

单词 rights and wrongs
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It’s time to determine the rights and wrongs of the case.
是决定本案是非的时候了。 ebigear

The rights and wrongs of science fiction
科幻小说——是非对错谁人知? ecocn

Any explanation more complex than this tends to be instilled with ideas of universal morality containing bold judgments on absolute moral rights and wrongs.
任何比这更复杂的解释都流露出公认道德承载有对道德绝对是非大胆评判的思想。 yeeyan

On the rights and wrongs of the revolution he would not often let himself be drawn; in his last two years, Alzheimer's shadowed everything.
关于古巴革命的是非功过,他也不愿评价。在他生命中的最后两年,老年痴呆症让所有的一切都蒙上了阴影。 ecocn

They do not want a God who tells them there are rights and wrongs that do not change according to human whim.
他们不想上帝告诉他们有是非观念不改,根据人体瞎指挥。 shavingnicelookingexposedteachers.com

Whatever the rights and wrongs of this particular new fight, America's perceived partiality to Israel is a gaping hole in its policy in the Middle East.
无论这场特殊的新战斗是非对错,美国对以色列明显的偏袒给他在中东政策上开了一个口子。 ecocn




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