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词汇 Reza
释义 RezaEconomist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
Judiciary spokesman Ali Reza Jamshidi says the proceedings of the appeal will be open to experts from the Iranian bar association.
发言人贾姆什迪说,伊朗律师协会的有关专家将可以到庭观看上诉的审理过程。 hbu

She is virtually absent, Ms Reza informed a French news- magazine, because“ she wasn't around”.
雷扎对一家法国新闻杂志说,西西丽亚很少露面,因为“她不在左右”。 ecocn

The defection or“ kidnapping”, as Iran says of Ali Reza Asghari, a former deputy defence minister, may also be part of a not-so-covert war.
伊朗前副国防部长阿里-礼萨•阿斯加里 Ali Reza Asghari的变节伊朗方面称是“遭到绑架”,或许也是这场明争暗斗的一部分。 ecocn

The putsch that unseated him in August1953 was carried out in the name of Shah Muhammad- Reza Pahlavi, but the whole seedy plot, it later emerged, had been hatched by the CIA.
1953年把摩萨德赶下台的暴动是以伊朗国王巴列维的名义进行的,但后来人们发现整个事件其实是由中央情报局策划的。 ecocn

“ I think there can be no question that Iran is, by far, the greatest beneficiary of the so-called war on terror,” says religious scholar and author Reza Aslan.
“我想,到目前为止,毫无疑问伊朗是这场所谓的反恐战争中最大的受益者。”宗教学者、作家雷扎-阿斯兰说道。 yeeyan

In 1991 Reza acted as a consultant to the United Nations in Afghanistan, helping to distribute food to populations in war- torn parts of the country.
1991年,他还作为联合国驻阿富汗专员,给阿富汗饱受战争摧残地区的人们分派食物。 com

In 1991 Reza acted as a consultant to the United Nations in Afghanistan, helping to distribute food to populations in war- torn parts of the country.
1991年,他还作为联合国驻阿富汗专员,给阿富汗饱受战争摧残地区的人们分派食物。 com

Instead, Ms Reza sought to capture the dramatic essence of a deeply ambitious man who seems to want“to combat the slippage of time”.
相反地,对于这个极富野心又似乎想要跟时间赛跑的男人,雷扎试图捕捉他生动的内心本质。 ecocn

Instead, Ms Reza sought to capture the dramatic essence of a deeply ambitious man who seems to want“to combat the slippage of time”.
相反地,对于这个极富野心又似乎想要跟时间赛跑的男人,雷扎试图捕捉他生动的内心本质。 ecocn

Iran has had a theocratic Shiite regime since Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was ousted in the Islamic Revolution of1979.
1979年发生的伊斯兰革命,时任国王巴列维被赶下台。伊朗从此成为了一个由伊斯兰什叶派掌权的神权国家。 yeeyan

Its last monarch, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, was overthrown in 1979 but replaced by yet another autocrat, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
其最后的君主穆哈默德巴列维1979年被推翻,被另外一位独裁者霍梅尼所取代。 yeeyan

Kahlili describes the immediate aftermath of the1979 revolution against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as a special time in Iran.
卡利利描述了伊朗反对穆罕默德-雷扎-沙-巴拉维国王的1979年革命之后的那段特殊时期。 yeeyan

Kahlili describes the immediate aftermath of the1979 revolution against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as a special time in Iran.
卡利利描述了伊朗反对穆罕默德-雷扎-沙-巴拉维国王的1979年革命之后的那段特殊时期。 yeeyan

Ms Reza, who in the end cannot conceal her admiration and affection, struggles to interpret these moments.
雷扎总努力想要解读这些瞬间,因为最终她再也无法掩饰对萨科奇的崇拜和喜爱之情。 ecocn

Ms Reza, who in the end cannot conceal her admiration and affection, struggles to interpret these moments.
雷扎总努力想要解读这些瞬间,因为最终她再也无法掩饰对萨科奇的崇拜和喜爱之情。 ecocn

Ms Reza's notes also record his more commonplace traits.
另外,雷扎也记录了萨科奇更多平凡普通的特征。 ecocn

Ms Reza's notes also record his more commonplace traits.
另外,雷扎也记录了萨科奇更多平凡普通的特征。 ecocn

Over the last three decades, Reza's photographs have graced many of National Geographic magazine's most noted covers and have been published in major international publications.
在过去的三十年间,他的许多摄影作品成为了国家地理杂志封面最亮丽的风景,并且在国际诸多大型刊物上得到发表。 com

Over the last three decades, Reza's photographs have graced many of National Geographic magazine's most noted covers and have been published in major international publications.
在过去的三十年间,他的许多摄影作品成为了国家地理杂志封面最亮丽的风景,并且在国际诸多大型刊物上得到发表。 com

Pahlavi,44, was the son of the former shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who was overthrown in1979 and died the following year in exile in Cairo, Egypt.
巴列维,44岁,前国王穆罕默德·雷扎·巴列维的儿子,后者在1979年被推翻并在第二年在埃及开罗流亡时死亡。 aitrans

Renowned Iranian singer, Mohammad Reza Shajarian, will perform a concert with the Ava Ensemble at the American University in Dubai later this year.
著名伊朗演唱家沙加里亚今年底将在杜拜的美国大学的演唱会上表演。 teawang

This week Mr Mousavi’s senior aide, Ali- Reza Beheshti, himself the son of a famous clergyman, said that Messrs Mousavi and Rafsanjani may form a political front.
本周,穆萨维的高级助理 Ali- Reza Beheshti知名宗教界人士之子表示,穆萨维和拉夫桑贾尼可能组成政治同盟. ecocn

When he reversed a ban on women attending football games, a relative of mine compared him to Reza Shah, Iran's great20th- century nation-builder.
当他撤销一条禁止妇女观看足球比赛的禁令时,我的一个亲戚甚至拿他同伊朗20世纪的立国者伟大的礼萨·汗相提并论。 yeeyan

When he reversed a ban on women attending football games, a relative of mine compared him to Reza Shah, Iran's great20th- century nation-builder.
当他撤销一条禁止妇女观看足球比赛的禁令时,我的一个亲戚甚至拿他同伊朗20世纪的立国者伟大的礼萨·汗相提并论。 yeeyan

Reza is the author of16 books, including War& Peace, the first book in the National Geographic Masters of Photography series.
雷扎还是16本书的著作者,其中他的《战争与和平》是国家地理摄影大师系列丛书的第一部。 com

Reza is the author of16 books, including War& Peace, the first book in the National Geographic Masters of Photography series.
雷扎还是16本书的著作者,其中他的《战争与和平》是国家地理摄影大师系列丛书的第一部。 com

Reza Aslan, a California-based writer on Islam, said the Swiss vote would be seen as “an appalling violation” of basic rights, even by Americans who did not much like Islam.
住在加利福尼亚州的作家拉扎·阿斯兰以伊斯兰为作品主题,他说,瑞士公投将被视作对基本人权的“严重侵犯”,即便是不甚喜欢伊斯兰的美国人也会这么认为。 ecocn

Reza Aslan, a California-based writer on Islam, said the Swiss vote would be seen as “an appalling violation” of basic rights, even by Americans who did not much like Islam.
住在加利福尼亚州的作家拉扎·阿斯兰以伊斯兰为作品主题,他说,瑞士公投将被视作对基本人权的“严重侵犯”,即便是不甚喜欢伊斯兰的美国人也会这么认为。 ecocn




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