

单词 retrenching
释义 re·trench·ing 英rɪ'trentʃ美rɪ'trentʃ COCA⁹⁶⁴³²BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
tighten one's belt; use resources carefullymake a reduction, as in one's workforce;

The company had to retrench

近义词 save救shave刮lessen减少abridge删节shorten弄短cut back削减economize节约draw in your horns打退堂鼓缩减…tighten your belt勒紧腰带(忍饥受寒…

Inflation has forced us toretrench.因通货膨胀我们不得不紧缩开支。 With consumers cutting back and private borrowers retrenching, only the government can prop up demand and fend off economic meltdown.
现在,消费者们都在节省开支,私人借款者缩减经费,只有政府能撑起消费,防止经济崩溃。 yeeyan

Analysts said the News Corporation had been retrenching in China for some years.
分析人士称新闻集团早就开始在中国减持股份。 yeeyan

Banks are still very much in the process of retrenching and tightening lending standards.
银行仍然在收紧和加强借贷标准。 iciba

BNP Paribas’s recent history is not about being brilliantly contrarian— expanding in downturns and retrenching in booms.
巴黎银行最近的历史并不是关于其出色的逆向投资----即在萧条时扩张而在繁荣中紧缩。 ecocn.org

Consumers have responded by retrenching big-time.
这已促使消费者们大幅削减支出。 cei.lib.whu.edu.cn

Conversely, if a manager has a reputation of retrenching people, tearing people apart, killing dreams and achieving little, talents with dreams will be attracted to“ dream maker” managers.
相反,经理人因习惯于裁减员工、扼杀员工梦想,有识之士就会被其他能“造梦”的经理人所吸引走。 mypm

Even Goldman Sachs, Wall Street’s most profitable firm, is retrenching.
甚至高盛投资银行,华尔街最能盈利的公司,也在紧缩开支。 yeeyan

In the process of repeatedly extracting solution required by the stress adjustment, the retrenching computing method is used, which makes the calculating time obviously reduced.
在因应力调整而必须的反复求解过程中采用了紧缩计算技术,使计算量成十倍地减小。 ilib

In essence then, the Anglosphere's response to the slowdown has been to offset the world's rise in desired savings when its own bubble- hit private sector was retrenching.
因此从本质上说,尽管盎格鲁经济圈内受泡沫打击的私人部门一度不断紧缩,但该地区一直都在抵消全球预期储蓄的上升,以此应对全球经济的滑坡。 xici

Thatcher presented a clear break with the socialist past, advocating a return to the market economy and a retrenching of Britain's welfare state.
而撒切尔夫人明确表示与社会主义者决裂,回到市场经济,削弱英国的福利色彩。 yeeyan

The reconstruction realizes high effect of oil pump, achieves the purpose of retrenching energy, reducing energy consumption and improving output.
通过改造,实现了抽油机高效运行,达到了节能降耗和提高产量的目的。 chemyq

Retrenching businesses include transport businesses with insufficient supply and weak competitive power, chemical industry without market prospect, and clothing businesses with weak competitive power.
实行紧缩战略的产业是业务不足竞争力差的运输业、没有市场前景的化工产业、竞争力差的服装制造业等。 fabiao




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