

单词 retreating
释义 retreating 英rɪ'trit美rɪ'trit 高COCA²³⁴⁹⁵BNC²⁹⁰⁸⁵iWeb²⁸⁵⁶²Economist¹¹⁸⁴¹
动词 retreat:
pull back or move away or backwardmove away, as for privacymove backmake a retreat from an earlier commitment or activityretreating chin向后削的下巴…
retreat-ing动名词⇒再加工;再精制as in.flight
同义词 exodusbreak,breakout,escape,escapement,escaping,exit,fugue,getaway,lam,out,powder,retreatexfiltration,getaway car,running away
反义词 arrival,comingstanding,staying,waiting
flightnoun fleeing;departure
break,breakout,escape,escapement,escaping,exfiltration,exit,exodus,fugue,getaway,getaway car,lam,out,powder,retreat,running away A retreating enemy is probably just falling back and regrouping.

The command change comes as Libyan rebels are regrouping on the eastern front after retreating from forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.
在利比亚行动的指挥权移交之际,利比亚反政府武装在东部重新集结,此前,他们在忠于利比亚领导人卡扎菲军队的袭击中撤退。 voa365

The overall thawing of Arctic climates, as well as increasing sea level rise, have these islands retreating more rapidly than elsewhere in the world.
北极地区气候的整体解冻变暖以及海平面逐渐上升,使得这些岛屿比起地球上其他任何地球都消逝更快。 yeeyan

The retreating soldiers looted and killed in Goma as they fled the front line in late October and did the same more recently as they pulled out from the town of Kanyabayonga.
10月底,撤退的战士从前线逃跑之后便在戈马进行着抢劫与残杀活动,而在他们最近逃离卡尼亚巴永加小镇之后更是加大了这种恶行。 ecocn

“ She's not retreating, ” he says. “ She's reloading!”
他父亲说,“她没有撤退”,“她正重整旗鼓!” yeeyan

“ These glaciers are not simply retreating, ” Thompson says.
这些冰川并不仅仅是简单的消融。 yeeyan

All the same, future danger cannot be averted simply by declaring victory or accepting defeat and retreating behind a Great Wall of America.
当然,未来的危险并不是靠宣布胜利或承认失败和躲在美国“长城”背后,就可以避免的。 ecocn

And retreating Arctic sea ice provides even more visible data to support conclusions of warming.
而北冰洋冰块的后退为变暖的结论提供了更明显的数据支持。 ecocn

At the Berezina River, the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river.
在别列兹那河,俄国人焚烧了涨水的河道上的桥梁,差点将后撤的法军困于河边。 ebigear

By contrast, the rebels insist on maximalist aims while consistently retreating to a north-eastern rump where they are vulnerable to the colonel's predations.
相反,反抗组织坚持最高原则,不断撤退到东北部的一个残存据点,而那里容易遭受卡扎菲上校的蚕食。 ecocn

Courage was mine, and I had mystery, Wisdom was mine, and I had mastery: To miss the march of this retreating world Into vain citadels that are not walled.

In addition, during the early years of that period, there were many wars between retreating colonial powers and independence movements, a source of violence that has almost disappeared.
此外,在冷战早期,回撤中的殖民国家与独立运动之间也发生了许多战争,这些也是暴力的来源之一,但迄今差不多已经消失了。 ecocn

Our problem is that America— turned inward by economic fears and isolationist tendencies — is in the process of beggaring its foreign assistance programs and retreating from global engagement.
我们面临的问题是,美国,这个因经济方面的担忧和孤立政策转而向内的国家,正在乞求别国的援助,并从国际舞台上撤退。 yeeyan

The ROI that Agile can deliver is striking, and will give even a risk-averse manager a powerful reason to reconsider retreating to traditional, plan-driven approaches.
敏捷所能交付的 ROI是十分突出的,并且将促使风险管理者重新考虑是否要撤退到传统的、方法驱动的方式。 ibm

They worked to keep their markets open, rather than retreating into self- defeating measures of discrimination and protection.
他们致力于继续开放市场,而不是退回到自我击败的歧视和保护措施中去。 putclub

This danger was a great one, but the peril of retreating was still greater.
这一危险很大,但后退的危险则更大。 ebigear

This exclamation was caused by her pushing the hat from her head, and retreating to the chimney out of my reach.
这句话是因为她把帽子推开,退到烟囱那边,使我抓不到她,这才叫出来的。 putclub

To seek persistent disequilibrium means that one must chase after disruption without succumbing to it, or retreating from it.
寻求持续的不平衡意思就是,一个人在崩溃之后也要必须继续追逐梦想,决不能屈服,或是逃避。 yeeyan

Women are retreating from marriage as they go into the workplace.
当女性向事业进军的同时她们从婚姻中撤退。 ecocn




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