释义 |
rightly or wrongly短语⁵⁷⁰⁸⁷ 基本例句 且不问对还是错 And in fact, when you watch the video and listen to the Americans on board the helicopter, you can see that the crew members believed, rightly or wrongly, that they were firing on a legitimate target. 实际上,只要人们一看视频,听到直升机上几个美国大兵的对话,就会判断出——暂且不论对错——这几个人觉得向目标开火合情合理。 yeeyan Rightly or wrongly, the new man is known by some as “ Bomber McNeill”. 不论对错,这位新将被一些人冠以“炸弹麦克尼尔”而著名。 ecocn Rightly or wrongly, voters blamed the slowdown on the free- market reforms known as the Washington consensus. 不论对错,选民们将经济下滑归咎于名为“华盛顿共识”的自由市场改革。 ecocn Rightly or wrongly, central banks will emerge from the crisis with a bigger role in the markets and in supervision. 对也好错也罢,当这场危机最终过去的时候,央行将在市场中和监管上发挥更重要的作用。 ecocn |