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词汇 retreat
释义 re·treat 英rɪˈtriːt美rɪˈtritAHDrĭ-trētʹ ★★★☆☆高四六研GIST宝4八COCA⁶³³⁴BNC⁷⁰⁷⁷iWeb⁵³¹⁴Economist³⁵⁶³

vi. 撤退; 退却

go back; withdraw

vi. 规避,逃走,逃避

go away to a place of shelter or privacy


act or instance of retreating


a military signal for retreating

C退隐处; 藏匿处; 避难所

a place into which one can go for peace and safety


a period of prayer, thought, and religious study, with a group

military withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position to escape the enemy's superior forces or after a defeat;

the disorderly retreat of French troops

a place of privacy; a place affording peace and quietmilitary a signal to begin a withdrawal from a dangerous positionmilitary a bugle call signaling the lowering of the flag at sunsetan area where you can be alonewithdrawal for prayer and study and meditation;

the religious retreat is a form of vacation activity

the act of withdrawing or going backward especially to escape something hazardous or unpleasant
pull back or move away or backward;

The enemy withdrew

The limo pulled away from the curb

move away, as for privacy;

The Pope retreats to Castelgondolfo every summer

move back;

The glacier retrogrades

make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity;

We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him

He backed out of his earlier promise

The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns

retreat, retire, withdraw


retire指从公共场所移到私人场所,用法较为正式; withdraw与retire相似,为正式用语,现已较少使用; retreat多指从危险的处境中退出,也可能从一个地方移到另一个安静的私人场所。






re-,向后,往回,treat,拉,处理,词源同tract。即回拉,引申词义撤退,退离。 re来自拉丁语re,关于,就有关事项。来自res的离格。来自res,事情,事物,词源同real。re-向后,往回,相对,相反,再,表强调,来自拉丁语re,向后,往回,相对,相反,再。作为强调有时仅表强调。 treat来自古法语traitier,处理。来自拉丁语tractare,管理,引导。来自拉丁语trahere的反复格动词形式,词源同tract, entreat。引申词义对待,治疗,款待等。拼写比较fact, feat。 tract来自拉丁语tractus,跑道,路径。来自拉丁语trahere,拖,拉,使移动。来自原始印欧语*tragh,拖,拉,使移动。来自原始印欧语*dhragh,拉,拉出,词源同draw, tract。引申词义一片土地,地带,道,束等。来自拉丁语tractare,处理,操纵,对待。来自拉丁语trahere的反复格动词形式,词源同treat, treatise。引申词义小书,论文,小册子等。
用作动词 v.
~+副词retreat further撤得更远retreat hastily〔rapidly〕仓促〔急忙〕撤退~+介词retreat before sth在…面前撤退retreat from the town撤出该镇retreat to a warm place离开到暖和的地方用作名词 n.动词+~beat〔carry out, make〕 a retreat撤退go on retreat进行静修聚会play retreat吹退军号形容词+~full〔good, hasty, strategic〕 retreat完全〔安全,匆匆,战略〕撤退religious retreat有宗教色彩的静修聚会名词+~country retreat乡间僻静处weekend retreat周末聚会介词+~in full retreat全线溃退~+介词a retreat from border从边境撤退
retreat from v.+prep.

避开…move away from or try to get rid of sb/sth

retreat to v.+prep.

