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词汇 reverberations
释义 reverberations riˌvə:bəˈreiʃənz COCA⁴³⁷⁴⁶BNC⁴⁴¹⁴⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.反响reverberation的名词复数;回响;反射;反射物原型reverberation的复数 As these places are now discovering, it is not just unfortunate property- owners who feel the reverberations of such monumental busts, nor are their effects confined to pocketbooks.

In the anesthetized brain, the reverberations produced a much simpler response in a much smaller region, lasting just110 milliseconds.
他们发现,处在麻醉状态下的大脑,只能在一块很小的区域内激起一连串简单的反应,并且只能持续110毫秒。 cnphys

Paul Salem, who heads the Beirut-based Carnegie Middle East Center, thinks that President Obama's trip to Cairo is likely to have positive reverberations across the Arab world.
设在贝鲁特的卡内基中东中心的领导人萨利姆认为,奥巴马总统的开罗之行很可能在整个阿拉伯世界引起积极的回响。 iciba

Sea- bottom reverberations would extrapolate back-wards in time to a zero member.
海底交混响就是按时间外推到一种时间零值的。 jukuu

The credit crunch and its reverberations are being widely felt, nowhere more so than in smaller organizations that have fewer marketing resources than the big boys.
次贷危机及其后续影响已经传遍全球,无论是大企业还是营销资源较少的小组织都难逃一劫。 yeeyan

“ We are in the midst of a regional earthquake,” says one of his ministers, clearly horrified by its possible reverberations.
作为对这个局势的反应,一位部长惊恐地称道:“我们正经受着一个区域性的地震。” ecocn

Almost six months on, the reverberations are being felt on the other side of the world.
近六个月以来,世界其他地方都出现了类似的报道。 ecocn

And how can US politicians improve their mindset so that they will care at least a bit more about the rest of the world when handling domestic affairs with global reverberations?
和美国政治家们如何改善他们的思维方式,使得他们可以处理有全球影响的国内事务时,多考虑对世界其他地区的影响。 ecocn

Designs are being slowly forced into openness by the marketplace, which has positive reverberations throughout the industry for innovation and sharing.
硬件设计正在在市场的推力下慢慢转为开放,而其对创新和分享的积极作用则会贯穿整个工业。 ibm

Devastating reverberations rippled across the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal, as towns were crushed by floodwaters and helpless fishermen were swept out to sea.
地震的振动反射引起印度洋和孟加拉湾破坏性的波涛,使沿海的城镇被洪水所冲垮,无助的渔民被卷入大海。 iciba

Gaza is only the latest bloody reminder that when this particular conflict is left to smoulder, it tends to ignite with a bang, the reverberations of which travel far beyond Palestine itself.
若放任巴以争端继续升级,矛盾就会轰然暴发,其影响远超过了巴勒斯坦本身,加沙事件只是最近的一个血淋淋的警告。 ecocn

Given the potentially wide reverberations, this will be an interesting trend to watch over the next six months.
鉴于影响范围涉及广泛,接下来的六个月中,这将会是个可供观察的有趣现象。 forbeschina

It could be that in the coming months and years, businesses in China will reinforce the domestic market as a way to fend off the global reverberations from the economic downturn.
可能在将来的几个月或几年内,中国的企业将以一种加固国内市场的方式来抵挡全球经济萧条所带来的影响。 yeeyan

It also had reverberations in parts of the prefrontal cortex.
它还在额叶皮质部分的区域产生了回响。 yeeyan

Kim was later flown to Seoul where a trial revealed a fact that would cause diplomatic reverberations: North Korea had been regularly abducting Japanese citizens to help train special agents.
Kim随后被带到首尔接受审判,而审判中透露的一个真相,也掀起了外交界的轩然大波:朝鲜曾经定期地绑架日本公民,要求他们协助培训朝鲜特工。 yeeyan

THE reverberations from last month’s ruling by Germany’s Constitutional Court on the European Union’s Lisbon treaty seem to be growing.
关于德国宪法法院上月对欧盟里斯本条约裁定的反响不断。 ecocn

The reverberations rippled far, as European Union bureaucrats fretted about the impact on the planned Portuguese bail-out.
此事的影响是深渊持久的,因为欧盟领导人正为对葡萄牙的紧急经济救助结果而担忧。 ecocn

These discontents are reverberations from German unification in1990, which saddled the country with gargantuan costs and led to a decade-long quest to regain competitiveness.
这些不满是1990年德国统一之后留下的余音,当时耗资极其庞大,如一副重担压在国家肩头,不得不再花十年以重获竞争优势。 ecocn

To track these reverberations, Dr. Tononi and his colleagues recorded brain activity with a mesh of scalp electrodes.
为了观察这些产生的刺激反射,托诺博士和他的同事用一个网状的头皮电极来记录大脑的活动。 yeeyan




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