

单词 reveled
释义 rev·el·ed 英'revl美'revl COCA³⁶²⁸⁸
unrestrained merrymaking
take delight in;

he delights in his granddaughter

celebrate noisily, often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities;

The members of the wedding party made merry all night

Let's whoop it up--the boss is gone!

revel in深爱
近义词 do做lark云雀enjoy享受party聚会glory光荣racket球拍delight高兴revelry狂欢wassail干杯celebrate庆祝exult欢欣鼓舞luxuriate繁茂make merry作乐go to town进城festival节日的celebration典礼carnival嘉年华会have fun玩得开心jollify使愉快carousal喧闹的酒宴merrymaking尽情欢乐whoop it up欢闹庆祝take pleasure in喜欢let your hair down彻底放松

用作不及物动词Those that are ready embrace the love that is offered and revel in the joy that it brings as the love dances in their hearts.那些已准备好的人们会拥抱这被提供的爱并陶醉在它所带来的欢乐之中,因为道之爱在他们的心中舞蹈。用作名词Now I am go to rest and revel to my heart's content.现在我要休息,并狂欢到我心满意足。
The only private dining room of its kind in Beijing with a private bar and VIP restroom is the perfect location for those who revel in a luxurious and privileged world.在北京,这种唯一带有私人酒吧和贵宾休息室的私用餐厅,对于那些在奢华和拥有特权的世界中狂欢的人而言是最理想的地方。 And the best part is they reveled in the attention of excellent role models, and enthusiastically engaged their brains in learning!
我认为最大的收获是孩子们被榜样的行动所影响并积极模仿,在学习中锻炼了他们的大脑! tomsettschool

Apparently, it caused a village scandal that she supervised men, but Cina, Bourke and the village women reveled in it.
由于她管理着男人们,所以被认为是村里的一大丑闻,但是布瑞克和村里的妇女对此得意洋洋。 yeeyan

Internet users and bloggers throughout the region reveled in what Tunisian protestors had achieved, calling for copycat actions elsewhere.
该区域的网名和博主为突尼斯抗议者所取得的成绩欢呼雀跃,呼吁他处紧随其后。 yeeyan

The American Journal of Medical Science reveled that when people laugh, the body decreases the production of stress hormones, which was replaced by powerful internal healing hormones.
《美国医学杂志》上说,当人们发笑的时候,人体会减少压力激素的分泌,并随之产生高效的内部修复激素。 yeeyan

The foreign guests reveled in the scenery of the lake.
外宾们十分喜爱湖上的景色。 hotdic

The Japanese people supported the war, cheered the victories and reveled in the spoils it brought.
日本人支持战争,庆贺胜利,对自己的暴虐行为洋洋自得。 yeeyan

All sorts of mad ideas reveled in my mind.

By mid- century, the New York Times journalist James Reston spoke of the “ cozy relationship between reporters and officials, ” in which he himself reveled.
到那个世纪中叶,《纽约时报》记者詹姆斯·赖斯顿,已能靠大谈“记者与官员令人惬意的关系”而自我陶醉。 yeeyan

Famous, like empires, for the rise and fall of theories, economics as a discipline has often reveled in the assertive confidence of a social science, while burnishing its scientific aspirations.
和帝国一样,理论也以时兴与没落相互轮替而出名。经济学作为一个学科一方面常常沉迷于社会科学的过份自信中,另一方面又不断提升着自己的科学抱负。 worldbank

He had enjoyed being outdoors and had reveled in pitting his strength against the forces of nature.
他享受呆在户外,也陶醉于施展自己的力量,挑战大自然。 yeeyan

He no longer took the award for granted and, more important, he reveled in knowing he had achieved the honor on his own: He was the one who called his pastor and asked him to write a recommendation.
他不再认为获奖是理所当然,更为重要的是,他为凭自己的努力赢得荣誉而感到高兴:是他自己打电话请牧士给他写推荐信。 blog.sina.com.cn

He reveled in his newfound freedom, spending nearly all his free time playing outdoors with the other boys in town and soon becoming a leader.
他陶醉在新获得的自由中,几乎所有的空闲时间他都在外面和镇子里的其他们孩子玩耍并且很快就成了小头头儿。 hxen

I sat back down in silent shock, and for the next ten precious minutes, reveled in the stream of life flowing between Katherine's hand and Beau's head.
我暗自惊讶,又坐了下来。随后的10分钟我感受着凯瑟琳的手和博的头之间那种生命之源的流淌。 xddhy

I wanted to be part of the “ rest of the world” even as I reveled in the extraordinary culture of Internet startup land.
我希望身处于“外面的世界”里,因为我对互联网创业世界的特殊文化很着迷。 cnblogs

Mack used foul language, slammed phones, reveled in internal politics and rallied his troops at Morgan Stanley to crush the competition, galvanizing the firm's Times Square headquarters in Manhattan.
麦晋桁会说粗话、摔电话、酷爱办公室政治、聚集摩根士丹利的部属打击对手、大肆装修公司在曼哈顿时代广场的总部。 acsf

Markets reveled at these decisions and the yen slid lower on the crosses due to them, much to the joy of the BoJ.
这些决定令市场欢欣鼓舞,日元因此全线走软。看到日元下跌,最雀跃的当属日本央行。 blog.sina.com.cn

She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students.
她喜欢打扮自己,因为大家投给她的关注使她兴奋不已。 blog.sina.com.cn

She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed up her from the other students.
她喜欢精心打扮,陶醉于其他学生对她的注意。 hjenglish

The farmer not only worked harder, but often reveled in his longer hours.
农民不仅更卖力气干活,而且常常起早贪黑地干也心甘。 chinashakestheworldbook

There is no doubt that Osama bin Laden had to answer for the ideology he espoused and the death and destruction he reveled in.
无疑,本拉登要为他所奉行的理念和因他而起的死亡和破坏负责。 docin

They lived in very close quarters, cooked elaborate meals together, and reveled in the rare opportunity that good fortune had given them.
他们住在很近距离,熟精心一起吃饭,造化给了他们陶醉在难得的机遇。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

They reveled away the time.

Though from different worlds, they reveled in their differences. They spent months learning about each other, exploring and appreciating their different needs, preferences, and even behavior patterns.
因为来自不同世界,他们实现了彼此的不同,不过他们花好几个月彼此学习、研究并感激他们各自有不同世界的需要、嗜好及行为模式。 hjenglish

Though from different worlds, they reveled in their differences.

Under his guidance, the night elves developed a strong empathy for the living forests of ancient Kalimdor and reveled in the harmonious balance of nature.
在他的指导下,暗夜精灵与古卡利姆多的森林建立起了强力的相通感,并且陶醉在自然的和谐平衡中。 ngacn

Until now, public universities have reveled in the sovereign immunity they enjoy under the Eleventh Amendment.
到现在为止,公立大学的主权豁免权沉醉于他们在第十一届修订享受。 mysipo

Using the stress and frequency region reveled the loess dynamic performance under compaction process;
通过应力和频域,分析了黄土在压实过程中的动态特性; cnki

Yup, he was a handful, and I reveled in his passionate pursuits.
是的,他个性鲜明,我沉醉于他热情的追求之中。 yeeyan




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