释义 |
ayanamiIMDB³³²⁶² 例句 And remember, it is MIZUNO now, NOT Ayanami. 记住,我叫水野,不叫绫波。 yeeyan Contrary to what people might think, Ayanami Rei was acutely of what was going on around her. 和人们的想象刚好相反,绫波丽对周遭发生的事情其实相当敏感。 yeeyan Filled with an almost alien resolution, Ayanami decided that she wouldn't lose Ikari Shinji to the fiery Second Children. 绫波胸中充满了和其性格迥异的决心,她决定她不会把碇真嗣输给火焰般炽烈的第二适格者。 yeeyan For much of her life, Ayanami behaved as though she felt no emotion. 她在自己一生的大部分时间里,都表现得仿佛没有感情一般。 yeeyan One of the Ikaris often wondered if Ayanami had known happiness, while the other did not seem to care. 这两个人的其中一位,经常想得知绫波是否懂得什么是幸福;而另一位则似乎并不关心。 yeeyan Out of one of her school uniform pockets, Ayanami withdrew a small pocket calendar card she had found on the street one day. 绫波从她校服的一只口袋里,摸出一张小小的日历卡片,那是有一天她在地上捡到的。 yeeyan That morning, Pilot Ayanami Rei ran to school. 那天的早晨,驾驶员绫波丽是跑着去的学校。 yeeyan While the first event apparently had little impact on the life of Ayanami, the second greatly perturbed her very simple life. 如果说第一件事显然对她的生活有着小小的触动的话,那么第二件则毋庸置疑地震撼了她原本极其简单的生活。 yeeyan Yes, many would not recognize this girl as Ayanami Rei, former pilot of Evangelion Unit 00, but now as her new alias. 是的,许多人都认不出这就是之前的绫波丽,前 Evangelion零号机专属驾驶员,现在她有了新的化名。 yeeyan |