

单词 rights reserved
释义 rights reserved短语⁵⁰⁰⁰⁶
The content of this publication is not legally binding and is provided as information only. Copyright2010 ContiTech AG. All rights reserved.
本刊物的内容不具有法律约束力,仅为参阅信息。康迪泰克股份有限公司2010版权所有。 lx128

The Sina Net finance and economics all rights reserved also gives to report.
新浪网财经专版也予以报道。 blog.sina.com.cn

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
如果没有出版社的书面许可,本书任何部分都不可以用任何形式复制。 pinggu

All rights reserved, no copying or printing without the permission of the FACSS and MMCA.
版权所有, 未经中国学生学者联谊会和密中华人协会许可不准复印或翻印。 missouri

Copyright2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
联合报道2010年独家版权,以上文字严禁出版、传播、再加工或再分配。 yeeyan

Original works, All rights reserved!
原创作品,版权所有! blog.sina.com.cn

Ottawa Race Weekend, all rights reserved.
渥太华赛跑周末,版权所有。 iciba

Product images were taken in kind, all rights reserved, copy reserved!
产品图片均为实物拍摄,版权所有,拷贝必究! diypifa

Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
红帽公司版权所有。 jiaoyukexue5

Renesas Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
和日本东阳技术公司等。 www.eepw.com.cn

Shall not be reproduced without permission or used for any commercial purposes, rights reserved!
未经允许不得转载或用于任何商业用途,违者必究! weien-photo

Some rights reserved.
一些版权所有。 yeeyan




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