

单词 ride
释义 ride 英raɪd美raɪdAHDrīd

vt. & vi. 乘,骑,驾

travel along, sitting on and controlling a horse, or other animal, a bicycle, or a motorcycle etc.


being carried on or in sth, especially as a passenger


feel of riding in a car, etc.

a journey in a vehicle usually an automobile;

he took the family for a drive in his new car

a mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement
sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions;

She never sat a horse!

Did you ever ride a camel?

The girl liked to drive the young mare

be carried or travel on or in a vehicle;

I ride to work in a bus

He rides the subway downtown every day

continue undisturbed and without interference;

Let it ride

move like a floating object;

The moon rode high in the night sky

harass with persistent criticism or carping;

The children teased the new teacher

Don't ride me so hard over my failure

His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

be sustained or supported or borne;

His glasses rode high on his nose

The child rode on his mother's hips

She rode a wave of popularity

The brothers rode to an easy victory on their father's political name

have certain properties when driven;

This car rides smoothly

My new truck drives well

be contingent on;

The outcomes rides on the results of the election

Your grade will depends on your homework

lie moored or anchored;

Ship rides at anchor

sit on and control a vehicle;

He rides his bicycle to work every day

She loves to ride her new motorcycle through town

climb up on the body;

Shorts that ride up

This skirt keeps riding up my legs

ride over, along, or through;

Ride the freeways of California

keep partially engaged by slightly depressing a pedal with the foot;

Don't ride the clutch!

copulate with;

The bull was riding the cow


❌ She can't ride a bicycle, and has to ride a bus.

✔️ She can't ride a bicycle, and has to ride in〔on〕 a bus.

ride表示“骑,乘”时,后面的宾语可以是自行车、马等,但表示“乘公共汽车”,应该说ride in〔on〕 a bus。


❌ He allowed his son to ride his shoulders.

✔️ He allowed his son to ride on his shoulders.

表示“骑在…肩膀上”可说ride on sb's shoulders,不可说ride sb's shoulders, ride在此为不及物动词。

ride, drive, fly, pilot, steer


开汽车时用drive; 驾驶轮船用pilot; 骑自行车用ride; 如果表示操纵汽车、轮船或自行车的方向,就用steer; 但谈及飞机时, fly和pilot这两个既可表示“驾驶”又表示操纵飞机的方向。例如:

He was driving car along the road.他沿着马路行驶。
Can you ride a bicycle?你会骑自行车吗?
He was the first man ever to fly that type of aircraft.他是驾驶那种飞机的第一人。
She steered with one hand while trying to adjust the rear-view mirror with the other.她用一只手操纵方向盘,而用另一只手调整后视镜。
He piloted a ship through the canal.他引领着船只通过运河。ride in, drive in

drive in和ride in都表示“乘车”。其区别是:

drive in后面跟的“车”通常是完全或部分地由自己管理的车或自己开的车,而ride in后面跟的“车”则通常指并不属于自己管理,也不是自己开的车。例如:

They drove back in a grey car.他们开着一辆灰色轿车回去了。
They were riding in a bus when this hap- pened.出事时,他们正坐在一辆公共汽车里。下面两句意思有所差别:Tom rode a bicycle and went to school.汤姆骑自行车上学去了。
Tom rode on a bicycle and went to school.汤姆是骑自行车上学去的。下面两句意思相同:

He came riding on a white horse.

