

单词 rew
释义 rew 英'riː美'riː COCA¹³⁹⁹⁰⁴BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
The Radar Electronic Warfare REW simulation system based on computers is used to research and evaluate the jamming modes and jamming signals generally.
雷达电子战( REW仿真系统是用于研究和评估多种干扰样式和干扰信号的计算机仿真系统。 iaeej

You can pause, FF, REW and play when watching life TV, as freely as watching VOD.
用户可以自主控制实时电视节目的快进、快退、暂停、播放,获得如收看 VOD一般的自在感受。 d9soft

According to the strata about the trace elements in coal of China, the different background value of trace elements in different parts of China weed rew out.
由于分析样品分布不均和采用的测试方法各不相同,本文的数据还不能准确地代表中国煤中微量元素的平均丰度值。 dictall

Its research open up rew application prospects of mathemticalcarrtography.
它的研究开拓了数学制图学新的应用前景。 cnki

New type of heat-generating titanium alloy additive is developed using concentrate of titanium ore as rew materials, mixing with powder of aluminum evenly, pressing into certain type of lumps.
用钛精矿作原料,与铝粉混匀,压块成型,研制成一种新型发热铁合金添加剂。 cnki

Taking REW well for instance, this paper presents cautions and technical measures taken while reaming in the GPC Oilfield in Egypt.
以 REW井为侧,介绍了埃及 GPC油田采用该扩孔器扩孔时所采取的技术措施及注意事项。 cnki




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