

单词 reversing
释义 reversing riˈvə:siŋ 高COCA¹⁸⁵⁸⁸BNC¹³³⁷⁸iWeb²⁹⁹⁵⁵Economist⁹⁶⁸¹
动词 reverse:
change to the contraryturn inside out or upside downrule againstcancel officiallyreverse the position, order, relation, or condition ofreversing drive反向传动reversing key换向电键reversing gear换向回动齿轮[机…reversing switch换向开关reversing current往复潮流,往复流…reversing valve换向阀,回动阀…reversing prism反像棱镜,转像棱镜…reversing time反转时间reversing index反转标牌reversing mill可逆式轧机reversing clutch反向离合器reversing starter双向起动器,可逆起动…reversing turbine可逆转式透平,倒车透…reversing lever反转杠杆,回动杆,换…reversing arrangement换向装置reversing engine可逆发动机reversing machine翻钢机,换向机…forced reversing强迫换向reversing mechanism回动机构,换向机构,…reversing thermometer回动温度计,颠倒温度…
reverS,-ing动名词⇒adj.回动的⁶⁰;反向的动词reverse的现在分词形式.近义词 withdrawing撤退retrogressive倒退的moving back机动后卫drawing back钢的回火retreating再加工,再精制…
An order or commandreversinganother one.收回成命的命令与另一个相反的定货或命令
She ran her car into a tree whilereversing.她倒车时撞著了一棵树。as in.cancellation
同义词 abandonment,abolition,annulment,dissolution,elimination,repeal,retirement,reversal,revocationabrogation,deletion,dissolving,invalidation,nullification,recall,repudiation,retraction,undoingabandoning,abolishing,canceling,invalidating,overruling,quashing,recallingretracting revokingwithdrawing
反义词 enactment,validation,confirmationallowance,approval,arrangement,establishment,permissionas in.reversion
同义词 inversion,return,rotation
cancellationnoun calling off;erasure
reversionnoun reversal
inversion,return,reversing,rotation A technological change so profound will reset the economics of manufacturing. Some believe it will decentralise the business completely, reversing the urbanisation that accompanies industrialisation.
如此深奥的技术变化将重置制造业体制.有些人认为它将完全分散业务,扭转伴随工业化的城市。 ecocn

The performance of the online travel agencies during the downturn seems to be reversing years of market share erosion.
在线旅行社在经济低迷时期的表现,正在扭转多年以来的市场份额消耗局面。 yeeyan

Another factor: Traders have placed an unusually high volume of bearish bets against the U.S. dollar in recent weeks and may want to lock in profits by reversing those trades, analysts say.
另外一个因素是:据分析人士说,交易员最近几周在看跌美元上押了非同一般高的赌注,他们可能希望通过逆转这类交易而锁定利润。 iciba

But critics fear he is reversing Ukraine's path to democracy and turning the nation back toward Russia.
这让人担心亚努科维奇可能是在开民主的倒车,令乌克兰倒向俄罗斯。 yeeyan

Controlling or reversing atherosclerosis is an important part of preventing future heart attack or stroke.
控制或逆转动脉粥样硬化是预防未来心脏病发作或中风的重要组成部分。 yeeyan

First, America has an interest in reversing the spread of nuclear weapons and preventing their use.
首先,逆转核武器扩散的趋势,防止核武器的使用,是美国的利益所在。 putclub

Halting and reversing the spread of these diseases would save millions of lives and tens of billions of dollars.
终止和扭转这些病害的蔓延将会拯救成百上千万生命,节约成百上千亿美元。 fao

I was not asleep, in fact I was reversing my car, but my vision was definitely still impaired because I had just reversed into a telegraph pole.
我并没有在睡觉,实际上我正在倒车,不过我肯定自己的视力依然很差,因为刚才我在倒车时撞上了电线杆。 yeeyan

If Britain is to meet the government's target of an 80% reduction in our emissions by 2050, we need to start reversing our rising rate of population growth immediately.
如果英国人民打算达到政府设定的目标——到2050年时减排80%,那我们必须立刻开始扭转我们的人口增长率不断上升的趋势。 yeeyan

Just as significant for the future of the alliance is that both candidates agree on the importance of reversing the collapse of America's image in Europe.
对于联盟未来同样具有重要意义的是,两位候选人都认为扭转美国在欧洲糟糕的形象非常重要。 yeeyan

Many cited deaths of loved ones from heart disease or stroke as factors that led them to look into the diet as a means of preventing or reversing the effects of degenerative diseases.
许多人列举死亡于心脏病或中风的亲人为导致他们深入了解这种饮食的因素,这种饮食可以作为一个预防或逆转退化性疾病带来的影响的方法。 yeeyan

Schools will now get a big cash bonus for taking in poor children, reversing the social apartheid in our playgrounds.
现在,接受贫穷学生的学校将得到大笔现金奖励,这扭转了我们操场上的社会隔离。 yeeyan

Some believe it will decentralise the business completely, reversing the urbanisation that accompanies industrialisation.
有些人相信,它将完成分散商业,颠倒由工业化带来的都市。 ecocn

Strengthening exchanges and enhancing understanding and trust will be helpful for reversing such situation.
只有加强交流,增进理解与信任,才有助于扭转这一局面。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The objectives of reversing the damaging effects of state aid on competition and of ensuring that bailed-out firms have viable business plans are not controversial.
其扭转干涉竞争的国家救助产生的破坏性影响和确保被救助公司有可行性商业计划的两个目标没有争议。 ecocn

These will redefine much of the industry in America and around the world, reversing decades of deregulation in finance in the world’s biggest economy.
这些细则将会重新定义美国乃至全球的许多行业,扭转在世界最大的经济体的金融业过去几十年的放松管制。 ecocn

This initiative is an important step toward reversing the resource curse.
这个动议是朝着扭转资源诅咒迈出的重要一步。 worldbank

This reversing is the “ working” part of working memory.
而这个颠倒过程就是工作记忆的“工作”部分。 ebigear

Untreatable gonococcal infections would result in increased rates of illness and death, thus reversing the gains made in the control of this sexually transmitted infection.
无法治愈的淋球菌感染会导致发病和死亡的比率上升,从而会逆转因控制了性传播感染所取得的成果。 who

We conceptualize machine interfaces between two systems by reversing the transactions of their use cases.
我们通过逆转它们的用例事务处理将两个系统间的机器接口概念化。 ibm

You can change text attributes such as making the text bold, placing an underline under the text, changing the background and foreground colors, as well as reversing the color scheme.
您可以通过以下方式更改文本属性:使文本加粗、在文本下方添加下划线、更改背景颜色和前景颜色,以及逆转颜色方案等。 ibm

Reversing the decline will depend on confidence.
要逆转衰退之势,要靠信心支持。 yeeyan

Reversing the trend would require a dramatic change in our national priorities, with a combination of tax increases and spending cuts to reduce the deficit and invest more in our future.
如果要扭转这种趋势,我们需要做有力的改革——改变我国的优先发展目标,增加税收并削减开支,以减少财政赤字,并为了我们的未来进行投资。 yeeyan

Reversing this unlucky campaign will be no easier than staging a tidy withdrawal from Iraq.
扭转这种不幸的运动将不会比从伊拉克执行井然有序地撤军容易。 ecocn




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