He got on his white horse and rode down the road.他骑着一匹白马而来。drive,ride




来自古英语 ridan,骑马,乘坐,来自 Proto-Germanic*ridan,骑行,来自 PIE*reidh,骑行,词源 同 road,raid.
用作动词 v.
~+名词ride airplane乘飞机ride bicycle骑自行车ride desert骑牲口过沙漠ride horse骑马ride ship坐轮船ride train乘火车~+形容词ride hard骑起来感觉僵硬ride high处于最佳状态ride soft骑起来感觉松软ride well很好骑~+副词ride alongside并肩骑ride astride跨在鞍上骑ride sidesaddle侧坐在鞍上骑ride comfortably舒适地骑着ride easily容易骑ride smoothly平稳地骑着ride away骑车离去ride back in a car坐小汽车回来ride down撞倒ride down a man纵马撞倒人ride off骑车离去ride on继续前进ride out长途旅行,安然渡过ride up向上翘~+介词ride about骑车兜风ride across a bridge骑马过桥ride beside a driver坐在司机旁边ride in a balloon乘坐热气球ride in a bus乘公共汽车ride in a car坐小车ride over骑车通过…ride to骑车到…去用作名词 n.动词+~accept a ride接受乘车bum a ride乞求搭车catch a ride乘车enjoy a ride喜欢乘坐extend a ride延长距离gain a ride搭车get a ride乘车give a ride让…乘hasten a ride加速行驶have a ride骑,乘hitch a ride乞求搭车invite for a ride邀请搭乘offer a ride请某人乘promise a ride答应乘车solicit a ride恳求乘车steal a ride偷搭车船take a ride乘,骑形容词+~daring ride冒险驱车delightful ride愉快地骑马〔车〕desperate ride危险行车first ride第一次乘free ride免费搭车joy ride乘车兜风pleasant ride乘车玩得很高兴short ride坐一会儿车tedious ride乏味的驱车tireless ride不倦的骑名词+~boat ride乘船bus ride乘公共汽车elephant ride骑象介词+~for a ride乘车兜风~+介词ride across乘车穿过ride at a gallop骑车奔驰ride in an automobile乘汽车旅行
ride down v.+adv.

骑马追捕 chase and catch (sb by means of a horse)

ride off v.+adv.

骑马〔自行车等〕离开 leave on horseback or a bicycle, etc.

ride offWithout saying a word, she got on her bicycle and rode off.她一言不发,骑着自行车走了。
ride on¹ v.+adv.

继续前进 continue to ride

ride onRide on, ride on in majesty.策马前进,威风凛凛地向前奔。
ride on² v.+prep.

取决于… depend on sth

ride on sthHe came riding on a donkey.他骑着驴子来了。
They rode 30 li on the horse.他们骑马走了30里。
The little boy rode on his father's shoulders.小男孩骑在他爸爸的肩上。
Passengers are not allowed to ride on the roof of the train.乘客不得坐在火车的顶上。
His dog likes to ride with him on his motorbike.他的狗喜欢同他一起乘摩托车外出。ride sb on sthWill you ride the baby on your knee for a minute?可以让孩子在你膝上坐一会儿吗?ride on sthThe ship is riding on the waves.船在破浪前进。
Tanks ride on treads.坦克靠履带转动而前进。
The door rides on its hinges.门靠铰链转动。ride on sthThe outcome will ride on his decision.结果要由他来决定。
The committee's decisions often ride on the Chairman's vote.委员会的决定常常由主席最后说了算。
It's vital that we win this contract; the whole future of the company is riding on it.我们必须争到这份合同,因为公司整个前途都系于此。
ride out v.+adv.

安然渡过,经受得住 come safely through (sth such as a storm; come safely through any kind of trouble)

ride outLet's ride out to the mountains while the weather is good.趁天气好,咱们骑马到山上去吧。ride out sthWe decided to try to ride out the storm rather than attempt to get back to harbour.我们决定想法子渡过风暴,而不是试图返回港口。
We can ride out the hurricane by staying here.我们可以停在这里躲避风暴。
Such weapons could ride out an enemy attack and still hit back effectively.这些武器能够顶住敌人的进攻后进行有效的还击。
The company has managed to ride out this trade depression.公司已安然渡过这个贸易萧条时期。
She can ride out this business.她能使这家企业熬过难关。
ride over v.+prep.

使骑马〔自行车等〕穿过… pass across (sth such as land on horseback, bicycle, etc.)

ride over sthHuntsmen have no right to ride over other people's land without permission.猎手没有权利在未经许可的情况下骑马穿过别人的土地。ride sth over sthWho said you could ride your bicycle over my garden?谁说你可以骑自行车穿过我的园子的?
ride to v.+prep.

骑马〔自行车等〕到… travel as far as (a place on horseback, bicycle, etc.)

ride to sthIt's too far to ride to your grandmother's, you'd better take the bus.骑车去你奶奶那儿太远了,你最好坐公共汽车去。ride sth to sthHe rode a motorcycle to the station.他骑摩托车到车站去。
I rode my bicycle to school every day for ten years.有十年时间,我每天都骑自行车上学。
ride up v.+adv.

