

单词 right-wingers
释义 right-wingers ˈraɪˈtwɪŋərz COCA⁵⁰¹⁶⁷BNC⁴⁷⁹⁶⁸Economist¹¹⁴⁷⁷
n.右翼分子right-winger的名词复数原型right-winger的复数 And the fact is that Krugman is right, and many of my fellow right-wingers are wrong, the danger is not too much inflation, but too little.
事实就是克鲁格曼是对的,而我的右翼同志们很多都错了,危机不是通货膨胀太多而是太少。 zhubajie

By setting up to the right of others, Stand Up, Japan may be hoping to draw right-wingers away from both main parties.
为了拥有绝对权力,奋起日本党可能希望将右翼从2个主要党派中清除干净。 ecocn

In some districts the police openly support the right-wingers.
一些地区的警察公开支持右翼分子。 ecocn

It was cheered on by American right-wingers, who saw it as the next best thing to a revived gold standard, and by Britain’s left, which saw it as a big step toward a social-democratic Europe.
美国右翼人士为此叫好,他们视之为仅次于复活金本位的最好东西,英国左派为此叫好,他们认为这个迈向社会民主式的欧洲的一大步。 yeeyan

Michael Moore, the polemical documentarian right-wingers love to hate, offers his own answers in his new film, “ Capitalism: A Love Story”.
热衷辩论的右翼纪录片导演迈克尔·摩尔热衷憎恨,在其新电影“资本主义:爱情故事”中给出了自己的答案。 ecocn

“The Future of Conservatism”, a rival book by26 right-wingers led by David Davis, a former leadership contender, demands a referendum on Britain’s relations with Europe.
曾参加过党魁角逐的大卫•戴维斯领导的26名右翼人士也写了一本与之相对的新书《保守主义的未来》,主张就英国与欧盟的关系进行全民公投。 ecocn

as Israeli prime ministers have sought to placate right-wingers.
因为以色列总理们想安抚右翼人士。 ecocn

Britain’s Conservatives, cast out of power after18 years in1997, made that mistake, trying a succession of right-wingers.
英国的保守党因尝试用一连串的右翼分子,而在执政18年后,铸下大错,于1997年被赶下台。 ecocn

But all this was entirely irrelevant to Hyde, to his equally hostile counsel, David Schippers, and to the right-wingers who controlled the House.
但是对于海德,对于和他一样有敌意的律师戴维·希珀斯,对于控制众议院的右翼势力来说,这一切都无足轻重。 yeeyan




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