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词汇 revolt
释义 re·volt 英rɪˈvəʊlt美rɪˈvoltAHDrĭ-vōltʹ ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝4八COCA¹²⁷⁸²BNC⁸³²⁹iWeb¹¹⁶²⁵Economist⁶⁴⁶²

vt. & vi. 厌恶

be filled with disgust or horror

vi. 反叛; 背叛

rise in rebellion


an example of the act of revolting

organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another
make revolution;

The people revolted when bread prices tripled again

fill with distaste;

This spoilt food disgusts me

cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of;

The pornographic pictures sickened us

revolt, disgust


disgust指卑鄙无耻的伎俩、表现或事物“使人憎厌”,有时甚至含有生理上“令人欲呕”的意味; revolt指极端残酷、肮脏的事物或现象,表现感情上的“反抗”或对某物的“不满”。

revolt, rebellion, revolution, riot


revolution指规模较大的推翻旧政权的行为,也可指其他的有进步意义的历史变革; revolt一般指规模较小,且时间较短的“起义”,还可指广泛的“反抗”,不一定采取暴力方式,对象也不一定是政权。例如:

Armed revolt occurred frequently in oppressed countries.在被压迫国家内常发生武装起义的事件。


In mediaeval Europe, big nobles often rose in rebellion against the king.在中世纪的欧洲,大贵族常掀起叛乱反对国王。


The book has as its central theme a riot in a small southern town of the United States.这本书的主题是美国南部一个小城发生的暴乱。rebellion,revolt,riot





来自 revolve,旋转,转动,-t,过去分词格。引申词义反抗,叛乱,起义等。
用作动词 v.
~+副词revolt bloodlessly无血性地反叛revolt socially社会性地反叛revolt successfully成功地反叛revolt viciously恶性反叛~+介词revolt against exploitation反抗剥削revolt against the crime憎恶这种罪恶revolt against the Qing Dynasty反抗清王朝revolt at the idea对那个想法反感revolt from the employment of young children对雇用童工深感厌恶revolt to the enemy投敌用作名词 n.动词+~put down a revolt镇压反抗rise in revolt起来反抗,举行起义stir up a revolt煽动起义〔造反〕形容词+~armed revolt武装起义moral revolt义愤open revolt公然反叛名词+~peasant revolt农民起义介词+~in revolt反抗,造反a period of revolt叛乱时期~+介词revolt against反抗…
revolt against v.+prep.

反叛,反抗,反感 oppose; fight against; refuse to obey; disgust with sb/sth

revolt against sb/sth/v-ingSeveral tribes revolted against the new government policy.好几个部落反对政府的新政策。
Children always revolt against parental disciplines.孩子们总是反抗父母的管束。
The prisoners are revolting against living conditions in the prisons by refusing to eat.囚犯以绝食来抗议监狱里的生活条件。
His whole nature revolted against deceit.他生来就对欺骗行为反感。
All civilized people will revolt against this terrible crime.所有文明的人都会厌恶这一可怕的罪行。
All who saw the distressing scene revolted against it.所有看到这种悲惨景象的人都对此感到难过。
Common sense would revolt against such a sweeping statement.普通的常识告诉我不能接受这种过分的说法。钱博士re向后+vol=volv,转+t反复动词后缀→持续向后转→颠覆,推翻,使后退⇒反抗,反叛;反感
GRE红宝书re反, volt转一反转一叛乱
revolution 革命,就是造反;音:音:扔斧头;re回 + volt 伏特电压单位,回身电你一下→造反,象被电了一下般反感
非常记忆re热〖拼音〗+vo我〖谐音〗+lt链条〖拼音〗⇒处于水深火热中的我挣脱链条反抗re向后+vol=volv,转+t反复动词后缀→持续向后转→颠覆,推翻,使后退⇒反抗,反叛;反感。GRE难词记忆revolt→re=back+volt=to roll 滚动,转动→转回去,违抗要求前进的命令→反叛词根记忆re反+ volt转→ 反过来转 ⇒叛乱词根记忆re+volt转→反转过来→反叛,反抗词根记忆re反+volt转=转反了=叛变谐音记忆音“来武的”⇒反抗近义词 revolutionn. opposition反义词 obey服从
S+~+AThe tribesmen will revolt if you ask them to pay taxes.你若要求部落里的人们交税,他们会反叛的。
The troops revolted.军队哗变了。
A puppet troop revolted last week.上星期一支伪军部队起义了。
S+~+ n./pron.The violence in the movie revolted me.电影里的暴力行为使我反感。
The distressing scene revolted all who saw it.令人悲痛的场面使所有目击者都感到不快。
The scene revolted him.这景象使他厌恶。
A dirty house revolts Mother.母亲见到屋子脏就受不了。
He was revolted by the dirty food.那些脏食物使他厌恶。用作名词n.The governor convened his troops to put down therevolt.总督召集他的部队去镇压叛乱。
The town is inrevolt.这个城镇发生叛乱。Prevolter谋反者叛变者造反者Prevoltinga.令人作呕的极其讨厌的Prevolteda.起来反抗的起义的反叛的




