

单词 axiology
释义 ax·i·ol·o·gy 英ˌæksiːˈɒlədʒiː美ˌæksiˈɑlədʒiAHDăk'sē-ŏlʹə-jē COCA¹⁸⁸⁶⁹²
the study of values and value judgmentsaxi-o表名词-logy学科⇒n.价值论
用作名词Literary modernity is a conception inaxiologyas well as a time conception.摘要文学现代性不仅是一种时间概念,也是一种价值论意义上的概念。
This ambiguity was caused by the confusion ofaxiologyin tin, late Ming Dynasty.这种含混是因为晚明价值论的混乱造成的。 And evaluation does not belong to axiology because evaluation is an ideological activity while the existence of value is independent of mans consciousness.
评价也不属于价值论范畴,评价是一种观念活动,而价值却是不依赖于人的意识而独立存在的。 cnki

The basic principles of the monetary measurement of the forestry ecological benefit include the working axiology. systematical dynamic analysis and the social acceptance.
林业生态效益货币化计量的基本原则是劳动价值论、系统动态分析和社会认可。 cnki

The exertion of example educational roles involves both the change of modern people's morality and ideology and the establishment of correct philosophy and axiology.
榜样教育示范作用发挥的条件是必须构成对现实人的思想道德意识的改变,树立正确的人生观、价值观。 cnki

The problem of modernity calls for axiology philosophy.
现代性问题召唤价值论哲学。 cnki

The research in absolute land rent of Marx's theory must be linked with and innovate the labor axiology.
研究马克思的绝对地租理论,必须联系和创新劳动价值论。 dictall

The resources of the producing value are the core of the Labour Axiology.
劳动价值论的核心问题是创造价值的源泉问题。 cnki

The turning of axiology in modern philosophy makes applied philosophy and applied ethics possible and necessary.
现代哲学的价值论转向使应用哲学和应用伦理学的产生成为必要和可能。 dictall

To promote the abstemious usage of natural resource, the status of Marxist ground rent theory should be regained instead of axiology of natural resource.
促进自然资源的节约利用,在理论上不能是自然资源有价值论,而只能恢复马克思地租理论在价格构成中的地位。 cnki

With development of the knowledge of technology, the axiology of technology has declined.
技术认识论的兴起,使技术价值论已经显示出某种衰落的迹象。 cnki

All the ethical thoughts of human beings up until today originate from the pursuit of interest and its core is the hypothetical axiology.
人类迄今文本伦理思想的对象都是人的“利己心”,具有假设价值论的特征。 cnki

Fourth, axiology. It embodies the purpose and conclusion of studies, and mainly answers the question of“ Why shall we carry on socialist construction”.
四是价值论,体现研究的目的和结论,主要回答“为什么要建设社会主义”的问题。 cnki

He advocated traditional spirit of education as a core of pedagogy axiology, namely a humanism education that is represented by Confucian educational thought that emphasizes morality.
他的教育价值论以再倡传统教污之精神为核心,即一种以儒家教育思想为代表的人文主义教育,强调的是一种道德精神。 cnki

In his axiology, which belongs to the naturalistic kind, Perry claims that Value and Reality are unified, and value judgment can be corroborated by factual means or rational means.
培里的价值理论属于自然主义价值论,主张价值与事实的统一,价值判断能够通过事实的方法或理性的方法来确证。 cnki

It has the consistency of a naturalized Epistemology and modernized Axiology, but also promises the power of a new Internet philosophy.
它延续了回归自然的认识论 Epistemology和现代化的价值论 Axiology,并且保证了新网络哲学的力量。 yeeyan

Its basic theoretical system consists of ontology, development, axiology, category and operation of Constitution.
其基本理论体系主要包括本体论、历史论、价值论、范畴论、运行论等部分。 cnki

Mankind have been in the age of knowledge economy, Knowledge Axiology is brought out.
人类已经步入知识经济时代,由此产生了知识价值论。 cnki

Secondly, the pattern is not the same fr om science epistemology to social axiology.
其次是这一模式从科学认识论到社会价值论的不可通约; cnki

The reflection on axiology of technology refers to the paradigm of philosophy of technology.
对技术价值论兴衰过程的反思涉及到技术哲学的范式问题。 cnki

Whitehead's process philosophy, which is constructed with Realism in Relation, event ontology and axiology intrinsic value, serves as a vigorous criticism of Monadology and dualism.
怀特海的过程哲学以关系实在论、事件本体论和内在价值论建构起来,这正是对单子论和二元论的有力批判。 cnki

Axiology is a component of Meta philosophy, including aspects of society, economy and culture.
价值论是元哲学的组成部分之一,涉及到社会、经济、文化等诸多方面。 cnki




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