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词汇 revitalise
释义 revitalise 英ˌri:ˈvaitəlaiz美riˈvaɪtlˌaɪz 高四IBNC³¹²³¹iWeb³²⁴²¹Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
give new life or vigor tore-后-vit-生命-al…的-ise表动词⇒vt.使有新的活力⁴⁰;使新生⁴⁰;使恢复元气²⁰近义词 revitalize使复兴
George Lucas's Star Wars films use many elements of a western, and indeed, Lucas has said he intended for Star Wars to revitalise cinematic mythology, a part the western once held.
乔治·卢卡斯的《星球大战》使用了许多西部元素,而卢卡斯也确实说过,他想用《星球大战》复活西部片曾经创造的电影神话。 yeeyan

He also wants the postal bank to provide loans as a way to revitalise rural regions, further infuriating other Japanese banks.
同时,龟井也希望邮政储蓄银行能提供贷款,藉此让乡村地区重新焕发活力,并有助于刺激其它银行。 ecocn

The ambassador's claim about sex tourists came amid Philippine government attempts to revitalise the country's tourism industry, which for years has lagged behind other Asian countries.
大使的这番关于性旅游的断言正值菲政府试图恢复国家数年来一蹶不振,落后于亚洲各国的旅游业之际。 yeeyan

The objective, for both America and Europe, seems the same: to revitalise vital industries.
美国和欧洲目标似乎相同:重振生死攸关的汽车工业。 ecocn

As Western countries struggle to revitalise their economies, the global balance is shifting towards Asia’s emerging economies where China occupies the lead position.
当西方诸国为重振其经济苦斗之时,全球平衡点正在向亚洲新兴经济体转移,在那里,中国居于领导地位。 yeeyan

But in November2005 it received good news: in an effort to revitalise the city, anonymous donors would pay the college tuition fees of every graduate from Kalamazoo's public schools.
但是在2005年11月,它得到一个好消息:为了振兴这个城市。 一些匿名捐赠者将给每个从 Kalamazoo的公立中学毕业的学生提供大学学费。 ecocn

Clark told the Observer that cities could be the engines of growth necessary to revitalise the economy.
克拉克告诉《观察家》,城市可能是复兴经济的必要的经济增长的动力。 yeeyan

Further reforms to revitalise the stagnant economy are expected soon.
为萧条的经济注入活力的进一步改革有望在不久后出台。 ecocn

He soon stepped in to replace under-fire chief executive Gil Amelio, rallying the faithful and promising to revitalise the company.
乔布斯很快取代了即将下岗的执行官吉尔-阿米里奥的位置,恢复了员工的忠诚并且给公司带来了重回生机的希望。 yeeyan

His authoritarian streak has attracted much criticism, and the main opposition party has begun to revitalise itself under a new leader.
他的独裁式领导已经招来不少批评,而且反对党也开始在新领导的带领下重新发展壮大。 ecocn

If he can achieve that, Japan might start a long- overdue push to reform and revitalise its economy.
如果他能做到这点,那么日本讲开始期盼已久的推进改革和振兴经济。 yeeyan

In Durban, delegates from across the globe have gathered in a bid to revitalise international agreements to curb carbon emissions and global warming.
在德班,全世界各地的代表正聚集一堂重新激活为了减少碳排放和全球气候变暖的国际协定而博弈。 yeeyan

Lots of shiny new venues have been built since the mid-1990s, many subsidised by governments in the hope that they would revitalise decayed downtowns.
自从九十年代中期以来,兴建了一大批崭新的会场,其中许多是由政府出资的,意在使逐渐衰落的商业区重新得以振兴。 ecocn

Meanwhile, many governments’ attempts to revitalise their economies involve big infrastructure schemes that will require lots of metal.
同时,许多政府重振经济的努力也包括了会需要大量金属的大型基础建设计划。 ecocn

Mr Najib’s supporters hope that solidly positioning their man as a progressive reformer, a sort of Malaysian Tony Blair, will also revitalise the prime minister’s flagging political fortunes.
纳吉布的支持者希望真真正正地把他们的领导人塑造成一个革新家,就像马来西亚的布莱尔,这也会重振首相衰退的政治时运。 ecocn

Mr Obama’s plan may revitalise NASA and send American astronauts into the solar system once again.
奥巴马的计划可能重振 NASA雄风,并再次将美国宇航员送入太阳系。 yeeyan

Mr Obama's plan may revitalise NASA and send American astronauts into the solar system once again.
奥巴马的计划的确有可能重新为 NASA注入活力,将美国宇航员再次送出地球; ecocn

Mr Ozawa promises to restore the pension system, help the working poor and the old, and revitalise the countryside.
小泽先生承诺将重建日本的养老系统,帮助那些穷忙族和老人,还要振兴农村地区。 ecocn

Mr Hatoyama, with no favours to return, has a chance both to revolutionise how Japan is governed and to revitalise the economy.
义无反顾的鸠山先生,现在有了一个既能使日本统治发生革命性剧变又能使日本经济复苏的机会。 yeeyan

The dinosaurs see little need to revitalise the party's appeal or methods.
老政治家认为没必要重塑政党形象和执政方法。 kekenet

The new administration will, meanwhile, “ dedicate more resources to revitalise Afghanistan's economic development” but demand a crackdown by the Afghan government on corruption and the opium trade.
同时,新任政府将会“牺牲更多的资源重建阿富汗经济”,但是要求阿政府打击本国腐败和鸦片贸易。 yeeyan

Today’s young researchers may not be changing much economic policy, but they are helping to revitalise economics.
今天的青年研究人员或许不能在很大程度上改变经济政策,但他们有助于使经济学获得活力。 ecocn

While decrying Mr Cameron’s plan as a sham, he is likewise keen to revitalise people power.
尽管谴责卡梅隆的计划是一场骗局,但他自己同样乐忠于“重振人民的力量”。 ecocn




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