向上拱,向上翘 rise steadily up

ride upHis coat rides up at the back.他身上的上装背面向上缩。
I don't like this skirt because it keeps riding up.我不喜欢这条裙子,因为它老是往上缩。
Shorts that ride up can be very uncomfortable.短裤向上紧绷会使人感到不舒服。用作名词n.along for the ride

凑热闹,随大流 present with others but not taking part seriously

take for a ride

用武力带走某人并加以谋害 take sb away with force and kill him or her

非常记忆ri日+de德⇒在日本和德国没人骑马故事记忆学会 Ride骑车妈妈 Pride自豪近义词 driveguidemanagev. control反义词 walk步行
S+~+AShe hasn't been out riding since the accident.她自从出了事故以后,一直没有骑马外出过。
Mary and Jane rode by turns.玛丽与简轮流骑。
How far did you ride?你骑了多远?
Do you wish to walk or to ride?你愿意走路还是乘坐什么?
Who taught you to ride?谁教你骑术的?
We are going riding on Saturday.我们星期六要去骑马。
We rode across the fields.我们骑马穿越田野。
I put a pillow on the saddle so that I could ride comfortably.我在鞍上放了一个枕头,这样骑马时可以舒服些。
This car rides comfortably.这汽车乘坐起来很舒服。
A full moon rode in the night sky.一轮明月在夜空中移动。
Will the ship be safe riding at anchor in this storm?这艘船停泊在暴风雨中安全吗?
In front of the carriage there rode two men in uniforms.车前两位穿制服的男士骑马并进。
S+~+ adj.His horse rides well.他的马好骑。
The country road rides hard.乡村路上车不好骑。
The ground rode hard after the frost.降霜后骑起马来觉得地面很硬。
She rides easy in the saddle.她从容地骑着马。
Anthony has been riding high ever since he changed his job.自从安东尼换了工作后,他一直很成功。
The England team are riding high at the moment; they've won their last five matches.现在英格兰队正处于最佳状态,他们连胜了最后5场比赛。
S+~+ n./pron.I'll ride the old horse and you ride the pony.我骑那匹老马,你骑那匹小马。
They are learning to ride horses.他们在学骑马。
The children are riding the merry-go-round.孩子们在骑旋转木马玩。
Can you ride a bicycle?你会骑自行车吗?
I have never ridden a motorbicycle.我从来没有骑过摩托车。
Whether he rides a bike or takes a bus, he always attends class on time.无论是骑自行车还是乘公共汽车,他总是准时上课。
I am going by train,I like riding the train.我准备乘火车去,我喜欢坐火车。
Eagles were flying up and up as if to ride the white clouds.老鹰越飞越高,好像翱翔在白云之上。
The ship rode the rough sea.这艘船在波涛汹涌的海上航行。
The large sailing vessel rode the storm.大帆船顶住了风暴。
They can't ride the adverse situation.他们无法渡过逆境。
Leave her alone and stop riding her.不要老是缠着她不放。
The boxer managed to ride the punch.拳击手设法躲开那一拳。
The winning horse was ridden by Willie Carson.那匹跑在最前面的马是由威利·卡森策骑的。用作名词n.Give me a ride on your shoulders,Daddy.爸爸,让我在你肩膀上骑一会儿吧。
Shall I give the child a ride on my back?让我来背这孩子好吗?
Let us go for a ride before breakfast.咱们早饭前去骑一会儿马吧。
I had a ride on a horse for an hour.我骑马骑了一个小时。
Can I have a ride on your bike?我可以骑你的自行车吗?
Shall we go for a ride in the car?我们要不要坐小汽车出去兜一圈?
Can I hitch a ride with you?我可以顺路搭乘你的车吗?
They jumped on a train and stole a ride.他们跳上一列火车,逃票搭乘。
It's a ten minute ride on the bus.乘公共汽车要用10分钟。
The hotel is situated within ten minutes' ride of the station.那家旅馆离车站有10分钟的车程。
The town centre is only a short bus ride away .坐公共汽车去市中心只有很短一段路程。
The train ride was long.火车旅程很长。
The luxury model gives a smoother ride.坐这种豪华型汽车感觉很平稳。
The champion jockey had an easy ride in the Derby.得冠军的那位骑师在德比年度大赛上跑得很轻松。
I heard they gave you a pretty rough ride in the interview.我听说他们在面试中尽给你出难题。Pridershipn.乘客数Pridern.骑手附件扶手Pstockridern.骑马放牧人Pjoyridern.乘汽车兜风的人overriddenoverride的过去分词; Proughridern.驯马师非正式骑兵outridenoutride的过去分词; Pnightrider夜间骑马为非作歹的人Poutridevt.较…骑得更好赶过经受住Poutridern.先驱者摩托车警卫骑马侍从Poverridevt.推翻无视对…有最后发言权制服践踏奔越过Pjoyriden.驾车兜风偷车乱开乘汽车兜风追求享受的行动胡作非为



