

单词 right-angle
释义 right-angle 英'raɪt'æŋɡl美'raɪt'æŋɡl COCA⁶⁶⁹⁹⁶BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb⁴¹⁵²¹

名词 right angle:
the 90 degree angle between two perpendicular linesright angle prism直角棱镜right angle pier突堤码头right angle connector直角连接器right angle adapter直角适配器right angle retractor直角牵开器right angle直角right angle joint垂直连接, 直角连接…right angle lead直角引线

用作名词One line cuts another at right angles.一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
An angle in a semicircle is a right angle.半圆所对的圆周角是直角。 A right-angle viewfinder allowed her to take the picture without them knowing, even, as Evans showed her, when riding right beside them in the subway.
就像埃文斯展示给她的那样,即便是乘地铁时莱氏正好坐在拍照对象旁边,直角取景器也可让她神不知鬼不觉地完成拍摄。 ecocn

The design of a universal sampling system based on right-angle coordinate robot for liquid samples is described.
介绍了以直角坐标机器人为基础的通用型液体样品自动采样系统的设计。 cnki

When the linear length of the protecting pipe is over30m, the junction box should be added; and when there are more than2 right-angle bends, junction box should be added between them.
保护管直线长度超过30m时需加装接线盒,同一管线超过两个直角弯时应加设中间接线盒。 lubandai

A bar, usually of iron, with right-angle bends at both ends, used for permanently holding together stones, timber, and other materials used in building.
一种通常用铁制成的杆,两端有直角弯钩,用以永久性夹紧石块、木材或其它建筑材料。 poptool

An optional nickel-plated input unit and foot mounts are available for right-angle drive applications.
可选的镀镍输入装置和脚坐骑为直角传动应用提供。 dianqi163

Dry tile blades are continuous-rim blades used for chip-free cutting on tile saws, right-angle grinders and circular saws.
干瓦刀片连续环叶片芯片采用无削减瓷砖锯,直角研磨机和圆锯。 cfli

Dry segmented cup grinders, used on right-angle grinders, they grind all types of concrete, masonry, brick, block and stone.
干分段杯研磨机,在直角磨机使用,但磨水泥,砖,块石和所有类型。 cfli

Further, the paper expounds the judicious method used to determine errors of right-angle prism.
进而阐明了直角棱镜误差给定的合理方法。 cnki

In following text. It is kind of effective method for compensate method of right-angle prism system reflect surface parallelism error.
通过分析可知此种方法对直角棱镜系统反射面之间的平行度误差的补偿是一种行之有效的方法。 com

Insert the right-Angle plug into the jack as shown in the diagram on the left; then tighten the screw.
请您按左图所示将直角式插头插入插座,并旋紧螺栓。 ebigear

It begins the week near Mars, then rushes on to form the right-angle first, as if to let Jupiter know what to expect.
本周伊始,它在火星近旁,然后继续向前冲,率先构成直角,仿佛是为了让木星知道该期待些什么。 douban

Mars, this week, edges slowly closer towards a right-angle with Jupiter.
火星本周缓缓移近与木星成直角的位置。 douban

Scattering of SH- wave with arbitrary incident angle by a circular cavity in right-angle plane is studied together with its influence on seismic ground motion.
研究了以任意方向入射的平面 SH波对直角平面区域内圆形孔洞的散射与地震动问题。 dictall

The automatic test of Corner Cube Reflector CCR, Roof Prism and Right-angle Prism is achieved by calculating the wavefront got from the digital phase- shifting interferometer.
本文通过对移相式数字波面干涉仪得到的测试波面进行处理实现锥体棱镜、屋脊棱镜和直角棱镜角度测试的数字化和自动化。 dictall

Then, at the same place, bend it back to form a right-angle in the opposite direction.
然后,在同一个地方,把它弯回去形成反方向的直角。 ecocn

Thus, measuring efficiency is improved with the cell based on right-angle prism being used in the measurement of formaldehyde concentration.
因此,基于直角棱镜的吸收池用于甲醛浓度测量中,可以提高测试速度和工作效率。 cnki

Using just thumbs and fingers, bend it in the middle to form a right-angle.
只用拇指和手指,从中间把它弯曲成直角。 ecocn

You’ll notice four right-angle rhomboids in the figure.
你将会注意到图上的四个直角菱形。 yeeyan




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