

单词 reveler
释义 rev·el·er 英'revələ美'revələ 高COCA³⁰¹⁸³iWeb²⁸⁷²⁸
a celebrant who shares in a noisy party;

the clubs attract revelers as young as thirteen

来自 revel,狂欢作乐。reveller摆设酒宴者
revel-er名人|物⇒n.摆设酒宴者⁴⁴;饮酒狂欢者⁴²=reveller.近义词 drinker饮者roisterer摆架子者celebrator祝贺的人party animal聚会虫reveller摆设酒宴者carouser大喝大闹的人…partygoer社交聚会常客…merrymaker寻欢作乐的人…pleasure seeker追求享乐的人…
同义词 bacchant,merrymaker,ranter,roistererbacchanalian,roysterer
bacchanalnoun merrymaking
carnival,debauch,feast,frolic,orgy,party A reveler dressed as a mermaid poses for a photo at the 25th annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade in the Brooklyn, New York.
在纽约布鲁克林举行的第25届康尼岛美人鱼大游行上,一名狂欢的女子打扮成美人鱼的样子。 yupoo

The police officer was injured when he tried to keep a party reveler from breaking off the Mercedes-Benz logo of his patrol car.
一名警察在阻止聚会人员破坏其警车的奔驰车标时受伤。 jfdaily

“ I don’t know if it will make us safer,” said one reveler, “ but it definitely sends a message.”
“我不知道这是否会让我们更安全,”其中一位参与狂欢的人说,“但是这绝对在传递一个着一个信号。” yeeyan

A reveler carries a woman on his back as he walks across burning embers during the night of San Juan in San Pedro Manrique, Spain.
在圣佩德罗曼里克圣胡安之夜上一名狂欢者背着妇女穿过穿过炽热火炭,西班牙。 thehlc.cn

Caption: DRINKING REVELER: A reveler drank during the start of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, Spain, Monday.
描述:节日狂欢:周一,一名男子在西班牙潘普洛纳举行的圣佛明节上开怀畅饮。 cnnas

Police said that the bullet might have fallen and lodged in the man's head after a reveler fired into the air to celebrate New Year.
警方表示子弹可能是狂欢者鸣枪庆祝新年后从天上掉下进入男子头部的。 www.china.org.cn




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