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词汇 reverses
释义 re·verse·s 英rɪ'vɜːs美rɪ'vɜːrs COCA²⁹⁷⁴²BNC²⁸⁷²⁶Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
vt. & vi. 反转; 颠倒; 翻转

turn the other way round or up or inside out

vt. 使倒退

cause to go in the opposite direction


opposite to the usual or former, especially in position or direction


the opposite; the other way round


the side of a coin that does not show the ruler's head


a defeat or change to a worse condition

U倒车挡; 倒转装置

gear for backwards movement

a relation of direct opposition;

we thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true

the gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversedan unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustratingthe side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal designAmerican football a running play in which a back running in one direction hands the ball to a back running in the opposite directionturning in the opposite direction
directed or moving toward the rear;

a rearward glance

a rearward movement

of the transmission gear causing backward movement in a motor vehicle;

in reverse gear

reversed turned backward in order or nature or effect
change to the contrary;

The trend was reversed

the tides turned against him

public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern

turn inside out or upside downrule against;

The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

cancel officially;

He revoked the ban on smoking

lift an embargo

vacate a death sentence

reverse the position, order, relation, or condition of;

when forming a question, invert the subject and the verb

reverse, converse, inverse

这三个词都可作“相反的”解。reverse是最普通用词,表示“颠倒的,反面的,反向的”; converse着重指行为、事情等“逆转的”; inverse着重指“颠倒过来的”。








用作动词 v.
~+副词reverse appreciably明显地改变reverse automatically自动地改变reverse dramatically戏剧性地改变reverse exactly恰恰相反~+介词reverse about sth完全改变对某事的看法reverse car into the garage把汽车倒开进车库用作名词 n.动词+~go into reverse挂倒挡see the reverse看到事物的反面suffer a reverse遭受挫折形容词+~financial reverse经济上的挫折serious〔slight〕 reverse严重〔轻微〕的挫折severe reverse惨败tactical reverse战术上的失败unexpected reverse出乎意料的不幸遭遇介词+~in reverse相反,反之put a car in reverse使汽车倒退take the enemy in reverse从背面攻击敌人on the reverse在背面,汽车倒开着~+介词reverse of a gramophone record唱片的反面reverse of the cover套子背面
近义词 upsetinverseopposite
oppositen. contrary反义词 frontbenefitn. advance
S+~+AThe car reversed out.汽车倒退出去。
S+~+ n./pron.Reverse the coin.把那枚硬币翻过来。
Please reverse the positions of two pictures.请把两张图片的位置倒转过来。
He was determined to reverse his family's decline.他决心彻底扭转自己家庭日益衰落的状况。
She said he wanted to reverse the charge.她说他想支付话费。
The car was reversed through the gate.车子被倒开出门。
Their positions are now reversed.他们现在的位置颠倒了。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.Please read the names on this list in reverse order.请先从末尾看看这张单子上的名字。
Please write down your name on the reverse side of the envelope.请在信封的背面写下你的名字。用作名词n.His answer was just the reverse of what I expected.他的回答正好与我期望的相反。
The coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.这枚硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子。
We should see the reverse as well as the obverse of things.我们不但应该看到事物的正面,也要看到事物的反面。
He met with an unexpected reverse.他遇到了意想不到的挫折。
After several reverses the enemy was forced to retreat.几次失败后敌军被迫后撤。




remarks the reverse of complimentary意为“不中听的言论”;


the reverse of后跟形容词成形容词短语,意思是“跟…相反”。Her opinion is the reverse of favourable.

the reverse of后跟副词成状语短语。It struck her the reverse of favourably.

