

单词 rice field
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Besides, this paper has also studied the water management of the saline and acid rice field.
文章还对咸酸稻田的用水管理进行了探讨。 cnki

The annual rice field art festival began recently in the Aomori village of Inakadate, Japan.
日本青森县田舍馆村近日迎来一年一度的“稻田艺术节”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The data obtained by the recruited observational period of HUBEX over rice field area at Shouxian site from June to July,1999 are used to investigate the bulk transfer coefficients CD, CH and CE.
利用1999年夏季淮河流域能量和水循环试验 HUBEX补充加强观测期间寿县观测站探测资料,计算分析了水稻田下垫表面上的整体输送系数 CD、 CH; cnki

The object of this paper is to analyse the crossing performance of rice field wheeled powerplant.
本文以轮式水田动力机械为对象作了越埂性能分析。 cnki

The occurrence rules of rice planthopper in rice field with cultural crab was ascertained through systemic investigation and field census.
通过系统调查和大田普查相结合的方法,研究明确了养蟹稻田稻飞虱的发生规律。 iciba

Times had changed and now only the rice field grain drying busy, fought by shouting playfulness disappeared lazy to do.
时过境迁,如今的稻场只剩下晒粮的繁忙,摸爬滚打,吆喝嬉闹消失怠尽。 enwaimao.cn

Acrid fumes of still- burning thatch— hours earlier the rooftops of orderly houses— assaulted my eyes and nose as I stepped out onto a bed of ashes in a smoldering rice field.
几个小时前还秩序井然的房屋,现在它们的屋顶都成了燃烧着的茅草。我走出飞机踩到一片还未燃尽的稻田的灰烬上,刺鼻的烟味刺激着我的鼻子和眼睛。 yeeyan

After treated by the lymphocyte separation medium, the erythrocytes and lymphocytes were separated successfully in the kidney cells suspension of rice field eel.
运用淋巴细胞分离液处理黄鳝肾脏细胞悬浮液后,成功地分离了其中红细胞和淋巴细胞。 dictall

Based on the testing hole experimentation, this paper studied on the transformation process, leakage loss of nitrogen in the rice field water.
通过测坑试验,研究了稻田水中氮素的变化动态、渗漏流失规律。 dictall

Behind the farmhouse was a rice field.

Heavy rain and last week's typhoon, which killed at least96 people, flooded most of his rice field.
暴雨和上星期的台风造成至少96人死亡,并淹没了他绝大多数的稻田。 focus

Muckbusters on a new frontier, peasants till a rice field recently brought under irrigation near Shenyang in the northeast.
在东北的沈阳附近,一个新的农垦区的老农们耕作最近灌溉的水稻田。 blog.sina.com.cn

My childhood environment was a horse ranch and rice field around us.
我的童年环境就是周围的马场和稻田。 yeeyan

My suggestion is that he should turn the land into rice field.
我的建议是他应该把这块土地改造成稻田。 blog.sina.com.cn

Remember the photo Michael was in a bamboo hat? We found a beautiful rice field and we decided to take some photos when a water buffalo started sneaking up on us.

Some species of Staphylinidae on rice field are important predaceous natural enemies of insects .
有些稻田隐翅虫是重要的捕食性天敌。 cnki

The elephant pounded into the rice field.

The peasants are distributing manure over the rice field.
农民们正在把肥料撒在稻田里。 chinafanyi.com

The acute toxicity of Meothrion on rice field eel was determined with conventional method.
用常规方法测定了灭扫利对黄鳝的毒性。 iciba

This paper reports18 species of Staphylinid the morphology and distribution on rice field in Guangxi.
本文报道广西稻田中已知的18种隐翅虫形态特征及其分布。 cnki




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