

单词 riddles
释义 rid·dles 英'rɪdlz美'rɪdlz COCA³⁰⁸²¹BNC³³⁰⁶⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
名词 riddle:
a difficult problema coarse sieve as for gravel
动词 riddle:
pierce with many holesset a difficult problem or riddleseparate with a riddle, as grain from chaffspread or diffuse throughspeak in riddlesexplain a riddle用作名词I am no use at guessingriddles.猜谜语我一点都不行。
Write down the answers of theriddlesbelow.猜谜语写出你认为正确的谜底。noun.brain-teaser
同义词 complexity,conundrum,dilemma,enigma,mystery,puzzle,quandary,teaserbewilderment,charade,complication,confusion,cryptogram,distraction,doubt,embarrassment,entanglement,intricacy,labyrinth,maze,mystification,perplexity,plight,poser,predicament,problem,puzzlement,question,rebus,stickler,strait,stumper,twisterbrain-twister,closed book,knotty question,mind-boggler,sixty-four dollar question,tough nut to crack,tough proposition
反义词 solution,confidence,good fortune,simplicityverb.perforate, permeate
同义词 mar,pervade,puncture,corrupt,infestpierce,damage,impair,spoil,bore,pitpepperhoneycomb
反义词 help And traditional activities such as guessing lantern riddles will also be held.
此外,园内还举行传统的猜灯谜活动。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

On this day, people to go to guess riddles on lanterns at night and have a sumptuous dinner for celebration.
这一天,人们在夜里悬挂彩灯猜灯谜,一起吃顿丰富的晚餐来庆祝。 hxen

Solving those riddles might be the most formidable challenge yet for the vaccine field.
解开这些谜团可能是当前对疫苗研究领域最艰巨的挑战。 yeeyan

The evil dragon wasn't evil at all, only bewitched, and now that the riddles were solved it was proving to be as kind as its new master.
原来恶龙一点儿都不邪恶,它只是被诅咒了而已。迷于一旦破除,巨龙立刻变得像它的新主人一样和善。 yeeyan

While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns.
做灯笼时,人们通常在上面写上谜语。 ebigear

“ You speak in riddles, learned sir,” said the pale minister, glancing aside out of the window.
“你是在打哑谜,博学的先生,”牧师斜瞥着窗外说。 ebigear

And if you would know God be not therefore a solver of riddles.
如果你们想认识上帝,那就不要去做解谜者。 ebigear

Claiming to have solved one of China’s most enduring literary riddles— who wrote the book?
声称已解决了有关这本书,困扰中国的持久以来的文学之谜——谁是作者? yeeyan

I read him poems and stories, sometimes riddles-- though I stopped reading those when I saw he was far better at solving them than I was.
我给他念诗歌和故事,有时也念谜语--不过后来我不念了,因为我发现他解谜语的本领远比我高强。 kekenet

If visitors have solutions to the riddles, they can pull the paper out and go to the lantern owners to check their answer.
如果赏灯者猜出谜语,就将纸条取出,然后找灯笼所有者确认答案。 hxen

In February Watson, a supercomputer devised by IBM, trounced two human champions at“ Jeopardy!”, an American quiz show renowned for the way its clues are laden with ambiguity, irony, riddles and puns.
二月,由 IBM设计的超级计算机 Watson在 Jeopardy游戏中完胜两名人类冠军, Jeopardy是一个美国智力竞赛节目,以其线索中充满一词多义、反语、谜语以及双关语著称。 ecocn

In his spare time, he loved to play with puzzles and math riddles.
在业余时间,他喜欢玩拼图和数迷游戏。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Many riddles have only these two parts, plus an answer, as in the following.
许多谜语仅有这两部分,再加上一个谜底,如。 jukuu

More riddles.
谜团更多了。 yeeyan

The other96 percent remains elusive, but scientists are looking in the farthest reaches of space and deepest depths of Earth to solve the two dark riddles.
其余的 96%仍然未知,但是科学家正试图在目前所能达到的宇宙最远处和地球最深处寻找到关于这两个隐暗秘密的答案。 yeeyan

They transformed the legendary Hatter into a gangly, circus clown, a man driven crazy by poison, who speaks in riddles and giggles like a school girl.
他们将传奇的“疯帽子”变成了一个身材瘦长的,如同马戏团小丑一样的男子;他因中毒而发狂,说话总是夹杂着谜语和嗤嗤傻笑,就像一个女学生一样。 iciba

This genetic grab bag suggests one of the riddles of the Tuareg, who have always considered themselves a people apart yet for centuries took slaves from other desert tribes and intermarried with them.
这种基因的大集合暗示了图阿雷格人的谜题之一,人种的起源。他们一直认为自己是与众不同的民族,数个世纪以来,他们从别的沙漠部落抢夺奴隶,还与这些部落通婚。 yeeyan

We indulge in riddles, rather than in the impersonal geometries that govern the day-lit world.
比起那毫无人情味的几何学,尽管它左右着白日的世界,我们更愿沉湎在不解之谜中。 putclub

With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord . Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
我要与他面对面说话, 乃是明说,不用谜语, 并且他必见我的形象.你们毁谤我的仆人摩西,为何不惧怕呢? ebigear




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