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词汇 richest
释义 richest 英'rɪtʃɪst美'rɪtʃɪst COCA¹¹⁴⁰³BNC¹⁰⁰⁹⁴Economist²⁶⁰⁹
形容词 rich:
possessing material wealthhaving an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances especially natural resourcesof great worth or qualitymarked by great fruitfulnessstrong; intensevery productivehigh in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air, a rich gas mixturesuggestive of or characterized by great expensecontaining plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugarmarked by richness and fullness of flavorpleasantly full and mellowaffording an abundant supplyadj.having a lot of money
同义词 affluent,easy,fat,prosperous,wealthy,well-heeled,well-off,well-to-doflush,independent,plush,swimming,uptownbloated,comfortable,filthy rich,gilded,in clover,in the money,loaded,made of money,moneyed,opulent,propertied,rolling in it,upscale,well provided for,worth a million
反义词 destitute,failing,impoverished,lacking,needy,poor,unsuccessful,wantingbland,depleted,low,serious,tasteless,weakadj.abundant, well-supplied
同义词 full,fertile,splendid,lush,valuable,plentiful,elegant,expensive,gorgeous,smartswank,swell,fancy,grand,chic,fine,plushabounding,ample,classy,copious,costly,deluxe,elaborate,exquisite,extravagant,exuberant,fecund,fruitful,high-class,lavish,luxurious,magnificent,ornate,palatial,posh,precious,priceless,productive,prolific,resplendent,ritzy,snazzy,spiffy,stylish,sumptuous,superb,swanky,plenteous,embellished,well-endowed
反义词 serious,weak,low,tasteless,blandpoor,bad,unfashionable,ugly,barrenneedy,impoverished,depleteduselessadj.flavorful
同义词 heavy,spicy,sweet,juicy,creamy,satisfying,tasty,delicious,savory,luscioussucculent,fattyfull-bodied,nourishing,nutritious,oily,highly flavored,sustaining
反义词 serious,weak,low,poortasteless,blandneedy,impoverished,depletedunsavory,distasteful,unappetizing,unpleasantadj.full in color or sound
同义词 vivid,vibrant,deep,bright,warm,resonant,strong,intensedulcet,eloquent,expressive,mellifluous,mellow,rotund,significant,sonorous,canorous,silvery
反义词 serious,low,tasteless,bland,poormoderate,mild,obscure,soft,light,quiet,weak,dullneedy,impoverished,depleteduncaring,unintelligent,paleadj.very funny
同义词 entertaining,strange,oddabsurd,queeramusing,comical,droll,farcical,foolish,hilarious,humorous,incongruous,laughable,ludicrous,preposterous,ridiculous,risible,divertingslayingside-splitting,splitting
反义词 serious,weak,low,tasteless,bland,poor,needy,impoverished,depleted Accounting for purchasing power, it is one of the five richest countries in mainland Latin America.
若以购买力为例,这里已是拉丁美洲大陆最富有的五个国家之一。 yeeyan

And the rate at which the richest consume these things is amazing: Americans consume120kg of meat each per year; in the developing world they eat28kg.
最富有的人们消费这些东西的速度是惊人的:美国每人每年消费120公斤肉,而发展中国家的人每年消费28公斤肉。 yeeyan

The50 richest members of Congress accounted for 90% of that increase, Roll Call says.
据《点名报》增长的资产中90%是由国会议员中最富的50人占据。 yeeyan

After all, in a nation where each group is intent on securing its interests, who is most suitable to rule if not the richest and most lavish man around?
毕竟,在这个国家里,各个党派各个团体都在追逐自己的利益,如果不让最有钱,最铺张的人来当领袖,还有谁更能胜任呢? yeeyan

After decades of isolation under an apartheid government, Africa’s richest country would return to the world stage as a“beacon of hope” for the oppressed.
在经历了数十年的种族隔离之后,这个非洲最富裕的国家一跃成为是国际舞台上那些受压迫者们的“希望之光”。 ecocn

