

单词 Riefenstahl
释义 Rie·fen·stahl 英ˈriːfənˌstɑːl, -ˌʃtɑːl美ˈrifənˌstɑl, -ˌʃtɑlAHDrēʹfən-st\\adieʒl', -sht\\adieʒl' COCA⁹⁶⁷⁵¹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
In fact, with the exception of Leni Riefenstahl's Nazi-rally film Triumph of the Will, it's hard to think of a right-wing documentary.
事实上,除了莱妮·里芬施塔尔的那部纳粹宣传片《意志的胜利》,就再也想不起其他右翼纪录片了。 yeeyan

Moreover, as Mr Bach reiterates, Riefenstahl's reaction on hearing of men—it was always men— of renown was often: “ I must meet that man.”
此外巴赫再三指出,每当瑞芬斯塔尔听说了一位有名望的男人——总是男人——之后,她的反应通常都是:“我得见一见那人。” ecocn

There is a handsome edition of Fichte, given by Leni Riefenstahl to placate Hitler after a disastrous encounter, but the annotations are by someone else.
有一册很不错的费希特作品,是一次糟糕的见面后由雷尼·里芬斯塔尔为宽慰希特勒而送给他的,不过上面的批注却是另外一个人写的。 yeeyan

Riefenstahl's use of moving cameras, telephoto lenses, distorted perspectives and aerial photography captivated audiences.
瑞芬斯塔尔采用了移动摄影机、长焦镜头、失真透视和空中摄影技术,令观众为之着迷。 ecocn




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