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A store or loyalty card can be fitted with an RFID tag to identify customers on arrival.
商场会员卡可被制作成射频识别标签,顾客到达商店时身份即可被识别。 yeeyan

And standards do not solve everything: RFID, like any other technology, is subject to the laws of physics.
同时,标准也不是能解决所有的事情——像其他技术一样, RFID也受到物理学的制约。 ecocn

The cost of existing RFID chips, however, is one of the factors preventing their widespread adoption.
现用射频识别芯片未能得到广泛使用的一大因素正是它的成本。 ecocn

The presentation layer needs to be flexible enough to support performing user tasks in different technologies and across a wide range of devices browsers, mobile, RFID….
表示层需要足够的灵活以支持用不同技术和通过多种设备浏览器、手机、射频识别器等完成用户的任务。 yeeyan

A challenge that we have faced historically is that RFID data were an island of their own.
从历史上看,我们过去所面临的一个挑战就是: RFID数据本身就是一个孤岛。 infoq

Also, don’t assume the public knows what you know about RFID. Go out of your way to explain how you are safeguarding the public’s privacy.
而且不要认为公众对“ RFID”的了解程度和你一样,你应该积极地走出去向人们主动解释你是如何保障个人的隐私。 yeeyan

An RFID coil made on silk substrate and gold that can help tell when food goes bad.
丝蛋白基质上的无线射频识别线圈能够显示食物何时会变质。 yeeyan

An RFID tag will be attached to “ each tree to track ownership, growth, maintenance and the lumber yield from each tree owner's stand, ” according to the company.
这家公司称,每棵树上都放置一个 RFID标签,站在树木所有者的角度跟踪每棵树的所有权、成长、维护和木材产量。 yeeyan

As the automobile moves along the assembly line, an active RFID tag transmits its location.
当汽车随着装配线开始移动时,一个活跃的 RFID标签将传递它的位置。 ibm

Before examining how to use the security features of RFIDIC, this article reviews some background information on RFID data management.
在研究如何使用 RFIDIC的安全特性之前,本文先回顾 RFID数据管理的一些背景信息。 ibm

Before we can do that kind of thing though, retailers and suppliers need to overcome many hurdles to even implement the baseline RFID technology.
但是,在我们实现这种可能之前,即便是实施基本的 RFID技术,零售商和也需要克服重重困难。 yeeyan

Event sources can be anything ranging from RFID sensors to business applications.
事件源可以是从 RFID传感器到业务应用程序的任何东西。 ibm

For example, imagine how convenient it would be to have RFID chips embedded in sunglasses so you could find them easily.
例如,设想一下如果太阳镜内嵌了 RFID芯片,会给你轻易地找到它们带来多大的方便。 yeeyan

For example, shipping containers carrying auto parts for Volkswagen will be fitted with RFID tags.
比如,载有大众汽车部件的集装箱将贴有射频识别标签。 yeeyan

If you know of any other industries finding unique and modern uses for RFID, or any other technology, please let us know in the comments below!
如果你还知道其他的行业中使用了独特和现代的 RFID,或者其他任何技术,请在下面的评论中告诉我们! yeeyan

In August, Walmart began installing Radio Frequency Identification Devices RFID in their underwear and jeans, which lets them track items and customers around the store.
今年八月,沃尔玛开始在自己的内衣和牛仔裤安装无线电频率识别装置 RFID,使他们能跟踪货品细目和逛商店的顾客。 yeeyan

In the following years much of the academic work concentrated on bringing this about with RFID tags, which are reliable, inexpensive and do not require a power supply.
在之后的岁月中,大部分学术工作集中于利用可靠、廉价且不需要能源供应的射频识别标签来实现这一梦想。 ecocn

In this step, a unique EPC code is assigned to an RFID tag and that tag is affixed to a product container.
在这个步骤中,将为 RFID标记分配一个惟一的 EPC代码,然后将该标记粘贴到药品容器上。 ibm

It's one of the largest implementations of RFID in the western world. However perhaps because of that scale, it's also fairly conservative.
牡蛎卡是射频技术在西方的较大规模应用之一,但正是这个规模导致了它的相对保守。 yeeyan

Once the doctor finishes the operation, he simply waves the RFID wand over the patient to ensure that he or she is sponge-free.
一旦医师完成手术,他只需把射频识别杆在病人身体上晃一晃就能知道有没有海绵没有清理干净。 yeeyan

One obvious use would be in radiofrequency identification RFID tags on retail goods.
一项明显的用途是用作零售货物的射频识别 RFID标签。 ecocn

Radio frequency identification RFID and more sophisticated technologies for product tracking within supply chain management systems are being experimented in some countries.
一些国家目前正尝试在供应链管理系统内通过无线射频识别和更复杂的技术来追踪产品。 who

The day of their check- in, they are sent a text with their room number. The RFID card is programmed to open that door automatically.
在登记当天,他们可以收到一段带有房间号的文本,然后就可以通过这种 RFID卡片自动打开房间的门。 yeeyan

The Renew uses RFID and infrared scanners to give you information about the fabric composition and condition of your clothes.
这种新型的洗衣机运用了 RFID和红外线扫描,能告诉你衣服的纤维成分以及衣服状况。 yeeyan

These radio systems are as different from each other as light is from sound, so satellites cannot track RFID tags, for instance.
这些无线电系统之间就像光波与声波一样彼此区别,比如,人造卫星就无法追踪射频识别标签。 ecocn

Three hotels in Honolulu, Miami, and NYC have employed a new kind of washable RFID tag to keep you from stealing their towels, linens, and plush terrycloth bathrobes.
位于火奴鲁鲁,迈阿密,纽约的三家酒店购买了一种新型的耐洗的射频识别标签,用以防止人们拿走他们的毛巾、亚麻织品和高级绒毛浴袍。 yeeyan

RFID tags, which have been used to identify everything from cattle to tombstones, will not be the only type of sensor crowding the planet.
已被用于识别从牛到墓碑等一切事物的射频识别标签并非唯一一种将占满这个星球的传感器。 ecocn




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