用作名词Therevoltwas suppressed in a matter of hours.叛乱在几小时之内就镇压下去了。
All North Africa would flame intorevolt.整个北非将激起反抗。
Her mere experience and the free out-of-door life of country caused her nature torevoltat such confinement.她那简单的经验和自由自在的乡村户外生活,使她对这个窒息的地方起了反感。用作动词The peasantsrevoltedagainst their oppressors.农民们起义反抗他们的压迫者。
Autocracy often causes the people torevolt.独裁统治常常引起人民的反抗。
Teenagers oftenrevoltagainst parental discipline.青少年常常不遵从父母的条条框框。
Theyrevoltat those who have great ambition but little ability.他们很反感那些眼高手低、志大才疏的人。noun.uprising
同义词 defection,insurgency,insurrection,mutiny,rebellion,revolutiondispleasure,rising,sedition
反义词 obediencecalm,harmony,peaceverb.rebel, rise up against
同义词 defy,mutiny,overthrow,take up armsarise,boycott,break,defect,oppose,overturn,renounce,resist,riot,strikedrop out,get out of line,insurrect,make waves,opt out,rock the boat,turn against
反义词 give in,obey,surrender,yield,allow,comply,join,supportdelight,harmonize,make happy,please,submitverb.disgust, nauseate
同义词 offend,repel,repulse,turn offcrawl,pain,shock,sickengross out,make flesh crawl,make sick,reluct,turn stomach
反义词 attract,enchant,please,helpcomply,delight,harmonize,make happy,obey,submit
commotionnoun clamor, uproar
ado,agitation,annoyance,backwash,ballyhoo,bedlam,big scene,big stink,brouhaha,bustle,clatter,combustion,confusion,convulsion,discomposure,disquiet,dither,excitement,ferment,fermentation,flap,flurry,furor,fuss,hell broke loose,hubbub,hurly-burly,insurgence,insurrection,lather,mutiny,outcry,pandemonium,perturbation,pother,racket,rebellion,riot,rumpus,stew,stir,to-do,tumult,turbulence,upheaval,uprising,upset,upturn,vexation,welter,whirl
coup d'etatnoun violent seizure
coup,overthrow,palace revolution,power play,putsch,rebellion,revolt,revolution,takeover
coup d'étatnoun violent seizure
coup,overthrow,palace revolution,power play,putsch,rebellion,revolt,revolution,takeover
defectverb break from belief, faith
abandon,abscond,apostatize,back out,break faith,change sides,depart,desert,fall away from,forsake,go,go back on,go over,go over the fence,lapse,leave,pull out,quit,rat,rebel,reject,renege,renounce,revolt,run out,schism,sell out,spurn,take a walk,tergiversate,tergiverse,turn,turn coat,walk out on,withdraw
defectedverb break from belief, faith
abandoned,absconded,apostatized,back out,broke faith,change sides,departed,deserted,fell away from,forsook,lapsed,left,pulled out,quit,ran out,ratted,rebelled,rejected,reneged,renounced,revolted,schismed,sold out,spurned,tergiversated,tergiversed,took a walk,turned,turned coat,walked out on,went,went back on,went over,went over the fence,withdrew
defectionnoun abandonment
alienation,apostasy,backsliding,deficiency,dereliction,desertion,disaffection,disloyalty,disownment,divorce,estrangement,failing,failure,faithlessness,forsaking,lack,parting,rebellion,recreancy,rejection,repudiation,retreat,revolt,separation,severance,sundering,tergiversation,withdrawal Assured of his temporally limited freedom, of his revolt devoid of future, and of his mortal consciousness, he lives out his adventure within the span of his lifetime.
由于他明晰自由的有限和短暂,知晓反抗没有未来,并意识到人终有一死,他在自己寿命所辖的范围之内开始了冒险生活。 yeeyan

Did the Black Death lead directly to the French peasants’ revolt of1358 or that in England of1381, even to the Reformation?
黑死病直接导致了1358年的法国农民起义或1381年的英国农民起义吗? 甚而英国的宗教改革是否起因于此? yeeyan

I never in my life have known any medium between absolute submission and determined revolt.
世上除了绝对屈服和拼死反抗之外没有任何中间道路可走。 yeeyan

Napoleon’s intention was not to occupy Russia or overthrow Alexander by stirring a domestic revolt against him.
拿破仑侵略的目的不是占领俄国或者通过掀起国内叛乱推翻亚历山大的统治。 ecocn

So why do they not revolt?
他们为什么不反抗呢? yeeyan

The Arab revolt of2011 belongs to a rare class of historical events: a concatenation of political upheavals, one detonating the other, across an entire region of the world.
2011年的阿拉伯起义属于一类罕见的历史事件:政治剧变的串联,这些动乱相互引爆,遍及一整个世界性的区域。 yeeyan

The revolt model proposes that Israel began really as a social revolution within Canaan.

