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reverting to短语¹⁸⁰⁷¹ 基本例句 v.恢复 Bring it on, say budget hawks: such a stalemate would mean reverting to the level of the2010 budget. 而预算鹰派则回应说:来吧,如果想把事情搞僵,那就回到2010年的预算水平吧。 ecocn It could maintain lineages through periods of isolation, with species reverting to sexual reproduction when suitable partners were available. 当一部分家系被单独隔离时,这种物种可以保持增殖,直到有了合适的异性出现为止。 yeeyan The mood of the Team shifted; motivation seemed to go down, and Team members seemed to be reverting to their previous role, what they used to sarcastically call“ servants- of- Francis-the-Great”. 团队的情绪发生了变化;积极性似乎在降低,团队成员变回了原来的角色,他们讽刺地称呼这种角色为“ Francis大人的仆人”。 infoq Harriet Harman, making her final speech as acting Labour leader before reverting to the role of deputy leader, told the crowd simply to be proud, very proud. 哈尔曼官复原职、担任副领袖前,最后一次以代理工党领袖的身份发表演讲,告诉人们要感到自豪,无比自豪。 ecocn In poor countries, forests are cleared to provide fuel and farmland, but as people gain wealth and better agricultural technology, the farm fields start reverting to forestland. 在较穷的国家里,森林被清除从而用来提供燃料和能唱,但是随着人们获得财富以及较好的农业技术,农场土地开始转向森林使用。 yeeyan Rather than having their cellular clocks fully reset and reverting to an embryonic state, cells in the salamanders’ stumps became slightly less mature versions of the cells they’d been before. 蝾螈残肢细胞并不使细胞钟完全重置然后回到胚胎状态,而是变成了比原来略微不成熟的细胞变体。 yeeyan She doesn't know any teachers in the upper grades who address the issue of handwriting, and she frequently sees her former students reverting to old habits. 加西亚不知道高年级的其他老师会不会强调手写,她也经常发现她的学生又开始用原来的方式写字。 yeeyan We tried Git for a couple months at TWC, but ended up reverting to SVN after we had“ code deleted” issues during one of our most intense development cycles. 我们在 TWC公司尝试过几个月的 Git,但后来转到 SVN,因为在我们最为紧张的一个开发周期中,出现了“代码删除”问题。 cnbeta |