

单词 reversible
释义 re·vers·i·ble 英rɪˈvɜːsəbəl美rɪˈvɝsəbəlAHDrĭ-vûrʹsə-bəl ☆☆☆☆☆高MST四八COCA²⁷²⁷³BNC¹⁷⁴⁹⁴iWeb¹¹⁷²³Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a garment especially a coat that can be worn inside out with either side of the cloth showing
capable of reversing or being reversed;

reversible hypertension

capable of being reversed or used with either side out;

a reversible jacket

capable of being reversed;

a reversible decision is one that can be appealed or vacated

capable of assuming or producing either of two states;

a reversible chemical reaction

a reversible cell

词根词缀: re-回,向后 + -vers-转 + -ible形容词词尾reversible amplifier可逆放大器reversible booster可逆增压机reversible transformation可逆变换reversible blade翻换式锄铲reversible plow翻转犁reversible plough翻转犁,双向犁…reversible change可逆变化reversible adsorption可逆吸附reversible turbine可逆式水轮机…reversible action可逆作用reversible motor可逆电动机reversible transducer可逆换能器reversible control可逆控制,反向操纵…reversible colloid可逆胶体reversible engine可反转发动机…reversible encoding可逆编码reversible process可逆过程reversible cell可逆式电池non reversible不可逆的不反转的…
re-(回,反⇒倒vers转-ible形容词后缀,可…的近义词 mutable可变的flexible柔韧的two-in-one人妖alterable可变的changeable易变的double-sided双面two-sided有两边的revocable可废除的adjustable可调整的multipurpose万能的convertible可改变的dual-purpose双重目的的反义词 nonreversible不可逆的irreversible不可逆转的

用作形容词In small fields the changes arereversible.在很弱的磁场中,这种改变是可逆的。
When recognized at this early stage, they are oftenreversible.如在早期发现,它们往往是可逆的。as in.changeable
同义词 capricious,fickle,fluctuating,mercurial,protean,shifting,unpredictable,unsettled,unstable,varying,volatilechangeful,mutableagitated,commutative,convertible,fitful,flighty,fluid,impulsive,inconstant,indecisive,irregular,irresolute,irresponsible,kaleidoscopic,mobile,movable,permutable,restless,revocable,skittish,spasmodic,transformable,transitional,uncertain,unreliable,unsteady,vacillating,vagrant,variable,variant,versatile,wavering,whimsical
反义词 calm,constant,stable,steadfast,steady,unvaryingcertain,changeless,fixed,lasting,reliable,sure,unchangeable,undeviating
changeableadjective erratic
agitated,capricious,changeful,commutative,convertible,fickle,fitful,flighty,fluctuating,fluid,impulsive,inconstant,indecisive,irregular,irresolute,irresponsible,kaleidoscopic,mercurial,mobile,movable,mutable,permutable,protean,restless,revocable,shifting,skittish,spasmodic,transformable,transitional,uncertain,unpredictable,unreliable,unsettled,unstable,unsteady,vacillating,vagrant,variable,variant,varying,versatile,volatile,wavering,whimsical And probably also in practice nothing is truly reversible.

It mutates the DNA directly. But most of what we see seems to be reversible.
辐射直接使 DNA变异,但是我们看到的辐射光大部分是可逆的。 yeeyan

The idea that the euro itself might also be reversible and that one or more countries might revert to national currencies is no longer unthinkable.
欧元本身也是可逆的,一个或者更多的国家可能会恢复使用之前的本国货币,这些不再是不可能的事情。 ecocn

The reversible, self- financing and immediately applicable nature of the above monetary policy plan should reduce these fears.
而上述政策的可逆性、资金自给性和立竿见影的效果可以缓解这些担忧。 yeeyan

“ I would never say evolution is never reversible, ” Dr. Thornton said.
“我不愿说进化是绝对不会逆转的。”桑顿博士表示。 yeeyan

Adiabatic can be either reversible or not, and we're going to do that probably next time or two times.

After all, whenever you play a computer game, you can always just play it again; everything you do is reversible.
毕竟,无论何时你玩电脑游戏,你都可以重新再来,你做的所有事情都是可逆的。 yeeyan

Every step won't be perfectly reversible.

In a real engine, of course, you can approach the reversible limit.

It is an under- diagnosed, life- threatening lung disease that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully reversible.
该疾病是一种阻碍正常呼吸且诊断不足、威胁生命的肺病,是无法完全可逆的。 who

It's also reversible.

Now remember, we went through before how it's a state function but to calculate it, you'd need to find a reversible path, along which you can figure this out.

Or are these reforms just short-term, reversible measures, designed to mitigate an acute shortage of cash?
或者这些改革只是短期的,可逆的措施,旨在减缓严重的资金短缺? ecocn

So a reversible process leads to requiring certain quantities to be maximized.

So let's get going, then, with reversible reactions.

So now we have a constant volume reversible temperature change.

Soon after dying, participants are stored in a liquid nitrogen solution to prevent decay until that time when death becomes a reversible phenomenon.
死亡后不久,在死亡成为可逆现象之前,参与者被存储在液态氮里的解决方案用来防止尸体腐烂。 yeeyan

Storing hydrogen as a gas or liquid in a vessel containing“ reversible” crystalline metal hydrides is one way to carry it around.
把氢气以气体或液体的形式储存在一个包含“可逆的”金属氢化物结晶的容器里是一个携带它的办法。 ecocn

That is, this is derived in the case for reversible paths.

The kinase transfers the phosphate from an autophosphorylated histidine and thus why thus? is often reversible, with the kinase acting as a phosphatase as well.
这个激酶从自我磷酸的组氨酸上转移磷酸基,因此为什么是这样通常是可逆的,这个激酶也作为一个去磷酸酶。 yeeyan

The reversible- diamond study will be published in the journal Physical Review Letters.
这项可逆金刚石的研究将会发表在物理评论快讯期刊上。 yeeyan

There is no long-term significance to the characters, because any consequences are reversible.
没有长远的有意义的角色,因为任何结果都是可反转的。 yeeyan

These effects are reversible, easily prevented by protective eyewear and are not associated with any long-term damage.
这些影响是可逆的,配戴护目镜可起到预防作用,并且不会造成任何长期损害。 who

They created a similar but reversible process that can either consume or release energy.
他们创造了一个类似的,而且是可逆的过程,可以消耗或释放能量。 yeeyan

This derivation is not reversible and is a strict loss of information.
这种派生是不可逆的且是一种信息的绝对丢失。 ibm

We have not made a lot of progress, and what little progress we have made is reversible.
我们没有取得很大的进展,而且我们取得的一点儿进展还是可以逆转的。 ebigear

When adverse reactions occur, they are usually reversible and disappear when the hormone is discontinued.
当不良反应发生时,它们往往是可逆的,停用激素后副作用即消失。 ebigear




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