

单词 reverently
释义 rev·er·ent·ly 英'revərəntli美'revərəntli 高TCOCA³⁷⁵⁸²BNC³³⁸¹⁰iWeb³³⁹⁸⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

with reverence; in a reverent manner;

he gazed reverently at the handiwork

近义词 humbly恭顺地in awe敬畏地respectfully恭敬地worshipfully可贵地reverentially虔诚地deferentially表示敬意地反义词 irreverently不敬地

用作副词The Cleric reached the dais andreverentlyplaced the blessed stole around Tirion's neck.他走到台前,恭敬地将这件被赐过福的披风系在提里奥的颈上。
In the next room were the count and the countessreverentlyconversing with the superior, who was paying a visit to his old acquaintances and patrons.在隔壁房间里,伯爵夫妇正坐着恭敬地和修道院长谈话,院长是来看望这两位老相识和捐助人的。
Drop on to their kneesreverently.虔诚地屈膝下跪。
Andyreverentlyslips a stack from the box and starts flipping through them.Used Nat King Coles, Bing Crosbys, etc.安迪虔诚地解开一叠唱片,开始逐张审视。as in.lovingly
同义词 admiringly,affectionately,earnestly,fondly,longingly,passionately,respectfully,thoughtfully,warmly,zealouslyadoringly,appreciatively,ardently,attentively,considerately,devotedly,dotingly,endearingly,enrapturedly,fervently,generously,impassionedly,kindly,loyally,rapturously,yearningly
lovinglyadverb tenderly
admiringly,adoringly,affectionately,appreciatively,ardently,attentively,considerately,devotedly,dotingly,earnestly,endearingly,enrapturedly,fervently,fondly,generously,impassionedly,kindly,longingly,loyally,passionately,rapturously,respectfully,thoughtfully,warmly,yearningly,zealously Even close family members, taken reverently into the“ Nessie room” in his Boston apartment or instructed never to be without cameras on Scottish holidays, could not quite understand his obsession.
他的家庭成员或是恭敬地参观了他位于波士顿公寓的“尼斯湖水怪工作室”,或被要求苏格兰度假时必须带上摄像机,但他们也无法完全了解他的痴迷。 yeeyan

The Cleric reached the dais and reverently placed the blessed stole around Tirion's neck.
他走到台前,恭敬地将这件被赐过福的披风系在提里奥的颈上。 fuwind

There, many thousands of years ago, a nameless people reverently buried their loved ones.
就在数千年前的此地,一群无名无姓的人虔诚地埋葬了他们所深爱的人。 yeeyan

There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield, but we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God.
前路可能是黑暗的,战争也不会止于战场,但我们只能为我们认为对的事情而去做出对的事,并为了对上帝虔诚的承诺。 blog.sina.com.cn

“It isn't every day that you see a whale's leg, ” he said, lifting the bone reverently in both hands.
“不是每天都能看到鲸腿,”他说着,无比虔诚地用双手捧起了遗骨。 yeeyan

A firm and persistent warrior stood reverently beside him, accompanied by a beauty in splendid attire.
一名坚定刚毅的武士恭敬的站在由一位华服美女陪伴的老人的旁边。 blog.sina.com.cn

As the store clerk reverently lifted the object out of the case, I knew it would be too small.
当店员恭敬地从柜台里取出这个物品时,我知道它肯定太小了。 yeeyan

But we can only do the right as we see the right and reverently commit our cause to God.
但我们只能做我们认为正确的事情,并向上帝虔诚祈祷。 mofunenglish

For there was in them a true but implicit faith because they had reverently embraced Christ as their sole teacher.
所以他们有了真实的,却是默从的信心,因为他们尊基督为唯一的老师; blog.sina.com.cn

He kept the objects safe in their glass cases, some reverently laid on red cloth.
他把这些东西每件都安放在各自的玻璃盒子里,有些下面还虔诚地铺着红布。 ecocn

He spoke reverently about colleges and loved walking around the Stanford campus.
他虔诚地谈到大学,说自己喜欢在斯坦佛校园漫步。 yeeyan

He treated his guest reverently, and not just because she was a nun.
他恭敬地对待他的客人,并不仅仅是因为她是一个修女。 cnpua

Let us now very reverently examine ourselves as we partake of the bread and wine.
在我们掰饼喝酒的时候,让我们虔诚的查验我们自己。 iciba

So the correct wat is to treat fun reverently, so that you may have some fresh fun now and then.
因此,正确的方法是虔诚地对待乐趣,这样才能够时不时地拥抱新鲜的快乐。 topsage

The new design was conceived to reverently knit together“ past” and comfortable traditions, while acknowledging and offering something relevant to current and future generations.
这个新的设计一方面虔诚地将过去和美好的传统相交织,同时又承认并提供一些与现在和未来一代相关的东西。 jzgcs1

Then entered in those Wise men three Full reverently upon their knee And offered there in His presence Their gold and myrrh and frankincense.
然后进入这三个智者全部恭敬地后,他们的膝盖在他面前,并提供有他们的黄金和没药和乳香。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

Then slowly, reverently, I inserted the key and wound the clock. It sprang to life.
然后,我慢慢地,恭恭敬敬地将钥匙插入钟里去,上动了发条,钥匙点燃了钟的生命。 yeeyan

Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.
这三个神圣的字眼潜移默化地决定你会成为、你能成为、你将成为什么人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wrapped in linen and reverently laid to rest, animal mummies hold intriguing clues to life and death in ancient Egypt.
裹着布条,恭敬地被安葬,动物木乃伊保留着追寻古埃及耐人寻味的生和死的线索。 cnnas

Reverently and thoroughly receive and understand parents' teachings;
恭敬地、仔细地领受和理解父母的教导; tsoidug.org




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