Although among Africa’s richest countries, it is the only one in the world with cases of urban polio.
尽管名列非洲最富裕的国家,它也是世界上唯一有城市脊髓灰质炎病例的。 ecocn

And it usually wasn’t the richest one.
他通常选的都不是最有钱的那一位。 yeeyan

As a group, black Americans include many of the world’s richest and most famous personalities.
作为一个族群,美国黑人中有许多世界上最富有和最著名的人物。 yeeyan

As he stood before them the perfection of their survival often struck him as the supreme eloquence, the virtue that included all others, thanks to the language of art, the richest and most universal.
当他站在这些画作前,这些经历战火而保存下来的完美的艺术品对他来说就是至高的雄辩,是至纯的美德,艺术的语言最为丰富而又最具普遍性。 yeeyan

At Google, Rubin has access to virtually unlimited resources from one of the richest companies on the planet, and no need to generate revenue, at least not in the conventional sense.
在谷歌这家星球上最富有的公司里,鲁宾可以不受限制的利用公司的资源,并且不需要创造收入至少不是常规意义上的那种。 yeeyan

Beyond that the pervasive theme appears to be in protesting the richest1% of Americans and their purported greed.
除此之外,这场运动无处不在的主题似乎是抗议美国1%的富人及其所谓的贪婪。 fortunechina

Despite the odd title, this is a solid book on investment from one of the richest men in America.
和古怪的标题不同,这是一个全美国最有钱的人写的一本可靠的投资书籍。 yeeyan

Everybody eats it and drinks it, from the richest to the poorest, from the most indigenous to the least indigenous, and that's one thing that unites more than anything else.
从首富到最穷的,从最土著的到最不像土著的,大家吃玉米、喝玉米汁。 玉米是一种比任何事物都要强有力的共同纽带。 yeeyan

He surrounds himself with some of Egypt’s richest people.
他的周围聚集着埃及最富有的人。 ecocn

In the past month, the Kremlin has also alienated Mikhail Prokhorov, one of Russia’s richest tycoons, who threw in the towel after making an attempt to participate in public politics.
在过去的一个月,克里姆林宫已经疏远了霍洛夫,俄罗斯最富有的商业巨头之一。 霍洛夫在试图参加公共政治之后就放弃了从政。 ecocn

It is no coincidence that Malaysia, the country with the highest proportion of prudently managed forest in the study, is also one of the richest.
本研究中提到的马来西亚得到妥善管理的森林面积比例最大,而它恰恰也是热带地区最富裕的国家之一,这不能说是巧合。 ecocn

It would introduce an income tax for the richest1.2% of tax filers, with brackets that start at earnings of $200, 000 for individuals or$400, 000 for couples.
这项措施打算向那些最富有的1.2%的人们征收收入税,备注是起征点为个人收入200,000美元或夫妻收入400,000美元。 ecocn

She noted this year's top10 richest also include two billionaires from India and one from Brazil.
她注意到了,今年前10大富豪也包括两位来自印度和巴西的亿万富翁。 yeeyan

Some of America’s richest private universities are increasing their charges, because their endowments have suffered steep losses.
一些美国最富有的私立大学也正在增加其学费,因为它们获得的捐助骤减。 hjenglish

They are all part of the far- flung empire built by Egypt’s richest family.
他们都是埃及最富有的家族所构筑的广阔的商业帝国的一部分。 yeeyan

While not the largest or richest region up for grabs, Lazio is perhaps the most symbolic as it is the seat of the national government.
尽管拉齐奥区并不是意大利最大或最富有的选区,但由于是政府所在地,所以该区的选举结果或许最具象征意义。 iciba

Yet he is also the254th richest person in the world so his craziness is paying off.
但不管怎样,他也是世界上第254位最富有的人,所以,疯狂也是值得的。 yeeyan

You're basically talking about what slice of all the national wealth belongs to the richest one percent or the lowest 10 percent, that sort of thing.
事实上你在谈论的是最有钱的那1%的人或者最穷的那10%的人到底在全国的财富中占有了多少,这之类的事情。 yeeyan




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