撤退到move back to

retreat to sthThe soldiers were ordered to retreat to safer positions behind the lines.士兵们奉命撤退到后方较为安全的阵地上去。钱博士re回+treat=tract-,拖→拖回来⇒撤退
GRE红宝书re反, treat = tract拉-拉回-撤退
近于retract;re回 + 音:撤退;他treat请了我一次,是场盛宴。我说,你re再treat一次吧,结果他撤了,不知隐藏到哪去了;
re回+treat=tract 拉→拉回,撤退
故事记忆好好将她 Treat对待想把情敌 Defeat击败表白在心 Repeat重复开口却又 Retreat退缩非常记忆re热〖拼音〗+treat款待〖熟词〗⇒过分热情的款待使他退却词根记忆re向后+treat=tract拉拽→向后拉→撤退,退却词根记忆re-再treat=tract拉⇒拉回,撤退词根记忆re + treat=tract拉⇒拉回,撤退词根记忆re回+treat=处理回去=退回去=隐退综合记忆re再次treat音“催他”后退近义词 leaveescaperetireflightprivacyv. departretirementwithdrawn. departure反义词 rushengagechargeentrancev. advancemove forwardton. advance
S+~+AOur soldiers force the enemy toretreat.我们的战士迫使敌人后退。用作名词n.The general ordered the bugler to sound theretreat.将军命令号手吹号收兵。
He lives in a quietretreat.他住在一个僻静的地方。
They spent a week in aretreat.他们静修了一周。Pretreating再精制再处理Pretreatismn.退却主义逃跑主义

用作名词The troop made good theirretreatfrom the occupied city.部队从沦陷的城市安全撤出。
He immediately sounded aretreat.他立刻下令撤退。
The minister made an undignifiedretreatfrom his earlier position.那部长很不光彩地背离了他原先的立场。
The Senator made an embarrassingretreatfrom his earlier position.这位参议员很尴尬地改变了他早先的立场。
He has a littleretreatin the mountains.他在山里有一个小的静养处。
Mike used to go to his comfortableretreatby the lake alone.麦克常常独自去位于湖边的舒适的隐居处。用作动词After several reverses the enemy was forced toretreat.几经失败之后,敌军被迫后撤。
The soldiers had toretreatwhen they were beaten in battle.士兵们在战斗中受挫,不得不撤退。
You can'tretreatfrom the responsibility in this affair.你不能回避在这一事件中的责任。
Heretreatsfrom the public eye.他避开公众的眼睛。noun.departure
同义词 evacuation,flight,withdrawalebb,retirement
反义词 advance,arrival, one goes for peace
同义词 haven,hideaway,refuge,resort,sanctuary,shelterark,asylum,cell,cloister,convent,cover,covert,defense,den,habitat,harbor,haunt,hermitage,port,privacy,retirement,seclusion,security,solitudeadytum,hiding place,ivory tower,safe house,safe place
反义词 advance,arrival,comingverb.pull back, go away
同义词 abandon,back down,back off,backtrack,depart,escape,evacuate,fall back,go,go back,hide,leave,pull out,recede,reel,retire,reverse,shrink,withdrawavoid,back,decamp,disengage,ebb,elude,evade,fold,quail,quit,recoil,regress,relinquish,resign,retrograde,run,sequester,vacateback away,back out,beat it,cave in,draw back,give ground,go along with,hand over,keep aloof,keep apart,lay down,move back,opt out,retrocede,seclude oneself,start back,turn tail
反义词 advance,come,continue,enter,forge,forward,go forward,keep,meet,remain,stay,face,take on
arknoun boat
asylumnoun refuge
cover,den,harbor,haven,hideaway,hideout,hole,ivory tower,port,preserve,refuge,retreat,safe house,safety,sanctuary,security,shelter
avoidancenoun eluding;preventing
absention,circumvention,delay,departure,dodge,dodging,elusion,escape,escapism,eschewal,evasion,flight,forbearance,nonparticipation,parry,passive resistance,prevention,recession,recoil,restraint,retreat,runaround,self-restraint,shirking,shunning,steering clear of
backverb put in reverse direction
backtrack,drive back,fall back,recede,regress,repel,repulse,retire,retract,retreat,reverse,turn tail,withdraw
back awayverb move away backwards
back out,backpedal,crawfish,pull back,retreat,withdraw
back downverb back off
abandon,accede,acquiesce,admit,back off,back out,back pedal,backtrack,balk,beg off,bow out,cancel,cave in,chicken out,concede,cop out,demur,give ground,give in,give up,go back on,have no fight left,hold back,pull back,pull out,recant,recoil,renege,resign,retreat,submit,surrender,take back,wimp out,withdraw,withdraw from agreement or statement,yield Yet, despite this nerve-racking spasm, the recorded figures suggest that the violence is still in retreat.
尽管这是令人伤脑筋的突发事件,记录数据表明暴力袭击仍在撤退。 ecocn

