

单词 ride a horse
释义 ride a horse raidəhɔ:s 短语²⁸⁰⁰⁰
The live- action Rohan army is made up of several hundred New Zealander extras, who responded to an open casting call for anyone who could ride a horse.
洛汗军队是由好几百名新西兰临时演员组成的,他们都参加过为会骑马的人准备的试镜表演。 moviepub.net

According to marches forward the way division, has, rides the bicycle, the driving vehicle, to ride a horse on foot the traversing and so on.
按行进方式划分,有徒步、骑自行车、驾驶机动车、骑马穿越等。 qdcs5

Adventure advice: You can also ride a horse.
探险建议:你也可以骑马。 ebigear

Can Daming ride a horse?
大明会骑马吗? jiaoyukexue5

Day 1, Dr. Connor got a bad spill trying to ride a horse.
第一天,康钠博士在试图骑马时重重地摔下来。 ebigear

He could ride a horse/span> at eight.
他八岁时就会骑马。 iciba

I didn't know my times tables but I could milk a goat and ride a horse.
我不知道乘法口诀表,但我知道如何给山羊挤奶和骑马。 yeeyan

I love to fly, but I'm afraid to ride a horse.
我爱坐飞机,却害怕骑马。 www2.nedu.edu.cn

In the past it was considered indecent for a lady to ride a horse/span> astride.
过去认为淑女跨骑马是件有失体统的事。 tingclass

In Tibet, not only can the tourists take the buses provided by local tourist department, but can ride a horse, a yak or a donkey and walk as well.
在西藏境内,除旅游部门进口的350辆旅游汽车可供游客乘车游览外,游客还可以骑马,骑牦牛,骑毛驴或徒步旅游。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Learning to ride a horse was a powerful form of leverage.
学习骑马是一种强大的杠杆作用。 yeeyan

Ryan used to ride a horse. Now he drives a pickup.
牛仔们曾经骑马。如今他们开小卡车。 pallasa

She can ride a horse/span> and swim; she can shoot as well.
她会骑马和游泳;她也会射击。 jpk.sict.edu.cn

She hurt herself when trying to ride a horse.
她试著骑马时弄伤了自己。 ept-cn.com

The little boy can not only ride a horse but also drive a car.

Whether you’re interested in Western- or English- style horseback riding, some simple information can help you learn to ride a horse fast.
无论你是对美国西部的还是英式的骑马方式感兴趣,以下简单的提示可以让你快速的学会骑马。 yeeyan

You can walk, ride a horse and often hunt in wilderness.
人们可以在其间散步、骑马、狩猎; ecocn




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