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词汇 rickshaw boy
释义 rickshaw boy
In the end they took me off to the police station -rickshaw andrickshaw boyas well.末后到底连我的包车夫和车子都带进捕房去。
Two cases in point are Luxun's Story of Ah Q and Laoshe's Rickshaw Boy, both of which were translated into many foreign languages and were well-received.鲁迅的《阿q正传》和老舍的《骆驼祥子》就是两个最好的例子,这两部文学作品被翻译成多国语文后,深受当地读者欢迎。
Two cases in point are Luxun's Story of Ah Q and Laoshe's Rickshaw Boy,both of which were translated into many foreign languages and were well-received.鲁迅的《阿Q正传》和老舍的《骆驼祥子》就是两个最好的例子,这两部文学作品被翻译成多国语文后,深受当地读者欢迎。
Hung-chien felt very full.He couldn't speak Cantonese and was afraid of getting in an argument with arickshaw boy, so he strolled leisurely back to the hotel by himself.鸿渐吃得很饱,不会讲广东话,怕跟洋车夫纠缠,一个人慢慢地踱回旅馆。
He began turning over in his mind what Chao Po-tao had said, then suddenly remembered he still had to go to the police station to bail out therickshaw boyand his rickshaw.他咀嚼着赵伯韬的谈话,他又想起要到老闸捕房去交涉保释他的车夫和那辆车。
Just then, Chou Chung-wei'srickshaw boydashed in in a state of great agitation to report that the workers had chosen ten delegates, who were now trying to get into the lane.这时候,周仲伟的包车夫慌慌张张跑进来报告工人们又举了十个代表要进衖堂来了。




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