
莱利已向每名球员以及他们的代表简要陈述了该计划。 yeeyan




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