And finally he prepares his deed with a mixed feeling of revolt and freedom.
最终,他带着一种交织反抗和自由的复杂心态准备他的自杀。 yeeyan

Autocracy often causes the people to revolt.

But the impulse behind them will have to be recovered in the Arab world, if revolt is to become revolution.
但是,如果要使起义变成革命的话,就必须在阿拉伯世界恢复这些现象背后的那种冲动。 yeeyan

But this is no peasant revolt. It has the support of large parts of the Sunni Muslim clergy.
但此次不是农民起义,反对派获得大部分逊尼派穆斯林神职人员的支持。 ecocn

I exalt man be-fore what crushes him, and my freedom, my revolt, and my passion come together then in that tension, that lucidity, and that vast repetition.
我称赞那些即将被压垮的人,我的自由、我的反抗以及我的激情也就在那紧张的态势与这份清醒和这种过分的重复融为了一体。 yeeyan

If the commandments of the absurd are not respected, if the work does not illustrate divorce and revolt, if it sacrifices to illusions and arouses hope, it ceases to be gratuitous.
如果荒谬种种指令不去理睬,如果作品没有阐释背离与反抗,如果它完全迎合幻念并激起种种希望,那么它就不是无理性的。 yeeyan

In that revolt that shakes man and makes him say: “ That is not possible, ” there is an element of desperate certainty that“that” can be.
在那反抗命运的斗争之中,人们会被震撼并高呼:“那是不可能的。” 而绝望的一丝必然就深藏在“那”里。 yeeyan

In these conditions, created by dictatorship, the vocabulary of revolt could not but concentrate on dictatorship— and its downfall— in a political discourse, and no more.
在独裁创造的这些境况下,在政治话语中,起义的语汇只能集中于独裁——以及独裁下台——没有更多。 yeeyan

It is only in an open framework of this kind that the demands for social justice with which the revolt began can unfold in the collective freedom they need to find any realization.
只有在这种开放的框架中,一开始就伴随起义的对社会正义的种种要求才能在他们需要实现的集体自由中展开。 yeeyan

It is no longer a question of revenge, but of revolt.
这不在是复仇的问题,而是反抗的问题。 yeeyan

It is these extreme cases, the callous injury of a helpless toddler and the heroic revolt of ordinary people in the face of terrorism, that capture our attention.
这是两个极端的情况,一个无助的幼童受到冷酷无情的伤害,和普通民众面对恐怖主义的英雄起义,引起了我们的注意。 yeeyan

One was impeached for “ mental incapacity”, one fell to a military revolt and one was toppled by street protests.
一个因“心理缺陷”而受到控诉,另一个在军事叛乱中垮台,还有一个被街道游行颠覆。 ecocn

Others, princes of the mind, abdicated likewise, but they initiated the suicide of their thought in its purest revolt.
其他心智出众的人同样沉迷了,他们以最纯粹的反叛开始了思想的自戮。 yeeyan

Power is not won simply by revolt: it is won, and secured, by those interested in the exercise of power, prepared to grasp and hold it.
权力不是用反抗就能简单赢得的:它是被那些对权力运作感兴趣、准备牢牢抓住它不放的人赢得并同时加以保卫的。 yeeyan

The Arabs of Palestine still remember their desperate revolt in the1930s against the British mandate and Jewish immigration from Europe, and the massacres of1948.
而巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人记住的是1930年他们孤注一掷的反抗英国授权犹太人从欧洲迁入以及1948年的大屠杀。 yeeyan

The ultimate fate of the Arab revolt could resemble either pattern.
阿拉伯起义的最终命运,可能类似这两种模式中的任一种。 yeeyan

Though the war is not yet over, Libyans are already debating how Gaddafi's foes had managed to so overestimate the power of the revolt.
虽然战争仍然没有结束,利比亚人已经开始争论卡扎菲的敌人是如何做到这么高估反叛能力的。 yeeyan

Yet to date, between the deeper social springs and the political aims of the Arab revolt there has been an all but complete disjuncture.
然而追溯起来,在阿拉伯起义更深层次的社会活力以及政治目标之间还存在一种彻底的脱节。 yeeyan




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