

单词 ayutthaya
释义 ayutthaya
The reality is naive murderer, Ayutthaya you no one guessed through.
现实是天真的凶手,你的城府没人猜的透。 www.qqchongwu.com.cn

A Buddhist monk recovers a robe from debris after flood waters receded in Ayutthaya, Thailand.
泰国—艾尤塔雅:洪水退却后,一名僧人正从残骸中拣出一块僧袍。 yeeyan

An elephant dressed in a Santa Claus costume gives out gifts to students to mark the Christmas season at a school in Ayutthaya province on December24,2010.
2010年12月24日,大城府的一所学校里,一头穿着圣诞老人服装的大象把礼物分给学生来庆祝圣诞节。 yeeyan

Elephants and their drivers take part in a mock fight as part of regular training exercises at an elephant conservation park in Ayutthaya province, Thailand.
在大成的一个大象保护公园上,大象和骑手们在进行着一个定期训练的对战演习,泰国。 thehlc.cn

Flooding forced the closure of manufacturing plants in Ayutthaya, according to news reports.
据新闻报道,洪水已迫使大城府的制造工厂关闭。 yeeyan

Honda's main car plant at Ayutthaya, north of Bangkok, has been shut since October4th.
本田在泰国北部大城府的汽车主厂从10月4日开始就关门停产。 ecocn

In its heyday, Ayutthaya was a bustling metropolis of international repute, whose progress, according to historians, rivaled even Europe's capitals at the time.
在它的全盛期,大城府是享有国际盛誉的喧闹大都市。根据历史学家记载,它的繁荣甚至可以和同时期的欧洲重要城市媲美。 yeeyan

On the contrary, the furniture of Thailand Ayutthaya period under the effect of Brahmanism Hinduism and Hinayana Buddhism presents mysterious religious overtones.
泰国阿瑜陀耶王朝时期的家具文化分别在婆罗门教、印度教以及主要是小乘佛教思想影响下使其形成神秘的宗教色彩。 fabiao

On October12, UNESCO Bangkok announced a planned assessment of flood damage to Ayutthaya, requested by the government of Thailand.
根据泰国政府请求,教科文组织已在10月12日公布了洪水对大城府破坏的评诂报告。 yeeyan

This area had abundant food to feed retired war elephants, which were earlier sent to Ayutthaya as tax instead of being conscripted.
这一领域有着丰富的食物养活退休的战象,它们被作为贡税送往大城,以免征召。 unisk

Today, only the debris of the empire's glory remains, forming part of what is now known as the Ayutthaya Historical Park, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.
如今,昔日帝国光辉只有残骸留存,大城府已成为大城历史公园的一部分,联合国教科文组织把它列入世界文化遗产名录。 yeeyan

When the Burmese sacked the Thai capital of Ayutthaya, the archives of Thai history were, for the most part, lost.
在缅甸人洗劫泰国首都大城府后,泰国历史档案的大部分就丢失了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ayutthaya is not your usual dark, so you really love is the kind of luxury.
你的城府不是一般的深,所以爱你真的是种奢侈。 kissz.cn

Ayutthaya you how deep I love more than stupid, too seriously? Or dumb?
你的城府有多深,我爱的多蠢,是太认真?还是太笨? dict




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