ride可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,主动形式有时含有被动意义。






take sb for a ride可表示“欺骗某人”,也可表示“用武力将某人带走并谋害某人”。


ride a horse和ride a bicycle一般强调“骑”的动作,而ride on a horse和ride on a bicycle则强调“骑”的状态。{He came riding on a white hors.|他骑着一匹白马而来。|一般来说,第一句的a horse可省略,因ride本身已指“骑马”,而第二句中的riding也可省略,因on a white horse也有表示“骑”的意思;

Can you ride a horse?你能骑马吗?

drive和ride的比较:两者都属于不及物动词。drive表示“乘坐完全或部分地属于自己管理的车。ride表示“乘坐不是自己管理的车”。美国人还将ride用于表示“乘船”。两者作名词时,有类似的不同点。He is driving in his own car.He is driving in a friend's car.He is riding in a bus.He is riding in a steamer.

用作动词She hasn't been outridingsince the accident.她自从出了事故以后,一直没有骑马外出过。
I canridea bicycle, and I can drive a car, but I can notridea horse.我会骑自行车,而且我会开汽车。但我不会骑马。
You'll never learn toridea bicycle if you don't practise.如果你不练习,就学不会骑自行车。
It's a ten-minuterideon the bus.乘公共汽车要用十分钟。
This balloonrideis incredible.这次乘气球旅行简直令人难以置信。用作名词A park andridenetwork will allow private vehicles to also act as feeders to the rail system.泊车转乘网络将有助于私家车成为接驳铁路的交通工具。
I want to have arideof that bike.我想骑一骑那辆自行车。
It's only a 5-minute bus-rideto the park.坐公共汽车去公园仅需5分钟。
The luxury model gives a smootherride.坐这种豪华型汽车感觉很平稳。
He hitched arideto the station.他搭便车到车站去。noun.journey, trip in vehicle
同义词 drive,excursion,expedition,jaunt,outing,tour,transportationairing,commute,hitch,joyride,lift,run,spin,turn,whirlSunday drive,pick upverb.carry or be carried
同义词 cruise,drift,drive,float,go,go with,guide,move,sit,travelcontrol,curb,direct,handle,hitchhike,journey,manage,motor,post,progress,restrain,roll,tourbe supported,hitch a ride,sit on,thumb a ride,tool aroundverb.dominate, oppress
同义词 afflict,annoy,badger,bait,berate,disparage,domineer,enslave,grip,harass,harry,haunt,hector,hound,override,persecute,rate,reproach,revile,scold,torment,torture,tyrannize,upbraidbe arbitrary,be autocratic
abuseverb attack with words
backbite,bad-mouth,bash,belittle,berate,blow off,calumniate,cap,castigate,cuss out,cut down,cut to the quick,decry,defame,derogate,discount,do a number on,dump on,give a black eye,hurl brickbat,insult,knock,minimize,nag,offend,oppress,persecute,pick on,put down,rag on,reproach,revile,rip up,run down,scold,signify,slam,slap,sling mud,smear,sound,swear at,tear apart,trash,upbraid,vilify,vituperate,zing
annoyverb irritate, upset
T-off,abrade,agitate,ask for it,badger,be at,be on the back of,bedevil,beleaguer,bore,bother,break,bug,burn up,chafe,displease,distress,disturb,egg on,exasperate,fire up,gall,get,gnaw,harass,harry,heat up,henpeck,hit where one lives,irk,madden,make waves,miff,nag,needle,nettle,nudge,peeve,perturb,pester,plague,provoke,push button,ride,rile,ruffle,tease,tick off,trouble,turn off,vex,work on,worry
annoysverb irritate, upset
T-offs,abrades,agitates,asks for it,badgers,bears,bedevils,beleaguers,bothers,breaks,bugs,burns up,chafes,displeases,distresses,disturbs,egg on,exasperates,fires up,galls,gets,gnaws,harasses,harries,heats up,henpecks,hits where one lives,irks,is at,is on the back of,maddens,makes waves,miffs,nags,needles,nettles,nudges,peeves,perturbs,pesters,plagues,provokes,pushes button,rides,riles,ruffles,teases,ticks off,troubles,turns off,vexes,works on,worries
automobilenoun land vehicle;car
auto,bucket of bolts,bug,buggy,bus,clunker,compact,convertible,crate,four-wheeler,gas guzzler,go-cart,hardtop,hatchback,heap,jalopy,junker,lemon,limousine,motor car,oil burner,passenger car,pickup truck,ride,sedan,sports car,station wagon,subcompact,taxi,transportation,truck,tub,van,wheels,wreck
badgerverb nag, bother
annoy,bait,bug,bully,eat,give the business,goad,harass,harry,hassle,heckle,hound,importune,insist on,needle,nudge,pester,plague,ride,tease,torment,work on
besetverb plague;hem in
aggress,assail,attack,badger,bedevil,beleaguer,besiege,bug,circle,compass,dog,drive up the wall,embarrass,encircle,enclose,encompass,entangle,environ,fall on,fall upon,girdle,give a bad time,give a hard time,give one the business,give the needle,harass,harry,hassle,infest,invade,jump on one's case,nag,nudge,overrun,perplex,pester,pick on,put the squeeze on,ride,ring,start in on,storm,strike,surround After a nice ride, Ball bounces out of the car.
在一次舒适的乘坐后,皮球跳出了小轿车。 hjenglish