And if we back away, if we give up on it, if we show any signs of retreat at all, then the enemy we face worldwide will be strengthened.
如果我们退出,如果我们放弃,如果我们表现出任何撤退的迹象,那么我们所面临的敌人将会强大起来。 hxen

As the debt crisis has deepened, Germany has had to retreat from one red line after another.
随着债务危机的深化,德国不得不一次有一次地从一个警戒线退到另一个警戒线。 ecocn

But even now, the global economy is seeing some troubling signs of capital retreat.
但是,即使现在,全球经济正显示出一些资本撤退的迹象。 yeeyan

Every year since2007 he has been willing to take bets from all comers that the ice will not retreat past the2007 minimum.
自从2007年开始,他每年都乐意同所有的博客访问者打赌:冰层覆盖范围将不会退至低于2007年的最低值。 ecocn

Every night, I retreat to my lonely bedsit, and sit and do some life doing.
每天晚上,我都退隐到我的小房间里面,坐着随便做点什么事。 kekenet

He retreated, leaving Marius alone in the cemetery, and there was discipline in this retreat.
他连忙往后退,把马吕斯独自一个丢在那公墓里,他在后退时是有纪律的。 ebigear

He was not one to retreat but rather one who would take up the gauntlet.

If that was a tactical retreat in the war on drugs, the following day brought a headlong flight.
如果这是在毒品战中一次策略性的撤退,接下来的一天却带来了急速的飞跃。 ecocn

Is there a danger that America will choose, in the end, to retreat behind a different kind of shield— not one that guards against missiles, but one that aims to shut out the world?
是否存在这样的危险,即美国将最终选择撤退到另一种盾牌之后——不是防御导弹之盾,而是旨在将世界拒之门外的盾牌? ecocn

It is necessary to maintain the principle of national independence and not to allow any slightest concession and retreat in the confrontation with the imperialists, without fearing them.
我们有必要继续保持国家独立,并且不允许我们自己做出一点点小小的倒退。 我们不能在与帝国主义者的斗争中害怕他们,并且退却。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, he did not retreat.
不过他并不后退。 ebigear

No retreat is allowed, only advance.

Our soldiers force the enemy to retreat.
我们的战士迫使敌人后退。 kekenet

SARAH PALIN once urged her supporters not to retreat but to reload.
莎拉佩林曾经敦促她的支持者们不要后退,而是重新上路。 ecocn

So at times of trouble they will retreat from risky assets such as hedge funds and into cash and government bonds.
因此在困难时期他们将从有风险的投资,例如对冲基金当中退出,转向现金和政府债券。 ecocn

That need not mean isolationism or retreat.
这并不意味着孤立或退却。 yeeyan

These small pluses meant the retreat by consumers and firms did not drag the economy down by more.
这些小的加总使得退却的消费者和公司没有进一步拖累经济。 yeeyan

Unsurprisingly, Young would soon retreat from the runaway success of this album.
扬能很快从这张专辑瞬息的成功中退避出来不足为奇。 yeeyan

When it needs to retreat, we release it from the pool, which will to a large extent hedge away its impact on China macro economy.
等到它需要撤退的时候,我们再把它从池子里放出去让它走。这将在很大程度上对冲掉资本异常流动对中国宏观经济的冲击。 ecocn

Yet the retreat is evidence of the pressure that Western forces are feeling.
然而,此次撤退仍是西方军队所感受到的压力的一项证据; ecocn

Retreat under fire is the most difficult and perilous of all military operations.
敌火下撤退是一切军事行动中最困难和危险的。 yeeyan




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