用作动词The government has failed toreversethe economic decline.政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势。
Hereversedthe car into a tree.他倒车撞到了树上。用作形容词Statistics showed areversetrend to that recorded in other countries.统计数字表明这种趋向与其他国家所示情况迥异。
Count down inreverseorder 10, 9, 8…倒数--10、 9、 8…用作名词In hot weather, thereversehappens.在热天,情况相反。
There's a picture of an eagle on thereverseof the coin.这个硬币的背面是一只鹰的图案。
Put the car intoreverse.把车挂上倒挡。 At a signal from a smartphone, a system of tiny computers activates her engine, gearbox and steering—and she reverses smoothly into a parking space.
从智能手机发出信号,一个微型电脑的系统会启动她的引擎,变速器和转向系统——她便能安安稳稳地倒到停车位。 ecocn

Plenty of reverses and confusion would ensue— though violent extremists, including Islamists, have not been prominent in the revolutions.
紧接着将是挫败与混乱,尽管说包括伊斯兰教徒在内的暴力极端分子在革命中并不突出。 ecocn

That may not seem like much of an increase, but it reverses the downward trend of2010.
增加幅度看来还不算大,但确实增加了,这便折返了2010年的下跌趋势。 yeeyan

The depressing thing about the rise of Hamas and the decline of the Fatah wing of the PLO is that it reverses this decades- long trend.
令人沮丧的是,哈马斯的崛起和巴解组织的支翼法塔赫的衰退使得维持了数十年之久的趋势逆转。 yeeyan

The fading reverses direction as the cursor moves away from, and then returns to, an HTML element.
当光标从 HTML元素移出然后又移回此元素时,淡入淡出会反转方向。 ibm

The same push and pull effect applies in cancer progression. Animal based diet accelerates and promotes cancer progression whereas a plant based diet slows down or reverses cancer progression.
在癌症的发展过程中,饮食同样会产生两种相反的作用,动物性饮食会加速和促进癌症发展,而植物性饮食可以减缓或逆转癌症的发展。 yeeyan

A lowered temperature reverses that process, but how the initial state is regained depends on where the pathways were formed, and therefore on the cell's internal history.
一个降低了的温度逆转了这一进程,但是怎样回到原始状态取决于那个途径在哪里形成,所以又取决于细胞内部的历史。 yeeyan

For example, if an activity in a workflow updates a database, the corresponding compensation action reverses the update.
例如,如果工作流中的一个活动更新了数据库,那么相应的补偿操作将反转这个更新。 ibm

For freedom-watchers in the West, the worrying thing is that the cause of liberal democracy is not merely suffering political reverses, it is also in intellectual retreat.
从许多西方自由观察家的角度来看,真正令人感到忧虑的并不只是民主在政治上正在被逆转,在学术层面的退却更令人担忧。 yeeyan

In the summer, the process reverses, with the pump sending water and glycol into the pipe to help cool the house.
在夏季,程序正相反,地热泵会将水与乙二醇送入管道中以帮助房屋内制冷。 yeeyan

It reverses the order of the lines or fields in a list of files.
该命令对所列出的文件中的各行或各段进行逆序排序。 ibm

Once there, it scrambles the neurons around and reverses the animals' natural aversion to cat urine. Soon after, a recently relieved cat returns to the scene and takes its supper.
在那儿,它扰乱神经,并且颠倒动物对猫尿的天生厌恶,因此不久猫也就能够大摇大摆的出现在他们面前并且享用它的晚餐。 yeeyan

So, if substantially cutting carbon dioxide reverses warming, that will mean a large net loss of life globally.

So, when one of these positions reverses, the effects spread rapidly as speculators bail out of their positions to reduce risk and preserve their capital.
因此,当一个领域状况发生逆转,投机者就会撤出资金来降低风险和保护自己的资本,这会使这种撤出效应会迅速传播。 yeeyan

The transducer converts the radio signals into magnetic ones; another reverses this process when the signals reach the other radio.
这个转换器把无线电信号转换成电磁信号,当另一个接收器接受到信号时,再反向转换。 yeeyan

This week he steps down as chairman of his Free Democratic Party FDP, following its reverses in state elections in March.
本周他将卸任自由民主党自民党主席一职,此前在三月份的州选举中自民党失利。 ecocn

This reverses a trend of moving away from naming queue managers after hosts, which was a common practice a decade ago.
这与偏离按主机命名队列管理器的趋势相反,按主机命名队列管理器是十年前的普遍实践。 ibm




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