Each of us had a motorbike, and we would ride them to go from one shooting to another.
我们一人有一辆电单车,会骑车从一个拍摄点赶到另一个拍摄点。 yeeyan

Each ride seemed like an adventure and a new challenge.
每次乘坐似乎都是一次新的冒险和挑战。 yeeyan

He suggested we ride the subway from Manhattan to the meeting.
他建议我们从曼哈顿乘坐地铁去会议地点。 yeeyan

I throw my kids around, let them ride on my shoulders, swing them, do pushups with them on my back.
我让孩子环住我的脖子,让他们骑在我的肩上,摇晃他们,让他们在我背上做俯卧撑。 yeeyan

I assumed the customer knew something and I went along for the ride.
我认为客户可能知道什么消息,并准备好搭乘这趟便车。 ecocn

I think there is nothing more fun in an airplane ride than to notice the tiny buildings and trees from up above.
在我看来,再没什么比乘坐飞机,从上空俯瞰那些微小的建筑和树木更有趣的了。 yeeyan

I wanted to hurry and ride her, but I remembered what Keno Carter said about being slow and gentle.
我想要催促而且骑她,但是我记得基诺卡特有关慢的和温和说的. putclub

I ride this street every day.

Jane wants to ride on one of the elephants.
简想骑在其中一头象的身上。 ebigear

Major improvements are in line and ride.
主要的改进在于线条和坐驾。 yeeyan

One thing can be said about the ride: The bike moves like nothing else on the road.
关于骑行,有件事可以说说:在路上,这辆自行车的移动与其它车截然不同。 yeeyan

One important safety step that many school districts overlook is an evacuation drill for all students who ride school buses, the National Transportation Safety Board says.
美国国家运输安全委员会认为很多学区忽略的一个重要的安全步骤是所有乘坐学校巴士学生的疏散演习。 yeeyan

Riders take lessons in dressage and jumping, and can also ride through the countryside.
骑者学习花式骑术训练和跳跃运动,也可以在乡村骑马慢行。 yeeyan

She asks, can you ride along?
她问,你能否一起坐车去? yeeyan

She told me her name and said we had friends in common and asked me to ride beside her.
她报上自己的姓名,说我和她有共同的朋友,让我骑在她身边。 yeeyan

That’s why people in Denmark ride bikes or use one of the best public transport systems in the world.
这就是丹麦人骑自行车的原因,也就是丹麦拥有世界上最好的公共交通系统的原因。 yeeyan

They often ride out to the mountains when the weather is fine.

We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us.
我们并非乘坐在铁路上方,而是它乘坐着我们。 yeeyan

We get back on and ride some more.
接着,我们又回到火车上,再乘坐几程。 putclub

We ride buses and trains and walk. We’re getting bikes soon, but we decided to do one step at a time.
现在,我们乘坐公共汽车和火车,或者步行,我们计划不久买自行车,但是我们决定一步一步慢慢来。 yeeyan

You can't ride this horse. It scours.




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