

单词 revitalising
释义 revitalising 英riː'vaɪtəlaɪzɪŋ美riː'vaɪtəlaɪzɪŋ 高BNC⁶²⁶¹¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
tending to impart new life and vigor to;

the renewing warmth of the sunshine

近义词 reviving返青renewing新生的revitalizing动词revitalize…restorative恢复健康和体力的…
A nourishing, revitalising lotion for all- over body skin care. the vitamin E and other natural ingredients replace the moisture lost every day in our busy lives.
养育,使复苏化妆水为全面的身体护肤。维生素 E和其他自然成份替换在我们繁忙的生活中每天丢失的湿气。08translation.cn

For a China upgrading its way of economic growth and revitalising its industrial cities, Birmingham can offer its valuable experiences.
例如,伯明翰的城市振兴宝贵经验,对当前中国转变经济发展方式、振兴老工业基地具有很大的参考借鉴意义。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The carmakers angered members of Congress last week when they turned up without a detailed plan for revitalising the car industry.
但是这些人上周没有提出一个振兴汽车工业的详细计划惹恼了国会成员。 yeeyan

The Rossoneri have a long history of revitalising Inter flops, such as Andrea Pirlo, Clarence Seedorf and Dario Simic.
红黑军团通过国际米兰得到阵容的加强由来已久,如皮尔洛、西多夫、西米奇等。 milanchina

The U. S. needs to first think about revitalising the economy and lower the10% unemployment rate.
美国的首要考虑是重振经济,降低其10%的失业率。 chinadialogue

“ These games are revitalising the industry,” says Aram Sinnreich, an industry expert at New York University. “ They’re helping as both a revenue and an advertising platform.”
“这些游戏让音乐行业获得新生”纽约大学的行业专家 Aram Sinnreich说道,“它们有助于音乐行业增收,同时还是个广告平台。” ecocn

“ We view the museum as an integral component of revitalising the city as a whole, ” he said.
“博物馆将成为振兴整个城市的不可或缺的一部分。”他说。 yeeyan

Analysts concluded the Kremlin was revitalising an old project to fake a sense of political process.
分析家总结克里姆林宫在复兴一个旧计划,即伪造政治过程。 ecocn

Consumer products: Nicolas Hayek, chairman of Swatch, for revitalising the Swiss watch industry.
消费产品奖: Nicolas Hayek, Swatch公司总裁,获奖原因——复兴瑞士手表业。 ecocn

Effective risk management requires refresher training to maintain and develop staff skills, as well as revitalising the process to incorporate recent developments and new approaches.
有效的风险管理需要增补的训练以保持及发展员工的技巧,以及配合最新发展及新途径以更新程序。 www.psig.net.cn

Once again, Wolfowitz is claiming that the strategic balance is beginning to tip against the US, and that therefore the US ought to engage in a major effort at revitalising its own capabilities.
Wolfowitz再次断言,战略平衡正在开始朝着不利于美国的方向倾斜,因此,美国应该花大力来振兴其自己的能力。 yeeyan

Revitalising the Nato- Russia Council should, over the longer term, ease Russia's neuralgia about the alliance.
在较长期内,重振北约-俄罗斯理事会 Nato- Russia Council应该能够缓解俄罗斯对于联盟的神经痛。 blogbus

Revitalising global agriculture will not be easy.
振兴全球农业并不容易。 yeeyan




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