

单词 reverent
释义 rev·er·ent 英ˈrevərənt美ˈrɛvərəntAHDrĕvʹər-ənt ☆☆☆☆☆高IS八GCOCA³⁸³⁶⁵BNC³⁷⁹¹⁸iWeb²⁸⁵⁵⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

feeling or showing profound respect or veneration;

maintained a reverent silence

showing great reverence for god;

a godly man

leading a godly life

GRE难词记忆reverent→revere v.崇敬,敬畏+ent→崇敬的GRE难词记忆revere→re+vere=to fear 害怕→敬畏GRE难词记忆vere→veer v.转向→害怕汽车转向revere尊敬ntent有…性质的⇒谦恭的,虔诚的近义词 pure纯的awed敬畏的pious虔诚的godly敬神的monastic僧侣humble谦逊的dutiful顺从的fearful担心的religious宗教的worshipful崇拜的deferential恭敬的reverential虔诚的respectful表示尊敬的反义词 irreverent不敬的

用作形容词She gavereverentattention to the sermon.她恭敬的聆听布道。
I have never felt morereverentat a baptism.我从来没有觉得比现在更尊重洗礼。
They all maintained areverentsilence.他们都保持肃静。
She said the word artist with a gentle, understanding,reverentsmile.她说作家一词时面带高雅,理解和虔诚的微笑。adj.respectful
同义词 appreciative,deferential,gracious,polite,reverential,solemnadmiring,devout,dutiful,humble,obedient,obeisant,pious,regardful,upholding,worshipping
反义词 impolite,rude
God-fearingadjective religious
deificadjective divine
devoutadjective sincerely believing;devoted
adherent,adoring,ardent,deep,earnest,faithful,fervent,fervid,genuine,godly,goody two-shoes,goody-goody,heartfelt,holy,intense,orthodox,passionate,pietistic,pious,prayerful,profound,religious,reverent,revering,serious,sincere,veneratingworshipingzealous
holyadjective religious, sacred
lovingadjective expressing adoration
most lovingadjective expressing adoration
admiring,affectionate,amatory,amiable,amorous,anxious,appreciative,ardent,attached,attentive,benevolent,bound up,caring,concerned,considerate,cordial,dear,demonstrative,devoted,doting,earnest,enamored,erotic,expressive,faithful,fervent,fond,friendly,generous,idolatrous,impassioned,infatuated,kind,liking,loyal,passionate,respecting,reverent,reverential,romantic,sentimental,solicitous,tender,thoughtful,valuing,warm,warm-hearted,worshipful,zealous Though the practice of yoga, the reverent Indian believer expect to get rid of the life and death samsara.
虔诚的印度教信徒期望通过练习瑜伽而摆脱生死轮回。 xlxzy

To some, this suggests that the church might well need to take a position of reverent agnosticism regarding some doctrines that it had previously proclaimed with excessive conviction.
也有些人建议,依据一些早先过分肯定的教义,教会可能最好采取一种虔诚的不可知论立场。 yeeyan

“ Won't you come?” he said, beginning over and with a more reverent feeling.
“你不愿意来吗?”他带着更虔诚的感情又重复了一遍。 xddhy

After practicing Kubdalini yoga, the doer becomes very reverent to everyone in his association when he enters Samadhi.
在修炼无上瑜伽之后,每当进入三昧与人交往时,行者对所有的人都变得异常恭敬有礼。 blog.sina.com.cn

Automated lifts whizz cars about before sending them off to a cathedral-like hall to be collected by reverent buyers.
自动升降机将其送往如教堂般的大厅里,等待虔诚的买主购买。 ecocn

But does this more reverent incarnation of Facebook actually enrich adult relationships?
但是这个更加正式的 facebook的化身能够扩展成年人的交际圈吗? yeeyan

From the off, with that one phrase, Tarantino makes it clear that Inglourious Basterds will not be taking the austere, reverent approach of a Schindler's List.
从片子一开始的这句话就可以看出塔伦蒂诺根本没打算采取像《辛德勒名单》那样一丝不苟的态度。 yeeyan

He gave reverent attention to the teacher.

Herbert had a lively and reverent love for the engineer.
赫伯特对工程师也怀着一种热情而尊敬的爱。 tingroom

Jared Singing It Tastes Like Water with In Reverent Fear.
贾里德歌唱,它的味道像水在虔诚的恐惧与。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

Lake atlas being as a branch of thematic atlas, reflects the system peculiarity of lake and its valley, which is the studying way of lake and its reverent area, and is the expressing of the result.
作为专题地图集一个分枝的湖泊地图集,是反映湖泊及其流域系统特性的地图集,它是湖泊及其相关区域研究的手段,也是其研究成果的表达。 cnki

Others, usually the women, are annoyingly reverent.
另一些人,通常是女人们,却毕恭毕敬的,也挺烦人的。 yeeyan

Pilgrims trek long distances to present a pious worship, climbing enthusiasts run great risks to challenge its high altitude and the common tourists also yearn for a reverent look at this holy peak.
朝圣者的长途跋涉可以体现出他们的虔诚之心;登山爱好者冒着很大的风险来挑战这里的高海拔;普通的游客同样也怀着虔诚的心来一睹这座神圣的山峰。 kekenet

She set about dedicating herself and her sizable inheritance to returning Mother's Day to its reverent roots.
她开始奉献她自己和她绝大部分的遗产去使母亲节回到它最虔诚的根基上去。 yeeyan

Simple, sincere, good, rich sympathy I reverent search the sincere spouse, hand in hand accompanies, until forever!
朴实,真诚,善良,富有同情心的我虔诚的寻觅真诚的爱人,携手相伴,直到永远! iciba

Then Yangzijie's attitude is fairly reverent.
这时的阳子居其态度是挺恭敬的。 blog.sina.com.cn

This was nothing to do with the scrabbling desperation of a starving people, but a highly ordered, solemn and even reverent religious ritual.
这种食人行为与面临饥饿时的绝望感没有关系,这是一种极为有序、庄重、甚至具有宗教意味的仪式。 yeeyan

Though he spoke no words, he might as well have shouted out loud, “ Thank you for this child, ” or maybe something even more seductive, for these moments revealed an absolute and reverent love story.
虽然他一言未发,但却似乎是在大声宣告:“谢谢你带给我这个可爱的孩子。”抑或是一些更加温情的言语——此刻正在上演一幕绝对虔诚的爱的故事。 dict

To them it had been in truth a miracle. They never got over it, and every letter they wrote him reflected their reverent awe of that first mysterious happening.
对他们说来那确实是个奇迹,而且他们的奇迹感一直没有消失,他们给他的每一封信都表示对那神秘的初次成功肃然起敬。 ebigear




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