

单词 revelry
释义 rev·el·ry 英ˈrevəlriː美ˈrɛvəlriAHDrĕvʹəl-rē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁴⁰⁸⁰⁹BNC⁴⁸⁶⁹⁶iWeb²⁸⁹⁴⁶

unrestrained merrymakingGRE红宝书revel = rebel造反, ry-狂欢
revel 狂欢,源自rebel 造反;reveal 暴露,身体暴露常是狂欢的举动,如男的打赤膊,女的穿着也暴露
GRE难词记忆revelry→revel v.狂欢+ry→revel→lever n.杠杆→GRE难词记忆revelry→ very adv.非常+real a.真实的→来自revelv.陶醉,狂欢,可能是rebelv.造反的变体近义词 play玩gaiety愉快festivity欢宴merriment欢乐revel狂欢作乐festival节日的

用作名词The sound ofrevelryfilled the house yesterday.昨天这个屋子里充满了欢闹声。
Therevelrywas snubbed by my father.我父亲终止了那次狂欢宴会。noun.merrymaking
同义词 debauchery,festivitycarousal,carouse,celebration,debauch,entertainment,festival,fun,gaiety,jollification,jollity,party,saturnalia,spreehigh jinks,reveling,revelment,whoop-de-do,whoopla
反义词 sadness,workmourning,sobriety
carnivalnoun outdoor celebration
Mardi Gras,amusement park,bacchanal,carny,carousal,circus,conviviality,exposition,fair,feasting,festival,fete,fiesta,frolic,gala,grind show,heyday,jamboree,jollification,jubilee,masquerade,merrymaking,orgy,ragbag,rout,saturnalia,side show,spree,street fair
celebrationnoun commemoration of occasion, achievement
celebrationsnoun commemoration of occasion, achievement
debaucherynoun immoral self-indulgence
bender,binge,blowout,burning candle at both ends,bust,carousal,depravity,dissipation,dissoluteness,excess,fast living,fornication,gluttony,incontinence,indulgence,intemperance,intimacy,la dolce vita,lasciviousness,lechery,lewdness,license,licentiousness,life in fast lane,lust,orgy,overindulgence,revel,revelry,seduction,sensuality,sybaritism,tear
entertainmentnoun amusement, pleasure
ball,bash,big-time,blast,blowout,celebration,cheer,clambake,delight,dissipation,distraction,diversion,divertissement,enjoyment,feast,frolic,fun,fun and games,gaiety,game,good time,grins,high time,laughs,leisure activity,lots of laughs,merriment,merrymaking,party,pastime,picnic,play,recreation,regalement,relaxation,relief,revelry,satisfaction,shindig,sport,spree,surprise,treat,wingding
festivenessnoun gaiety
blowout,celebration,conviviality,festival,festivity,fun,jollity,merriment,merrymaking,party,revelry Fresh from Berlin’s revelry, Angela Merkel went to Paris to join France’s Armistice Day commemorations, becoming the first German chancellor to take part.
离开柏林的狂欢庆典,安格拉默克尔赴巴黎参加那里举行的法国停战日纪念活动,成为第一个参与这项活动的德国总理。 ecocn

In its419th year, the festival spans nine days of revelry: Each morning, thousands of tourists and locals join in the celebrated Running of the Bulls, along the825 meter course leading to the arena.
这个节日已经举行了419年,9天的狂欢将贯穿于整个节日:每天早晨,数以千计的游客和当地居民加入到庆祝奔牛的行列里来,他们将沿着825米的赛道直达竞技场。 yeeyan

Planted on the hoods of battered Toyotas and patchwork Hondas that blared Akon and Lady Gaga, I was enraptured by the persistence of the beautifully disjointed city, its pain and its revelry.
破旧的丰田车和本田车里阿肯和嘎嘎的歌震天响。我为这个美丽而破碎的城市着迷,包括她的痛苦,她的狂欢。 yeeyan

The revelry is dancing, likely beautiful white pigeon dance.
狂欢地舞蹈着,像美丽的白鸽子舞蹈。 blog.sina.com.cn

The revelry continued all night.
狂欢活动彻夜不休。 iciba

The revelry was snubbed by my father.

While in other parts of the world there is no end to the movement and clamour of the revelry of free life, we, like the beggar maid, stand outside and longingly look on.
在世界的其他地方,狂热追求自由生活的运动与抗争从未停止,我们却像求乞的少女,站在外面眼巴巴地看着。 yeeyan

As a kid, I was totally in love with a scene in which she smashed Dionysus, the Greek god of revelry and wine, in the head with a column.
和孩子一样,我被她在与狄俄尼索斯,希腊酒神的战斗中的表现完全吸引,独占了我脑中的一方天地。 yeeyan

But in a crowd of like-minded people, the most intense drives for justice become the norm: People who may have felt a mix of emotions in response to the news can be swept up in the general revelry.
但是对于一群志同道合的人,对于正义的最强烈的渴望成为了团队标准:对于这个新闻有着复杂情绪反应的人,会被驱逐出这次有广泛参与者的狂欢。 yeeyan

But it was easy to get caught up in the revelry.
不过在那狂欢的盛宴中却很容易被狂热所感染。 yeeyan

But the end to gruelling daylight abstinence and excessive night- time revelry is not the only relief.
但白天忍受禁食折磨晚上纵情狂欢的结束并不是唯一的解脱。 ecocn

Eventually the revelry turns into a dysfunctional orgy, with “ a chain of males chasing each other, ” says one insect expertsubscription.
这种纵欲行为最终会导致功能性紊乱,“一连串雄性果蝇会加入到相互追逐的行列”,一位昆虫学家说。 yeeyan

Figurant is a temporary performance, this and that, them and us, like the revelry of familiar festivals.
龙套---临时表演,这些,那些,他们,我们,一如早就熟悉的每一个狂欢的节日画面。 www.artnow.com.cn

First come the championship rings and the raising of their15th gold-and-purple banner, along with a few minutes of revelry reflecting on last season.
首先会是总冠军戒指的颁发和他们第15面紫金冠军旗帜的升起,还会有上赛季回顾的狂欢几分钟。 chinalakers

It is most associated with towns and villages celebrating springtime fertility and revelry with fetes and community gatherings.
它和那些庆祝春季土地肥沃和祭祀以及村社集会的城镇和农村的狂欢活动紧密相联。 iciba

Just try to refrain from posting photos of drunken revelry or other questionable images that could land you in some hot water.
你需要的只是注意不要上传醉酒狂欢或是其它会给你带来麻烦的照片即可。 yeeyan

Many had come to take part in revelry, but Mr Mubarak's speech continued to be postponed.
虽然穆巴拉克总统的演说一直在推迟,然而很多人已经开始了狂欢。 yeeyan

So the revelry among Labour MPs over Mr Cameron’s predicament this week was grotesquely hypocritical.
所以本周看到卡梅伦陷入困境,工党议员载歌载舞的样子实在是伪善得可怕。 ecocn

Tens of thousands of foreign visitors descend on Pamplona, Spain each year for revelry, morning bull-runs and afternoon bullfights.
每年都有成千上万的外国游客前往西班牙潘普洛纳,参加狂欢,观看早晨的奔牛和下午的斗牛。 yeeyan

Their drunken revelry, their shameless flirting, must have offended the righteous believers in the jihad.
他们醉醺醺的狂欢,不知廉耻的调情,他们毫无疑问的冒犯了圣战中的正义的信徒们。 yeeyan




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