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词汇 rigueur
释义 ri·gueur 英'rɪɡər美'rɪɡər COCA⁴⁰⁶⁶⁸BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
It's a time where being frugal has become chic and“ tightening our belts” de rigueur.
是时候重拾我们节俭的民风并礼节性的缩紧我们的皮带了。 yeeyan

The French are famously indifferent to their politicians’ private lives, which are protected by strong privacy laws: affairs are tolerated, if not de rigueur, for public figures.
法国人对于政治家的私人生活的淡定是出了名的,因为这受到强大隐私法的保护:对于公众人物来说,如果并不是太过分,这种事情可以忍受。 ecocn

The hourglass silhouette will be de rigueur for fashionistas next season.

While the dress code still skews beach style— de rigueur flip- flops, loose Hawaiian shirts— at least one woman in stiletto heels was trying her best to navigate the sandy boardwalk.
海滩上游人的穿着也五花八门,有应景的人字拖,夏威夷式样宽大的衬衫,至少我还看到一位穿着细长高跟鞋的女士,在沙滩的木板道上摇摇摆摆地走着。 yeeyan

Almost no CEOs were blogging when Montanaro began; now it's almost de rigueur for the head of a company.
当蒙塔纳罗开始这样做的时候,还没有哪位执行官在写博;但如今,这件事情几乎已经成为一家公司首脑人物的必备功课。 yeeyan

And by the time Mozart came to maturity, Haydn was already the most celebrated composer in Europe; knowledge of his influential scores was de rigueur for any serious contemporary musician.
而直到莫扎特渐趋成熟之时,海顿早已成为欧洲享誉盛名的作曲家,对他所取得的成绩有所了解,是每一位同时代音乐家必须具备的社交礼节。 yeeyan

But sushi, now deemed the height of sophistication, is becoming de rigueur for the capital’s middle class.
而其中寿司被认为具有最精巧的制作工艺,因而成为了中产阶级的新时尚。 ecocn

But there is no mention of pay freezes, let alone cuts; and talk of rigueur austerity remains taboo.
但是他并没有提到冻结支出,更不要说削减了;呼吁节俭的声音也仍然受到打压。 ecocn

Design patterns have become de rigueur for good programming.
对于好的编程来说,设计模式已经变成了常用的方式。 ibm

It has become de rigueur to complain about how arduous the whole thing is, one-upping each other over whose baby sleeps the least, chucks the most and who has fewer hours in the day.
母亲们总是抱怨养育宝宝有多么艰难,互相比谁的宝宝睡得最少,乱丢东西最多,比谁每天得时间最少。这俨然已经变成一种社交方式了。 yeeyan

Katim explained that this kind of behaviour is de rigueur in Gambia. Women work twice as hard to compensate for their other halves.
卡蒂姆解释说,这种行为在冈比亚司空见惯,女人们加倍努力地工作来补偿她们的另一半。 yeeyan

Now whole- genome shotgun is de rigueur, and efficient software abounds.
现在整基因组水平的“鸟枪法”则是必备的研究手段,而且有丰富的高效软件可供使用。 yeeyan

On the Web, for example, it used to be de rigueur to divide the page into browsable sections, or frames, even though the frames were confusing and slow to download.
比如,在网络上,限于交际需要,过去人们往往把页面分成几个板块或框架,即使框架令人困惑,并难以下载。 yeeyan

On social occasions when it is de rigueur to seem cheerful the necessary demeanor is stimulated by alcohol.
在按照礼仪需要兴高采烈的社交场合,这种必要的礼仪却是靠酒精激发的。 xabonni

Paul Leuthe, corporate marketing manager for Wolf Appliance Company, says induction burners will be de rigueur.
保罗• Leuthe, Wolf器具公司市场部经理,称感应炉是非常需要的。 hjenglish

That approach is de rigueur today for the many programmers working with the hundreds of UNIX offspring, including the popular open source versions of Linux.
这是许多使用各种 UNIX版本包括现在流行的 Linux开源版本的编程人员所必须的。 ibm

That was de rigueur for a demon.
对于恶魔来说这是一种社交礼仪要求。 yeeyan

This is the de rigueur practice for most software development processes, Agile or not.
这是大多数软件开发过程的例程需要的图片,不管是不是敏捷的。 ibm




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