

单词 retroviral
释义 ret·ro·vi·rus 英'retrəʊvaɪrəs美'retroʊvaɪrəs 高COCA¹²¹²⁴⁰BNC⁶⁴²⁴¹iWeb⁵⁰⁰⁸²
n.逆转录酶病毒 一种致肿瘤病毒形容词retroviral名词复数retroviruses
any of a group of viruses that contain two single-strand linear RNA molecules per virion and reverse transcriptase RNA to DNA; the virus transcribes its RNA into a cDNA provirus that is then incorporated into the host cellhamster retrovirus地鼠逆转病毒…
The human genome has accumulated over millions of years of evolution a lot of viral fragments called endogenous retroviral sequences.
经过几百万年长时间的进化,人体能够制造出许多被称为内生逆转录序列的病毒 HERV。 yeeyan

The vaccine is at least10 years away, and in the meantime everyone needs prevention and people living with HIV need access to anti- retroviral treatment.
艾滋病疫苗的成功研制至少尚需十年时间,在这期间,每个人都要注意预防,艾滋病毒感染者也要得到抗逆转录治疗。 worldbank

Anti- retroviral therapy for HIV- infected children greatly improves survival rates and quality of life.
为艾滋病毒感染儿童提供抗逆转录病毒治疗,可大大提高存活率和生活质量。 who

As anti- retroviral treatment has become more available, I've seen the attitude of many of them change from hopelessness to optimism.
随着抗逆转病毒疗法变得越来越可以承受,我看到他们许多人的态度从绝望变为乐观。 worldbank

Blocking transmission can only be done with an extensive testing regime followed by rapid treatment with anti- retroviral drugs to everyone found to be HIV positive, he said.
阻断传播只能通过广泛的治疗计划和对每个检测为 HIV阳性的人,采取紧跟的迅速的采取抗逆转录病毒药物的治疗。 yeeyan

Clearly, this retroviral gene fills an important niche in mammalian biology, but, on the other hand, mammals were able to reproduce perfectly well before they were first infected.
显然,这种逆转录病毒基因填补了哺乳动物生物学的一个小生境,但是从另一方面来说,在第一次感染此类病毒以前,哺乳动物已经能够完美的生殖了。 ecocn

Many health workers die from AIDS, as other young adults do, because even they don’t have access to anti- retroviral treatment.
与其他年轻成人一样,许多卫生工作者也死于艾滋病,因为他们也得不到抗逆转录疗法的治疗。 worldbank

Mr Clinton's greatest success so far has been cutting the price of anti- retroviral drugs for AIDS victims in poor countries. This involved negotiating bulk- purchase agreements with generic drugmakers.
迄今为止克林顿所取得的最重要成就,就是降低了穷国艾滋病患者抗逆转录病毒药品的价格,为此还同药品仿制商签订了大宗采购协议。 ecocn

New research suggests the risk of an HIV-positive person transmitting the disease to an uninfected partner can be reduced drastically if they are given early treatment with anti- retroviral drugs.
最新研究显示,如果接受早期的抗逆转录药物治疗, HIV阳性病人将疾病传染给伴侣的风险会大大降低。 hxen

Now160 of the women, who are getting retroviral treatment, can feel part of the community.
现在,160名接受抗逆转录病毒治疗的妇女可以感受到她们是社区的一分子。 fao

One example of pre- exposure prophylaxis is the use of anti- retroviral drugs as a preventive measure.
关于接触前预防的一个例子就是应用抗逆转录病毒药物作为预防措施。 hjenglish

Potent anti- retroviral medications have reduced the number of AIDS deaths, but AIDS is still an illness for which there is no vaccine and no cure.
高效抗逆转录病毒疗法已经减少了艾滋病死亡人数,但是艾滋病仍然是一种没有疫苗、无法治愈的疾病。 yeeyan

Provided the plan's targets are met, by the end of2015, all TB patients will be tested for HIV and, if the test is positive, receive anti- retroviral drugs and other appropriate HIV care.
为实现全球计划的目标,到2015年底,将为所有结核病人筛检艾滋病毒,如呈艾滋病毒阳性,将为他们提供抗逆转录病毒药品和其他适当的艾滋病毒治疗手段。 who

Rath, a German doctor, appears to have encouraged South Africans suffering from HIV to stop using anti- retroviral drugs and take his vitamin pills instead.
拉特是一位德国医生,他似乎力劝南非的艾滋病感染者中止服用抗逆转录病毒药物,转而服用他开的维生素药片。 yeeyan

She noted that the HIV/ AIDS pandemic appears to have peaked and that anti- retroviral therapy is resulting in fewer deaths.
她指出,艾滋病和艾滋病毒的流行看来已经过了高峰期,抗反转录病毒疗法减少了死亡的人数。 voanews

The team treated five infected patients who had not responded to at least two different programmes of treatment using conventional anti- retroviral drugs.
这个科研小组对五名对至少两种传统抗逆转录疗法不敏感的患者实施了基因疗法。 ecocn

To combat the progression of the disease, which had reduced her body weight to a mere 75 pounds, doctors prescribed a regime of anti- retroviral therapies and nutritional supplements.
艾滋病使她的体重减少到75英磅,为了防止疾病的进一步扩散,医生对她采用了抗逆转录病毒药物的疗法,同时给她补充营养。 yeeyan




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